Although the officials of the Tyranid galaxy were arguing endlessly, the soldiers still did what they should do. The local fleet of the Tyrannic galaxy has assembled at this time. Although it is a local fleet, because the Tyrannic galaxy is large enough, And the economy is also developed enough, so the size of this fleet is still very impressive. It has more than 120 warships under its jurisdiction, more than 70 auxiliary and logistics supply ships of various departments, and a total of nearly 200 spaceships.

However, this Tyrannian fleet is only a local fleet after all. Although it has a large number of ships, they are all old models retired by the first-line fleet. Compared with the first-line fleet, its combat effectiveness cannot be compared at all.

But it is such a fleet, it is still assembled, and then cruises in the entire Tyranid galaxy to prevent the invasion of the Korha fleet.

"Ask the Federation for help..."

"But the Federation doesn't have any fleets to send now! The first, sixth, and ninth fleets have all been annihilated. How can the Federation still have extra troops?"

"Hmph! Don't those families have a lot of private troops? Their combat capability is stronger than that of the first-line fleet. These guys usually get military merit so easily, but now they need to work hard. Shouldn't they be on the front line?"

"Hehe, those are the foundations of these families, why are they willing to release them so easily?"

"But what can we do if we don't ask for help? Do we expect the Tyrannian fleet to stop the enemies from Keha?"

"Stop it, definitely can't stop it, let alone us, even the federal reinforcements can't stop it, let alone we may not have reinforcements!"

"Then what do you say?"


"Fart, surrender without firing a shot? I'm not a coward!"

"Hmph! Feelings don't require you to go to the battlefield, it's not your son who died! If you're not a coward, you go to the front line yourself!"



In the capital of the Tyranid galaxy——in the large city hall of Ballarance, a group of officials are arguing endlessly. They are still arguing whether to surrender or ask for help.

"Okay, there's no need to argue! Ask the Federation for help immediately!" Finally, Governor Hamill, who was the supreme administrator of the Tyranid galaxy, spoke.

"Your Excellency..." The officials who advocated surrender wanted to say something more,

However, Governor Hamill flatly rejected it: "We are receiving the salary of the Federation, so we have to fight to the death for the Federation. Even if the enemy is fierce, we must not bow our heads! Anyone who dares to surrender now will be killed without mercy!"

Once Hamill said this, who would dare to say such words as surrender?

The officials below were all silent, while those who fought were elated. Apart from some of these people who were truly loyal to the Federation, there were also some opportunists. They felt that the strength of the Federation had not yet been truly demonstrated.

The Tyron galaxy is not comparable to the small Char galaxy. It has a vast territory and a great strategic depth. Once the enemy is dragged into a protracted war, it will be a breeze for the Federation to rely on its own strong logistical supply capabilities to drag the enemy down. things.

Although Keha is coming aggressively, there is only a small Keha galaxy behind them and a Char galaxy that is smaller than the Keha galaxy. These two star systems cannot even support a large fleet. It is almost impossible to win such a protracted war.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that many people conclude that although the Korha galaxy is very lively, they will not last long.

Soon, the request for help was sent to Earth. In the Federal Assembly, Speaker Barn led a group of members to discuss the Tyrann Galaxy's call for help.

"Everyone, what do you think of the Tailun Galaxy's request for help?" Speaker Bahn asked unhurriedly.

"..." All the councilors below were silent. No one would argue at this time, because if you disagree, your family will send troops to rescue. At this time, Qin Hao has shown his sharpness, no matter which family is willing to confront him. edge.

Although the major families do not think that Qin Hao has the strength to win this war, the failure of Deng Yan's super fleet also made these families fully realize that Qin Hao's strength should not be underestimated.

No matter which family's fleet goes up at this time, it is estimated that it will not end well. Everyone is holding back and let other family's fleets consume Qin Hao's strength first, and when the time is right, their own fleet will go to pick peaches.

But the problem is that everyone thinks this way, so no one will fight the vanguard, and no one will consume the enemy.

"Hehe..." Speaker Barn sneered. He had already thought of this result. Although everyone in the parliament seemed to be united, every family was actually suspicious. The most important thing in the minds of the members was definitely not the Federation, but It is in the interest of their family.

Therefore, no matter which family, they would not go to the front line that would inevitably suffer huge casualties.

"If that's the case, let's let it go first!" Speaker Barn didn't care too much. The Federation has a vast star field, a mere Tyrannian galaxy. Although it is an important economic center, for the Federation, such a large galaxy they still have There are dozens of them, and it doesn't hurt to lose one. Most importantly, this Tyranid galaxy is not the sphere of influence of a certain big family, so naturally no one is desperate for it.

Later, the topic discussed in the parliament was changed to something else, and the Tyrann Galaxy's request for help was put on hold.

If the officials and people of Tailun knew this was the result, they probably would have surrendered.

As General Cohen said a long time ago, today's federation is no longer what it used to be. The powerful families on the earth have already divided up the rights of the federation. In their eyes, nothing is as important as the interests of the family. As long as there is no interest, they don't care what happens to the Federation, and they don't care whether the people are alive or dead.


At this moment, the people in the Tyranid galaxy did not realize that they had been abandoned by the Federation. At this moment, all the soldiers were preparing for the battle intensely. Although they knew that they could not win, as long as they supported until the reinforcements arrived, victory would be assured. will be theirs!

It's just a pity that the reinforcements... don't exist at all!

"Shua!" A slight spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the gravity well of a barren planet on the edge of the Tyrann galaxy.

Immediately after a phase channel was opened, a silver-white streamlined spaceship came out of the phase space.

"Hehe, this looks like a good landing point!" Qin Hao smiled slightly. This is not a normal waterway, and it is located on the edge of the Tyranid galaxy, so few ships pass by. If you choose to land here , based on the broken radar of the Tyrannian local fleet, it is estimated that they will not be able to detect it.

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