Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter eight hundred and fortieth seckill

Following the order of the Vampire Marquis, a Vampire Baron screamed, and the figure rushed towards Qin Xue.

As a vampire family, this baron's speed is extremely fast, and his screams may be abrupt in other places, but this is a haunted house, and screaming is normal here!

Seeing that the vampire baron rushed in front of Qin Xue, he even showed his fangs and claws, completely restored to the vampire form, in the eyes of this baron, Qin Xue is like a delicious and juicy blood food!

"Ah!" When the vampire baron rushed in front of her, Qin Xue suddenly opened her mouth and let out a silent scream. This scream could not be heard by ordinary humans, because its sonic frequency has exceeded that of human beings. identifiable range.

This ultrasonic wave sent out through the vibration of mental power went straight to the baron's face, and the vampires have bat-like abilities, and they can receive ultrasonic waves of this frequency!

"Ow..." The moment the vampire baron rushed in front of Qin Xue, he was hit by the ultrasonic wave. The vampire who was clawing his teeth and claws bleed instantly, and he knelt on the ground. Even the other three vampires behind the baron had expressions of pain on their faces.

This ability to launch a sonic attack through mental power is a stunt that Qin Xue learned from Batulu, and this technique is the most common attack method used by the leaders of the swarm, because there are no tentacles, no fangs and sharp teeth. , In addition to the huge spiritual power, the swarm leaders have no means of attack at all.

The attack method of mental power cannot directly affect all creatures. Those creatures with extremely low brain capacity and low intelligence are almost not affected by the direct attack of mental power, so the swarm leaders have mastered this kind of attack. By triggering a sonic attack through the vibration of mental power, it can destroy those creatures whose direct mental power attack is ineffective.

Although the vampire family has powerful intelligence and can be attacked by mental power, these guys have an extremely obvious weakness, that is, they are extremely sensitive to ultrasonic waves. As long as they lock the exclusive frequency, they can attack with half the effort.

And Qin Xue's huge mental power can quickly scan these vampires, identify their ultrasonic weaknesses, and then strike them with highly targeted attacks. The vampire baron in front of him is an example.

Because Qin Xue's attack frequency was specifically aimed at this baron's weakness, other vampires looked ugly, but they didn't actually suffer much damage, but the unfortunate baron who bore the brunt of it was miserable. Qin Xue's mental power attack directly Injured his central nervous system, causing a devastating blow to him!

"Shhh!" Immediately afterwards, Qin Xue's eyes flashed a cold light, and at that moment, her eyes returned to their original appearance - pure white eyes were terrifying.

With this cold light,

Qin Xue's real ultimate move was launched. This was the purest mental blow. It directly destroyed the consciousness of the vampire baron and instantly turned him into a vegetative state! If this vampire baron hadn't been hit by an ultrasonic wave aimed at his weakness, he might have been able to resist Qin Xue's mental attack.

Although the vampires do not specialize in mental power, they have lived long enough after all, so the mental power reserve is relatively abundant compared to humans, but the problem is that after the highly targeted sonic attack just now, the vampire baron was attacked. When it was hit hard, he couldn't concentrate at all, let alone confront Qin Xue.

Under such circumstances, it makes sense that this vampire baron was instantly killed by Qin Xue's mental attack!

"This girl is not an ordinary person! Let's go together!" It took less than two seconds for the whole process from when the vampire baron launched the attack to Qin Xue's instant kill. When the vampire baron reacted. , one of his subordinates has become a vegetable.

So in this case, the vampire marquis didn't dare to neglect, he immediately ordered his subordinates to attack Qin Xue with all his strength, and he himself rushed forward.

Facing the three vampires rushing towards her, Qin Xue did not panic at all. Her eyes were constantly flashing with brilliance. Just as the three vampires rushed towards her, a transparent barrier appeared in front of her. Protect her from behind.

"Bang bang bang..." The three vampires slammed into the barrier one after another. The Marquis was a little better, and the two barons smashed their heads. You must know that Qin Xue's energy level has reached the second level of Stormtrooper Team. At the pinnacle of her level, she even had to overwhelm the vampire marquis. With two little barons in front of her, it was no different from giving away the head.

"Shhhhh..." As the brilliance in Qin Xue's eyes flickered, three transparent spears appeared in the air. Although these spears, which were fully materialized by spiritual power, were translucent, they were very inconspicuous. Eye-catching, but exudes a terrifying aura.

"Swish swish..." The three spears launched and shot straight at the chests of the three vampires. The marquis quickly pulled away, the spear sank into the ground and disappeared without a trace, but the two barons couldn't react at all, so they were caught The spear went through!

"Bang! Bang!" The two vampire barons were nailed to the ground, their bodies shriveled quickly, and then dissipated with the wind. These vampire barons had long exhausted their vitality as humans. They survived for such a long time because of the blood power bestowed by the blood tribe's first embrace. Now that the spear penetrated the body and destroyed the core of their life - the heart, they were finished in an instant.

"Damn! The intelligence made a mistake! This mission can't be completed! Now we must evacuate!" After all the younger brothers knelt down, the Vampire Marquis also found that it was impossible for him to kill the girl in front of him. Now he must evacuate first. As for the follow-up How to go about this matter has been handled smoothly, that's what we'll talk about.

"Shuh!" With a strong jump, the vampire Marquis turned into a blood bat and wanted to escape in the dark, but Qin Xue never used her eyes to observe the enemy. She used her mental power to lock in, so she turned into a blood bat and hid in the dark. The Vampire Marquis among them has never disappeared from Qin Xue's field of vision!

"Swish!" A large network of spiritual power appeared out of nowhere. After several months of hard training and with her own strong talent, Qin Xue learned a lot from Baturu about the use of spiritual energy. These skills are nothing. The name is loud, but it is practical, this vampire marquis has no chance to escape in front of Qin Xue!


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