"Are you sure?" August was also a little uneasy.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, and then said, "I saw the real-time coordinates of each team on the night of the blood moon before, and they were obviously surrounded by this side. If we continued to run forward, we would definitely collide directly. into the enemy's encirclement."

"Okay! Since that's the case, I support your decision!" August said, but now the direction of the team's movement cannot be decided by him and Qin Hao with a nod.

"General, what do you think?" Qin Hao looked at General Cohen, who was the highest-ranked person here.

"You don't need to consider my rank. I am the rescued hostage now, and you are the commander of the frontline operations." Cohen will say that, as a senior officer, he knows very well what kind of disaster it will be for a layman to guide a layman. He is a general with outstanding strategic vision and exquisite campaign commanding ability, but that is all on a big level. For temporary decisions on tactical actions, Cohen will definitely not be better than a second lieutenant of special forces, so he chooses to trust Qin Hao at this time. This storm fighter, after all, these people are experts in this area.

"Then it's decided!" Qin Hao nodded immediately, but he didn't show any courtesy to Cohen. Although this guy's rank was hundreds of blocks higher than his, it was his own life. Qin Hao was more willing to trust his own judgment. .

Then Qin Hao and his party began to evacuate in the direction of their original camp. Although Qin Hao was still a little weak at this time, his body had recovered a lot. With the help of the powered exoskeleton, it was no longer a problem to simply march.

"This ball is really a good thing!" Qin Hao sighed as he walked. He could almost feel his strength recovering a little bit, and he always felt full in his stomach. This feeling is really great. comfortable.

Two hours later, Qin Hao and the others were very close to the previous camp.

"Let's take a rest first." Qin Hao stopped his footsteps. At this time, he had almost recovered. It has to be said that the existence of such a big tonic pill has greatly improved Qin Hao's combat endurance.

"Huh..." Almost everyone sat on the ground. This kind of jungle march was really exhausting.

"General, why did you suddenly come to Klein Star?" Taking advantage of the rest time, Qin Hao came to General Keen and asked.

As General Cohen, his security measures should be very strict, and it is difficult for outsiders to know his whereabouts, but now the blood moon night mercenary group is obviously prepared, so Qin Hao suspects that there are traitors around General Cohen.

"My father was invited by Uncle Carroll to make a temporary decision to hunt here. Because it was a temporary decision, not many people knew about it." Nicole replied for Cohen.

"Oh?" Qin Hao nodded, and then asked, "Then when did you arrive here?"

"We received the invitation yesterday. My father only confirmed that he would come here this morning. It was almost noon when we arrived, right?" Nicole recalled.

"Is that so..." Qin Hao nodded silently, and then he looked at Carol thoughtfully.

At this time, Qin Hao locked his suspicion on Carol. According to Nicole, Cohen decided to come here to hunt only today, but the people from Blood Moon Night arrived two days ago. Cohen came here to set up before he made a decision, it can only be that Carroll colluded with them.

"What are you doing? Are you suspicious of me? My son died in this assassination. I and Cohen are not only old schoolmates, but also have no grievances. Why should I kill him?" Carroll knew that Qin Hao was there Suspecting him, he stood up excitedly.

"You can be louder, it will be easier to attract the enemy." August said coldly, after listening to Nicole's words, he was also very suspicious of Carroll.

"Qin Hao, Carroll should not have participated in this conspiracy, otherwise Max would not have died tragically, maybe it was the news leaked by the people around him?" Cohen helped Carroll to clear the siege.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded.

Carroll's sons all died in the assassination, so it seems that he may have been wronged, but the traitor must be very close to Carroll, otherwise he would have no way of knowing that Carroll planned to invite Cohen. will things.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Carroll, I shouldn't have rashly doubted you, so who else knows about your plan to invite Cohen?" Qin Hao first apologized to Carroll with a smile, and then continued to ask.

"I don't know. I only told my confidential secretary about this. He prepared this trip. As for who else he told, I don't know." Carroll said.

"What about the others?" August asked.

"He had diarrhea, so he stayed at the airport and didn't come here," Carroll said.

"Damn it! He must have betrayed the news of my father!" Nicole almost immediately concluded that the secretary was the one who leaked the news.

"Hey! Now is not the time to be held accountable, let's get through this first," Cohen will say.

"General, how long is your trip to Klein Star?" Qin Hao asked again.

"I originally planned to go back tonight," Cohen will say.

"That's it, then tonight, your people should find out that you have lost contact, then the rescue team will arrive tomorrow morning at the latest, which means that as long as we delay tonight, we can be saved!" Qin Hao analyzed.

"Don't be too optimistic. If the blood moon night really costs money, then the first wave of rescue may not be able to work." August poured cold water on Qin Hao.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed. Although he only heard a few words, he could also imagine the strength of the mercenary group on the night of the bleeding moon. If they were determined to kill General Keen, then blocking the first wave of rescuers should not be a problem. , it seems that they may have to wait for the second or even the third batch of reinforcements to arrive.

After a short rest, Qin Hao's condition has almost recovered, so they set off again and returned to the original camp.

"Let's just pack up, we'll stay overnight tonight!" Qin Hao said to everyone. Although the camp was destroyed at this time, many basic things were still there, and it didn't take much time to pack it up.

"Okay!" Everyone agreed, and then got busy. With so many days of experience in the wild, Qin Hao's team members were very skilled in these things, and soon everyone cleared the camp.

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