After the first wingman fell, the second wingman immediately went up, and the four Thunderbolt 4 unceremoniously continued to irradiate the second wingman with high-frequency lasers.

The pilot was lucky enough to activate the seat ejection before, and was ejected before the plane fell into the sea, but in this vast sea, even if he did not crash with the plane, it would be even more difficult to survive...

With the continuous irradiation of high-frequency lasers, wingmen were shot down one after another. One of the pilots escaped successfully, but the other fell into the depths of the ocean with his fighter.

Because they were flying in opposite directions, the relative speed between the Qian family fighter plane and Thunderbolt 4 was very fast, even exceeding four times the speed of sound, so when the three wingmen were shot down, the lead plane was not far away from the four Thunderbolt 4s.

"Swish, swish..." The pilot of the lead plane first released all the fighting bombs, and then turned on the horsepower to increase the speed to the extreme. He knew that his missiles had no chance of destroying the opponent, because of the high-frequency laser, the opponent Can easily destroy those missiles without shields.

So his only chance is himself!

"Hit Shen Yoshino!" The pilot of the lead plane yelled loudly. This was a line from an old movie he had just watched not long ago. Before that, he always thought that such a situation could only appear in movies. Unexpectedly, it was his turn now.

At this moment, the pilot finally understood the feelings of the sailors on the old warship at that time. At this moment, he felt no fear at all, only a sense of mission. He shouldered the heavy trust of his three comrades in arms to defeat the enemy. It has become a luxury, but if they are beaten 8-0, this is a disgrace to their squadron!

In order not to let this shame be branded on his squadron, the pilot drove the fighter plane straight into a Thunderbolt 4 with a determined face!

"Kill him! Is this guy crazy?!"

"Damn it! Release missiles!"

"Are you crazy? Using missiles at such a close range, if he dies, you will be finished!"

"High-frequency laser! Concentrate and shoot!"


The pilots of the four Thunderbolt 4s were communicating quickly. They had just used high-frequency lasers to destroy the incoming combat missiles, only to find that the enemy planes didn't intend to cross them, but aimed straight at one of them. A Thunderbolt 4 crashed into it.

The Thunderbolt 4 that was locked immediately took maneuvers,

He wanted to avoid the collision, but the pilot of the Qian family's fighter jet had already made up his mind, and he chased after the Thunderbolt 4's trajectory.

At this time, although the high-frequency lasers of the four Thunderbolt 4s locked on the lead plane, because time was running out, they could barely burn the lead plane's shield.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the lead plane collided head-on with the Thunderbolt 4. Although the shield of the Thunderbolt 4 was intact, under such a frontal collision, the fighter plane's shield looked like a fake. It was shattered, and then the two fighters collided together, eventually forming a big fireball.

The wreckage of the two fighter planes floated on the sea surface, and the wreckage of Thunderbolt 4 splashed everywhere, while the fighter plane of the Qian family was more thoroughly smashed because it was not protected by a shield. Later, Qin Hao could only vaguely see a piece of wreckage from the fuselage. Read a string of numbers: 81192.

"Bastard!" The pilots of the remaining three Thunderbolt 4s cursed secretly. In this case, the chances of their comrades surviving are very small, and their high-speed fighters are not suitable for maritime search and rescue.

"Complete the task first, kill that special plane!" The pilot of the lead plane ordered.

"Yes! Captain!" The other two Thunderbolt 4s adjusted their positions immediately, and then continued to push towards Qian Feng's special plane.

"Huh..." At the same time, Qin Hao had already taken his position, and the remaining three Thunderbolt 4s had already rushed forward.

Although Qin Hao's speed is relatively slow, after all, even if his mortal body is powerful, it is impossible to break through the sound barrier, but the three Thunderbolt 4s are coming head-on, which makes it much more convenient for him.

"Kaka!" Qin Hao activated the insurance of the individual energy cannon in his hand, which he took out from the spirit crystal space before he turned into a blood race. Although Qin Hao also has a lightsaber, but he hit the high-speed flying fighter head-on. Doesn't seem like a wise choice by any means.

"There is only one chance! Come on!" Qin Hao calmed down. He knew that once the fighter plane passed him, it would be impossible for him to catch up, so he had to destroy the three Raiden 4 in one fell swoop.

The only thing that made Qin Hao fortunate was that none of the pilots of the three fighter planes noticed him. The signals on the radar were regarded as birds by them, and Qin Hao's relatively small figure could not appear among those pilots at all. in the field of vision.

"Shua!" Qin Hao picked up his sniper rifle and aimed at one of the Thunderbolt 4!

"Come on, scum of the ground troops, let's try the navy's equipment!" Qin Hao's mouth curled into a smile. Come on, these pure armies are just armed security guards sent to maintain law and order after capturing a planet.

Moreover, in the development of the Federation's military power, whether it is funding or technology research and development, it is inclined to the Navy. For example, it is also a fighter. After entering the atmosphere, an air-based fighter of the Federation Navy can basically single out a squadron of land-based fighters. warplane.

And when they can't win, people can still rush out of the atmosphere and run, but land-based fighters can only watch, they don't have the ability to escape the atmosphere. To them, air-based fighters are simply small warships.

So don't look at what Qin Hao is holding is an individual energy cannon, but the power of this thing is not as powerful as the main cannon of Thunderbolt 4, and the thing in Qin Hao's hand is still firing continuously!

High-quality energy crystals are given priority to the navy, which has resulted in the navy's individual weapons being even more advanced than the airborne main guns of the land-based aviation. This unbalanced development is very common in the era of great spaceflight.

"Boom!" Seeing that the opposite fighter plane entered his range, Qin Hao pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

"Boom boom boom..." Because the individual energy cannons fired continuously, Qin Hao couldn't stop firing, and the energy bombs crazily rushed towards the three Thunderbolt 4s!

"Alert! Alert! High-energy warning ahead!"

"what's the situation?"

"Where did the attack come from?"

"Maximize shield energy!"


The pilots of the three Thunderbolt 4s are all stupid, they don't know where these attacks come from, but they can't ignore such an attack at all, so they can only forcibly increase the capacity of the shield, hoping to be able to withstand it , because the speed of the energy attack is too fast, it is impossible to dodge!

"Boom boom boom boom..." The energy bomb hit the shields of the three fighter planes, and then exploded violently, causing the three fighter planes to tremble continuously and their speed was also suppressed.

( = )

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