"Brother, are you waiting?" Qin Xue asked directly.

"It's all here, so don't wait, just do it." Qin Hao said, they didn't do it at first, the main purpose was to meet Jim, now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to watch Jim's performance up.

And Qin Hao can also foresee what Jim wants to do next. Judging from the layout of this room, Qin Hao knows that this boy has harmed many girls, and it is estimated that few of those girls will get good results.

Facing this kind of rubbish, Qin Hao is really too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Some people can be educated for doing bad things, but some people are already bad to the bone. Apart from letting him reincarnate, this kind of guy can only rely on Education is useless, as is the case with this Jim!

"Haha, you two still have to do it! What do you do? Do you take off your clothes?" Jim, who didn't realize that he was about to die, laughed loudly, but a second later, his smile froze on his face .

"Plop... Plop..." Jim's heads and legs, including the four burly men, all fell to the ground. Their hands were crazily scratching their faces, and bloodstains appeared on their faces. face.

"You... what's wrong with you?" Jim was shocked. All these people's faces were full of fear, and even their faces were scratched. They didn't feel the slightest.

"Could it be that you did it?" Jim raised his head suddenly, and saw Qin Xue's eyes shining with silvery white light.

"You..." For a moment, Jim was frightened.

"Please forgive me, I'm just here to join in the fun. I didn't do anything bad. I'm innocent!" The young master brought by Jim was even more frightened. Although he was not a good bird, he Today this time was pure accident.

"Hmph! I'm sorry, you are unlucky, you came to a place you shouldn't be, and you really deserve to die!" Qin Hao sneered, this kid can play with Jim, and he doesn't feel the slightest in this room. It's awkward, it looks like he has been doing evil together with Jim, so even if he dies today, he will not be wronged!

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me..." The young master knelt down on the ground with a puff. He knelt forward and climbed a few steps, as if he was going to kowtow to Qin Hao and Qin Xue for mercy, but at this moment , Qin Hao suddenly felt a tingling in his back. This is the wild instinct from the Zerg, which can effectively predict the imminent danger.

"Xiaoxue, be careful!" Qin Hao pushed Qin Xue, and Qin Xue's reaction was also extremely fast. She followed Qin Hao's strength and jumped to the side, and the two of them rushed out sideways.

"Boom!" followed by a gunshot,

That young master was really ruthless, he quietly took out a pistol from his waist while he was kneeling and crawling.

"Yes! Have courage! But the ability is a bit weak!" Qin Hao's figure appeared behind the young master in an instant, followed by four bone spurs protruding from the boy's chest, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth , the boy's eyes widened, as if he never thought that his shot would miss, let alone that he would lose his life in the next second.

In Jim's eyes, his good friend shriveled in an instant and turned into a mummy in the blink of an eye. Although this kid was just an ordinary person, Qin Hao's bone spurs would still absorb his blood, even if it There is no improvement for Qin Hao.

"You...you know he is..." Jim was completely stupid at this time, and the kid who just died was no ordinary person. He was a branch of the Twain family. Although he didn't have much ability, he was powerful. As a result, the two people in front of them were slaughtered without even asking.

"I don't need to know who he is, and you don't need to. Enjoy the last breath of fresh air." Before Qin Hao finished speaking, he had already come to Jim. Twist, Jim's head rotated 360 degrees!

"Plop..." Jim's dead body fell to the ground.

"Let's deal with the scene, let's go." Qin Hao said to Qin Xue, the two people were still talking and laughing when facing these dead people, Qin Hao was used to killing, and Qin Xue was also trained by Batulu, You can almost ignore life and death.

"Swish..." Under the influence of the amoeba, Qin Hao and Qin Xue turned into Jim and the young master of the Twain family. He left in the manor of the Erke family.

When the people in Silk Manor found out that the small building was on fire, the whole building had been burnt to ruins, and the basement was burnt clean. Jim and the young master didn't even leave the ashes behind.

"Brother, what are we going to do next?" Qin Xue asked.

"I'll recover the parasites in Lux later, and then we can leave the earth," Qin Hao said.

"Brother, are you planning to give up the Klein family?" Qin Xue asked.

"It's not considered giving up, but their indecision made them lose the best opportunity to negotiate. When they want to negotiate again, the terms will not be as favorable as they are now." Qin Hao sneered, it's not that he didn't give Azlan Opportunity with Lacus, but these people call it cautious if it sounds good, but they just want to step on two boats. They don't want to take risks before confirming Qin Hao's absolute advantage.

Regarding the choice of the Klein family, Qin Hao himself has no opinion. After all, each family has its own choice, and if they are unwilling to gamble their lives, Qin Hao will naturally not force it, but correspondingly, you Since you are not willing to pay such a big risk, you will naturally not get the most lucrative return.

A few hours later, Qin Hao and Qin Xue returned to the central city of District M, and then the two changed their looks and identities again.

After a few laps in the street, Qin Hao brought Qin Xue to the neighborhood of the Klein family.

"Come back!" Qin Hao sent a message to the parasite.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The parasite nodded immediately, and without saying goodbye to Lacus, it quietly escaped from her body, flew away from the residence of the Klein family, and returned to Qin Hao's side.

"Let's go, let's go to the airport." After recovering the parasite, Qin Hao took Qin Xue to the airport by taxi and bought a ticket to the D3 area.

A few hours later, Qin Hao and Qin Xue returned to the D3 area. The two went straight to the airport without any delay. The mission of this trip to the earth has been completed. Qin Hao and Mark Twain reached an agreement. The negotiating team will soon sign a more detailed cooperation agreement, and by then Qin Hao will have set a big enough nail in the federation!

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