As the battle continued, the damage to the Deng family's fleet became more and more serious. Even Deng Yan's flagship was already on fire from all sides!

Deng Yan is a person who is afraid of death. His flagship is hiding in the center of the fleet, but now there are swarms of insects flying all over the sky. No matter where Deng Yan's ship is hidden, it will inevitably be attacked!

"Where are the first, sixth, and ninth combined fleets? Why haven't they come to the rescue! I'm going to send them to a military court!" Deng Yan roared loudly on the bridge, and his staff officers were also anxious Got to sweat profusely.

But regarding this question, everyone is also very speechless. I am afraid that the other three fleets are also unable to protect themselves at this time. Rescue? How is that possible!

As for the matter of suing the three fleets to the military court, I am afraid it is unrealistic, because everyone present can see that in today's battle, everyone has almost no hope of survival, so it is impossible for Deng Yan to fight again. There is an opportunity to file a complaint.

"Your Highness, now the enemy fleet has only remnants and has almost lost its resistance. Do you want to capture it?" Noz sent a message to Qin Hao.

"Put off the offensive." Qin Hao said after pondering for a while.

"Yes! Your Highness!" After Noz took the order, the swarm's attack on the Deng family's fleet immediately weakened, but even so, the Deng family's fleet had long since lost the ability to counterattack or escape. The situation is dangerous, but his life is still in Qin Hao's hands.

"Hu Ke, send a clear message to the enemy fleet, asking them to surrender immediately and unconditionally!" Qin Hao issued an order to Hu Ke through the fleet communication.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke immediately took the order, and then sent an ultimatum-style order to the Federation Fleet in a clear way.

A few minutes later, Hu Ke said to Qin Hao through the fleet communication: "My lord, the First and Ninth Fleet rejected our request, and the Sixth Fleet did not reply. The Deng family's private fleet requests surrender!"

"Huh!" Qin Hao snorted coldly. He didn't expect such a result. The enemy he didn't want to kill refused to surrender, but the enemy he regarded as a must-kill target surrendered voluntarily!

In fact, as a private army, the Deng family's fleet should be the most loyal, but the problem is that Deng Yan is a softie. As the saying goes, one general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies. This is how the Deng family's fleet is at this time. Their generals and soldiers Although all of them had the will to die, Deng Yan, who was the supreme commander, couldn't stand it anymore.

"My lord, how should we reply?" Hu Ke asked tentatively.

"I haven't received any surrender information from the Deng family's fleet!" Qin Hao said,

It is tantamount to the death penalty for the Deng family fleet.

"I understand, my lord!" Hu Ke nodded, and immediately ordered his subordinates to delete all the records about the Deng's fleet's surrender just now, and blocked the communication band where the Deng's fleet was located.

"Noz, destroy all the ships of the Deng family and destroy all the escape equipment!" Qin Hao issued a new round of orders to Noz.

"As you wish, Your Highness!" Noz doesn't have any feelings for humans. Humans are just a relatively low source of food for it, so when Qin Hao gave the order, the swarm of insects under it rushed wildly To Deng's fleet.

"Boom boom boom..." Battleships caught fire and exploded violently.

In less than 20 minutes, the Deng family's fleet was torn to pieces by hundreds of millions of swarms. From Deng Yan, the supreme commander, down to the boiler-burning soldiers, there was not a single survivor. stay!

"Send an ultimatum to the First, Sixth, and Ninth Fleets. If they refuse to surrender, the Deng family's fleet will be a lesson for them!" Qin Hao ordered coldly.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke immediately carried out Qin Hao's order, and at the same time he dispatched a large number of negotiators to join the mission of persuading surrender.

"Commander, where are we going?" A combat staff officer looked up at Xu Xuan. Following his words, all the officers and soldiers on the bridge of the flagship of the First Fleet looked at their commander. grown ups.

"..." As the supreme commander of the First United Fleet, Xu Xuan was under great pressure at this time.

As a soldier, surrendering before battle is the greatest shame, but what he represents now is not just himself, but the millions of officers and soldiers of the entire First United Fleet!

If they continue to resist, the opponent's ultimatum will not be a threat at all. The Deng family's fleet has been completely wiped out, and even the rescue cabin has not been left behind. The enemy is fully capable of annihilating them!

"Hey!" After being silent for about two minutes, Xu Xuan took a deep breath, then he raised his head and said, "Send me an order, all the ships of the First Combined Fleet, immediately shut down their engines and weapon systems, touch the shield defense, Surrender to the enemy..."

When he said these words, Xu Xuan clenched his hands into fists, his nails pierced deeply into his palms, and blood flowed down his fingers.

At this moment, Xu Xuan's heart is also bleeding. His life's glory is lost at this moment, but for the lives of millions of soldiers, he would rather sacrifice his personal honor. He is willing to take the blame for this incompetence for the First Combined Fleet.

"Commander..." Xu Xuan's adjutant's eyes were red, he knew how difficult it was for Xu Xuan to make this decision.

"No need to say more..." Xu Xuan waved his hand, and then sat down on his chair, but as he gave the order, all the generals and soldiers of the First United Fleet secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Because they know that their little lives are saved.

Soldiers are indeed for the purpose of defending the country, but they are not machines. If they can die for the country, no one will spare their lives. But the problem is that if they are already in a desperate situation, and it is impossible to save anything even if they die, then it is not called sacrifice. , And called death in vain.

Even if they are soldiers, they are also raised by their mothers and fathers. Who doesn't have a wife and children in their family?

So when Xu Xuan gave the order to surrender, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, at least their lives were temporarily saved.

Except for Xu Xuan, the Sixth Fleet and the Ninth Fleet also made the same choice after a little hesitation. It is completely meaningless for them to continue fighting now. Even if they continue to fight, they can fight back for the Federation. Time, they will sacrifice without hesitation, but now their battle is worthless, so there is no need to let millions of soldiers die in vain.

( = )

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