While Qin Hao lived in Qian's house, the political situation of the entire Earth Federation was undergoing subtle changes.

Before the Third Fleet crashed into the sand in the Korha Galaxy, the subsequent assassination led by Speaker Barn not only failed to kill Qin Hao, but also made the Knights of Saint-Malo dumb and unable to tell. A large amount of compensation, and also promised not to have any assassination of Qin Hao.

Under such circumstances, Speaker Barn also had to put his flag down. Originally, the military was already preparing to launch a second attack on the Korha galaxy, and the Sixth Fleet was also ready to launch, but now everything had to stop.

The Sixth Fleet, which was ready to go, also stationed in place, and their mission has been changed to monitor the Korhal galaxy, not to recover Korhal.

After the Earth Federation canceled its plan to continue marching troops, the Keha galaxy ushered in an unprecedented period of development. Wave after wave of progressive young people rushed to Keha from various colonial planets of the Federation to learn military skills there.

Because the Keha Military Academy is not as strict as the Federal Naval Academy's admission rules, and they don't even want repeat students, so many of them have already failed, but they still want to join the military field, or they simply want to participate in the revolution because of Qin Hao's heroic deeds. Progressive young people, these people tried every means to smuggle from the federal territory to Keha.

General Jimolov, who has now retired, has become the dean of the Keha Military Academy. Although he has only reached the rank of major general in his life, it is because he has no background and is purely grassroots. In fact, in the entire Federation In the naval system, when it comes to theoretical knowledge and combat experience, at the end of the quarter, Love dared to say that he was second, and no one dared to say that he was number one.

So he became the dean of the Keha Military Academy, which is well deserved.

The teaching team of Keha Military Academy mainly comes from the retired and active officers of the Third Fleet. These teachers are originally composed of front-line combatants. They pay more attention to actual combat when teaching, so the students of Keha Military Academy often Get rotated into the fleet to experience real fleet life.

In addition to normal military knowledge teaching, Hu Ke also specially organized a group of confidantes to give these students regular ideological education to ensure their loyalty to the revolution.

So when these students of the Keha Military Academy graduate, they will not only have excellent military skills, but also have absolutely no problem in terms of political awareness and revolutionary beliefs.

In the Keha Galaxy, apart from the thriving Keha Military Academy led by Ji Molov, the scientific and technological laboratory established by General Cohen has also gradually formed a scale. Both hardware facilities and scientific research personnel are in place. These scientific research Most of the personnel were the backbone of the former Roentgen Republic. When the Roentgen Republic fell, they found an opportunity to hide among the common people. When the limelight passed,

Under the call of General Cohen, these people smuggled into the Korhal galaxy one after another.

Qin Hao had discussed with General Cohen before that even if the military strength is strong, even if they win the war, it will not last long. They need to have the supporting technological force and backup force. So when Qin Hao went to the earth, At the end of the quarter, Love and General Cohen took the lead, and they vigorously developed the two major areas of education and scientific research.

Especially on the side of General Cohen, the scientists under him are already obsessed at this time. For these people who are obsessed with science, the technology of the Holy Messenger provided by Qin Hao is as addictive as drugs. And unable to extricate themselves.

Through the reverse research on the technology of those Holy Angels, these scientists have new discoveries almost every few days, and almost every few hours, they can get new inspirations!

And those scientific and technological achievements that have been successfully reversed researched, as well as those localized holy messenger technologies, are also continuously sent from this laboratory to various secondary scientific research units and various colleges in the Korhal Galaxy.

At this time, the Keha galaxy has a very good academic style. In addition to the construction of the military academy, General Ji Moluofu also has all kinds of ordinary universities under his jurisdiction, and under the authorization of Qin Hao, He greatly reduced the tuition fees of these ordinary universities, which allowed many civilian children to enter university campuses for further studies.

Originally in the Earth Federation, the only university that civilians had the opportunity to attend was the Federal Naval Academy, because not only did it not charge fees, but it also gave students living allowances. Except for it, other universities charged high tuition fees. Except for a few students who can get full scholarships, most civilian families cannot afford the tuition fees of these universities.

So when several universities in the Keha galaxy reduced their tuition fees, many civilian students who missed the Federal Naval Academy or had no interest in military life began to save money frantically, hoping to save enough to smuggle to Keha, and then buy Enter the university gate.

For the various practices of the Korha galaxy, the elders in the federal parliament are very disgusted. The threshold for receiving education was originally set up by these nobles and wealthy families. They do not want these poor people to receive the same education as their own children. Because with more knowledge, people tend to think wildly, and if they think wildly, they will be restless. If the common people are restless, it will not be conducive to their rule.

Therefore, the aristocratic families who have the right to speak in the Federation have set the university tuition fees for ordinary subjects to a level that ordinary families cannot accept. The purpose is to let the children of these ordinary families go to technical secondary schools. Anyway, these rulers What they need is some people who work, they don't need ordinary people who can use their brains.

Now that the Keha galaxy is exempting tuition fees, so that children from ordinary families can also receive higher education, this makes the nobles very upset, but they have not done anything radical, because these nobles really look down on those mud legs Yes, and to be honest, there are not only two or three universities in the Keha galaxy, but also among all the universities in the entire federation, they are also not popular.

A group of low-level students entered several low-level universities. Of course, this is not enough to attract the attention of the nobles. They are upset only because they feel that these mud-legged children have tarnished the term college students.

But soon, these aristocrats will regret it, because these few unpopular universities in the Keha galaxy will soon become the technological center of the entire human world. These universities are the first to contact the technology of the Holy Spirit , Through the research and teaching of these technologies, these colleges will become the cradle of top human scientists in just a few years.

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