Qin Hao chatted with Nicole for a while in the hotel room, and then General Cohen knocked on the door.

"Xiao Qin, we have to go!" General Cohen shouted outside the door.

"Okay! General!" Qin Hao agreed, then kissed Nicole's forehead lightly, and said to Nicole: "I went with the general to pick up Senior Ji Moluofu, you two have fun! "

"Well, let's pack up and go shopping, don't forget to ask Grandpa Jimolov to have dinner with him at night!" Nicole reminded.

"Okay! After being with you, my generation is going downhill..." Qin Hao shrugged, then turned around and went out. At this time, General Cohen was already waiting for him at the door.

"General, you are dressed so formally..." Qin Hao was taken aback when he saw General Cohen.

"Yeah, the teacher finally admitted me. It's the first time to greet me. Of course, I have to dress more formally!" General Cohen laughed.

"Then I can dress more formally whether I need it or not?" Qin Hao asked.

"You should wear casual clothes." General Cohen said after thinking for a while. Now that Qin Hao has a special status, it would be inappropriate for him to wear the uniform of the Federal Navy. After all, Qin Hao was only a colonel in the Federal Navy at that time, but now he Already the master of the Korha Galaxy, soon after, it will depend on his power to unify the entire federation.

Compared with such an identity, a mere colonel's military rank is obviously not suitable for him, but if Qin Hao is really given a high-ranking military uniform to wear, it will be a bit unfair, so in the end General Cohen still let Qin Hao Hao is in casual clothes.

"Do you think I can do this?" Qin Hao didn't change his clothes, he just waved his hand, and the amoeba on his body immediately began to change, Qin Hao's clothes changed immediately, forming a more formal suit.

"Yes!" General Cohen nodded.

Then Qin Hao and General Cohen left the hotel, and then drove to Mengsk Naval Base.

When Qin Hao and General Cohen arrived at the naval base, an officer received them. At this time, Hu Ke was still dealing with the issue of prisoners of war on Star Aiur, and General Love had more than half an hour to arrive at the end of the season.

"General, let's take a break first." Qin Hao has now become the owner of this place. Although he didn't actually control the Mengsk Naval Base much, now he is indeed the owner of the entire Korha galaxy.

"Little Qin,

Taking advantage of this time, I would like to talk to you. General Cohen said to Qin Hao after taking his seat in the lounge.

"General, just tell me what you want." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"It's like this. During this period of time, I got in touch with President Crowder. He and the remaining Seventh Fleet are about to arrive in the Korha Galaxy." General Cohen said straight to the point.

Since the fall of the Roentgen galaxy, Claude and the surviving Seventh Fleet fled to an unknown star field outside the control of the Federation, because it is completely impossible to reach the Keha galaxy through the territory of the Federation. They want to reach the Keha galaxy , can only open up a new route that no one has traveled before.

For this reason, the surviving Seventh Fleet also paid a huge price, and lost more than half of the battleships that were originally left. At this time, only twelve battleships survived.

"Hey!" Qin Hao also sighed after hearing the tragic situation of the Seventh Fleet, and then he asked General Cohen: "When will the Seventh Fleet arrive in Keha, so that I can arrange for them to land and provide them with necessary supplies. Supplies."

"I'm not in a hurry, I want to hear your thoughts first." General Cohen asked.

"My thoughts?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Yeah, what kind of human society do you want? A dictatorial society centered on you?" General Cohen asked with a flat face. Even if Qin Hao nodded at this time, Cohen was not surprised at all.

After all, after seeing the power of the swarm, General Cohen is very sure that Qin Hao does have the ability to unify the entire Earth Federation, and this ability mainly comes from himself, not the help of the fleet.

In this way, if Qin Hao wishes to be crowned emperor, then no one can stop him, and no one has reason to stop him, because the whole world was brought down by himself!

"General, don't test me. I have no interest in rights. If President Claude comes to Keha, I am willing to accept his leadership. He will become the interim president of the new regime. After human beings are re-stabilized, We will hold a new election and elect a brand new government at that time." Qin Hao said, this is also the content of the agreement he signed with the Twain family, at this time Qin Hao has asked Hu Ke to send a negotiating team, I believe They have already got in touch with the Twain family.

"Are you sincere? After all, with your strength, even if you want to become the dictator of mankind, no one can stop you." General Cohen said.

"General, unless Nicole wants to become a queen, I really have no intention of being crowned." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"I don't think Nicole would have such an idea." General Cohen said.

"However, General, I have also signed an agreement with the Twain family and other families. In the new regime's parliament, I promised them a certain percentage of seats in exchange for their support for us." Qin Hao said to General Cohen.

"Will they support us?" General Cohen was taken aback.

"At least the Twain family has signed an agreement with me." Qin Hao said.

"Your boy is really beyond my expectation!" General Cohen said.

"Although I am sure to conquer the entire territory of the Federation, if those families fight to the end, the casualties will be great, and we humans will have to bear this loss, so I would rather keep some families and their power than human beings. Too much power is lost in the internal friction, after all, the threat of the Holy Envoy is imminent!" Qin Hao said.

"Holy messengers, are those aliens?" General Cohen asked.

"Yes, we have deciphered part of their technology and writing, and know some things about them. This group has always been cruel colonists in the expansion of the universe. They are very repulsive to other civilizations. As long as they meet , it will be wiped out!" Qin Hao said.

"If this is the case, you are right. We really have to preserve human power as much as possible. Don't worry, I will hurry up and recruit more scientific researchers. The alien equipment you provided, It will be reversed soon." General Cohen nodded, and he suddenly felt that the burden on himself was heavier.

( = )

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