Qin Hao searched within a radius of dozens of kilometers around the small island. As the saying goes, the sky pays off, and he really found an adult great white shark that was preying on dolphins!

This great white shark is more than six meters long and weighs at least three tons. Although it is ferocious by nature, it is perfectly suitable as a means of sea transportation!

For ordinary people, if they encounter a great white shark with bare hands in the sea, they can basically pray to whatever they believe in, because even a world-class boxing champion in the sea with a great white shark is still a food delivery person. .

"Hey, it's you!" But Qin Hao became excited after seeing this great white shark instead of being afraid.

However, when Qin Hao was about to go into the water to capture the great white shark, strange things suddenly appeared around him. He saw many small eddies appearing on the sea surface, followed by a group of huge marine creatures. These creatures with streamlined bodies and The giant sea creature with black and white skin let out a sharp cry.

This kind of sound seems to be the only way they use to communicate. Under the coordination of this sound, eight behemoths with a length of more than eight meters and a weight more than twice that of the Great White Shark actually cooperated closely. They formed a Formed an encirclement circle, trapping the great white shark firmly in it.

"Orca?" Qin Hao was stunned. The great white shark is absolutely dominant in the ocean, and the only creatures that dare to prey on it are larger and teamwork killer whales!

But even so, it is very difficult to see killer whales preying on great white sharks in the ocean. After all, there are too many suitable food choices in the ocean. In other words, neither is the best choice for killer whales.

"It's interesting!" Qin Hao temporarily gave up his plan to catch the great white shark, but began to observe carefully.

After the killer whales surrounded the great white sharks, they did not rush to bite directly, and the great white sharks also stopped attacking the dolphins because it also felt the threat from the killer whales.

After a brief confrontation, the killer whales moved into action. Two of the killer whales jumped at the great white shark, but they did not take any offensive action, because these extremely intelligent sea creatures knew that if they attacked directly, they would inevitably suffer. To the desperate counterattack of the great white shark.

Although it has an advantage in weight, and there are many people, the fangs and sharp teeth of the great white shark are not for decoration. Once bitten by it, even the killer whale will be seriously injured.

Therefore, the two orcas pounced on the great white shark to attract its attention. Before the great white shark opened its mouth, the two orcas left the attack of the great white shark in a graceful arc. scope.

But during this period of time, another killer whale with the largest body size made a move. It was more than nine meters long and weighed more than three times that of the great white shark. It quickly passed behind the great white shark. The whole process There was no contact with the great white shark. Although the killer whale did not attack the great white shark, when it crossed the great white shark, its tail flicked suddenly, and its huge size caused a vortex in the sea water.

The great white shark was in the vortex, and the difference in size caused its balance to be affected immediately. Then the great white shark's head lifted involuntarily and emerged from the water.

All of this happened just now between lightning and flint. The huge killer whale just missed half a body position with the great white shark at this moment. All out of the sea.

"Crack!" The killer whale's tail slapped the great white shark's head fiercely, and it was not in the water, without any resistance.

Even the Great White Shark, which is more than six meters in size and weighs more than three tons, was also taken aback by this blow, but just as it was in a daze, five killer whales ambushing around made a move. They swarmed up and grabbed The fins and tail of the great white shark, just turned it upside down.

When the great white shark woke up, it was already on its belly.

Anyone who knows about sharks knows that because of their physiological structure, sharks will lose their ability to move once their belly is turned upside down, let alone fight back. Many of those sharks whose dorsal fins have been cut off are alive and sinking like this. into the bottom of the water, and eventually die in agony.

Killer whales may not understand the physiological structure of sharks, but they are smart enough to know that as long as the shark is turned upside down, it will change from a ferocious beast to a meal on the plate!

The next process was simple. The killer whales swarmed up, and the great white shark was quickly dismembered into pieces of meat, and finally fell into the stomachs of the killer whales.

"It's a perfect hunt!" Qin Hao, who was watching in mid-air, couldn't help admiring. These killer whales are so smart, their cooperation is perfect, and the ferocious great white shark, which makes other marine life frightened, has nothing in front of them. There is no way to fight back.

"Maybe it would be better to choose you!" Qin Hao had an idea. The intelligence of killer whales is obviously higher than that of simple butchers like great white sharks. Killer whales with higher intelligence mean that they are easier to tame.

Although in Qin Hao's era, the aquarium has long been prohibited from domesticating and enslaving killer whales and other highly intelligent marine creatures, there are still relevant records in history textbooks.

After making up his mind, Qin Hao didn't act in a hurry, because the killer whales were eating at this time, and it was obviously not a good choice to disturb the animals while they were eating.

Soon, the killer whales finished their lunch, the great white sharks were eaten cleanly, and some fragments of their limbs also sank to the bottom of the sea, becoming a meal for small fish and shrimp. There is no waste in nature of.

"Shua!" At this time, Qin Hao put away his bat wings, and he landed on the head of the largest killer whale.

"Ang..." The biggest orca didn't struggle, but called out and nodded slightly, as if it didn't have any malice towards Qin Hao.

"Interesting!" Qin Hao smiled. These smart killer whales have strong animal instincts. They know that Qin Hao is a dangerous existence, and provoking him will not produce good results, so the killer whales behaved very peacefully.

Qin Hao squatted down, patted the forehead of the killer whale, and pointed in the direction of the island.

Although there was no verbal communication, this smart killer whale immediately understood Qin Hao's intentions, and then it briefly communicated with other companions through ultrasonic waves, and then drove Qin Hao to swim towards the island alone. go.

Although the other seven killer whales kept a certain distance from Qin Hao, they did not go far. They were separated from the leader by about a kilometer, and then followed the largest killer whale, also heading towards the island. direction to swim.

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