"Yes, my dear sister!" Qin Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to Xiang Ling: "You clean up my room for her later, I live in the outside room."

"Hey!" Xiangling agreed with a smile all over her face, then turned and left.

After coming out of the main room, Xiangling found that the calamus was boiling water to make tea, the girl went straight over and pulled the calamus aside, muttering: "What's the matter, do you know how to make tea... Come on! Don't get in the way, Master Qin Hao doesn't like the tea you make!"

"Hey!?" Calamus had a dazed look on his face at this moment, and he thought to himself, didn't you let me soak this just now? Why do you dislike me again now...

Although he was puzzled, Calamus was only half a child after all, so he didn't think much about it, anyway, it would be better if he didn't have to work, just wait for the delicious food.

Here Qin Hao continued to take Qin Xue to visit the small courtyard. Qin Hao didn't pay much attention to the changes in Xiangling. Born as a temporary envoy, he was born with weak feelings for men and women, and then he was slightly brainwashed by Ba Tulu, so he became even more ignorant of this kind of thing, so although he discovered the change in Xiangling, he didn't expect why .

Afterwards, Xiangling went in and out of Qin Hao's room, serving tea and water for a while, and various pastries for a while, and then went to clean up Qin Xue's room. She was so busy, but she just wanted to see more Qin Hao only had two eyes.

It is certain that Xiangling likes Qin Hao, but she also knows in her heart that it is impossible for her and Qin Hao, after all, the identity gap between the two people is too great, and the gap between them has already caused the two people to have almost no common language up.

In fact, Xiangling's feelings for Qin Hao are somewhat similar to the relationship between a little fan girl and an idol, although they don't know that it is impossible to have a relationship with their idol? Obviously not, but fans with a little brain know that they have no chance to be with their idols, but this does not prevent them from liking their idols, nor does it prevent fans from being jealous when they know that their idol has a girlfriend. It is a very special emotional state.

Qin Hao and Qin Xue lived in Qian's house for a total of three days. During these three days, they never saw Granny Liu again. They presumably went to contact people from the Zhongba faction.

Qin Hao is not too anxious about this. It is very safe for him to live in the Qian family. Even if Speaker Barn goes crazy, even if the great priest Hei Li loses his mind, they cannot directly attack the old house of the Qian family, because even if the two of them If they lose their minds, someone will stop them. After all, the Knights of St. Malo are not in charge of Haili alone, and they don't want to be dragged into the war among martial arts people because of her.

During this period of time, Qin Hao was not idle either. He and Qin Xue visited a master maker of lightsabers and provided him with an energy crystal of low quality.

Asking the other party to make a lightsaber, Qin Hao and Qin Xue just watched from the sidelines during the whole process, and secretly learned other people's techniques.

Qin Hao has a keen observation ability and has a photographic memory, so the process of making the lightsaber by the master maker is completely recorded in his mind. The master maker is a good person, and Qin Hao also gets along very well, of course This is because Qin Hao's hands are generous enough, and he has a relationship with the Qian family. During the process of making the sword, he would occasionally give Qin Hao a few pointers and talk about his own experience.

Of course, the reason why the master maker told Qin Hao this was mainly because he was sure that he would not be able to learn it. After all, as a layman, he may not even be able to remember the sequence after watching the process of making a sword. Listen to a few more words. Can you learn how to make a lightsaber?

Moreover, the technology of making a lightsaber itself is not a secret. It can be found on the Internet, but to really make a lightsaber well, in addition to professional equipment, personal skills must be included, otherwise it will come out. All are artisans.

It was also for this reason that the master manufacturer would tell Qin Hao those things, because he was sure that Qin Hao would not steal his business and would not pose a threat to him.

But this time, the master sword maker obviously miscalculated. Qin Hao's purpose of finding the sword maker is to steal the master!

After memorizing all the sword-making processes and learning some tips, Qin Hao returned to Qian's house with that new lightsaber. Although this lightsaber was not bad, it was completely different from the previous two lightsabers. There is no comparison. First of all, in terms of materials, the previous two lightsabers used high-quality phantom crystals. Not to mention the blood-drinking sword Qin Hao used for himself, it is a crystal shell made of phantom crystal essence. Even the lightsaber in Grandma Liu's hand is made of extreme crystals.

The lightsaber that Qin Hao just entrusted someone to make only used a piece of ordinary energy crystal with relatively high transparency. The gap in the core material alone is beyond description. There is a gap in swordmanship, so although this new lightsaber can also carry the user's own energy, its efficiency is completely incomparable.

However, as Qin Hao said, this light saber, which in his opinion is inferior, is actually used to lure those martial arts masters. Although its performance is average, it is much better than traditional weapons, so it will definitely be used. Let those master the heart.

After returning to the Qian family, Qin Hao asked Qian Feng to find the corresponding equipment. These things were nothing to the Qian family. That afternoon, Qian Feng asked people to renovate the yard opposite Qin Hao's courtyard It has become a studio for making lightsabers, with all the tools in it, and all kinds of consumables except energy crystals are also very well prepared.

In a word, for Qian Feng and the Qian family, as long as it is something that Qian can do, it is nothing to worry about.

With a studio and enough materials, Qin Hao began to try to make lightsabers by himself. Although the process was very difficult and the loss rate of materials and energy crystals was very high, after dozens of failures However, Qin Hao still managed to create his first lightsaber.

Although this lightsaber is a rough piece of garbage in the eyes of professional sword makers, and it has nothing to stand out except wasteful waste of energy crystals, but for Qin Hao, this is his first step. stride!

This is a big step from scratch. From this moment, Qin Hao has learned how to make a lightsaber. The next thing he needs to hone is the skill.

During the period of waiting for Granny Liu's return, Qin Hao spent nothing in the studio, even lunch and dinner were brought by Xiangling, but he still devoted himself to the work of making swords with great enjoyment.

After watching this for two days, Qin Xue lost interest. She ignored Qin Hao, who was buried in his work, but went shopping with Qian Feng all day long. The girls are happy.

( = )

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