According to the original plan, the people on the night of the blood moon surrounded Qin Hao and others, but when the bald man learned that someone in the other party could kill Miyamoto in seconds, he immediately adjusted the plan and eliminated the original siege. The plan turned into expulsion.

The three-sided encirclement only left a sliver of life, and this gap was facing the small lake. The bald man's intention was obvious, that is to drive Qin Hao and others to the small lake, and then use the fear scale to kill them.

There is no doubt that the Dread Scales were also obtained by the people of Blood Moon Night, but they originally had other plans for the Dread Scales, but now the bald man intends to use it to complete this mission.


At three o'clock in the morning, when everyone was sleeping soundly, there was a sudden noise of footsteps in the distance. The footsteps had no hidden meaning. They approached with such big strides, and approached so blatantly. The patrol team arranged by Qin Hao The enemy's trail was soon found.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Kyle shouted loudly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Carol panicked and rushed out of the shack first.

"Humph!" August, who was not far away, snorted coldly.

Soon, everyone including Qin Hao and General Keen got up. Because they were spending the night in the jungle, everyone was lying in their clothes, and they could rush out as long as they opened their eyes.

"Enemy attack! In front!" Kyle shouted loudly, in fact, he didn't shout, and everyone who woke up heard footsteps.

"Ta Tata..."

"Quick! Don't let them run away!"

"Catch Cohen, we can make a fortune!"

"Hurry up!"


With the cluttered footsteps and the shouts of people, it can be judged from their words that these people are the mercenaries who came to assassinate General Cohen.

"Captain, what are we going to do?" Leslie asked.

"Qin Hao, there are people on the left!" August said with a frown.

"There is also on the right!" Nicole also found a direction.

"Hey! It seems that we have no choice!" Although Qin Hao knew that the direction they could evacuate was leading to the small lake, but now he has no choice at all, and none of these people around him can fight. He wants to rely on It is simply impossible to fight against several teams on Blood Moon Night alone.

So knowing that the other party was driving him and others in the direction of Xiaohu, Qin Hao could only evacuate in that direction.

"Let's go!" Grabbing a wooden spear, Qin Hao took the lead in withdrawing in the direction of Xiaohu, and General Cohen and others followed.

"Qin Hao, something is not quite right!" On the way to evacuate, August came to Qin Hao's side.

"Yeah! It's weird everywhere!" Qin Hao nodded. First of all, the people behind the blood moon night were cheering, but they didn't chase after them desperately. The purpose of compressing the path of Qin Hao and others is very simple, to force them to run towards Xiaohu.

Secondly, Qin Hao found that the other party seemed to know their position very well. He deliberately did the opposite and took people back to the previous camp. the coordinates of these people.

"That guy Carol is really not normal!" August said in a low voice.

"Oh? What did you find?" Qin Hao asked.

"The specific evidence has not yet been grasped, but this guy is absolutely abnormal. When the enemy attacked just now, he was the first to rush out of the shack. Obviously, he was prepared." August said.

Carroll was very vigilant, and was not caught by August, but he rushed out just now, even faster than Qin Hao and others. What does this mean? This shows that he was not awakened by Kyle's shout at all, he didn't sleep at all, and he was already prepared.

If Carol just had insomnia, it would be understandable. After all, he had just been assassinated, and his son died tragically in front of him. No one could fall asleep, but the problem was that when he rushed out, although he looked panicked , but his eyes were very calm,

Obviously everything was faked, and if he didn't have a ghost in his heart, why did he pretend to be flustered?

"Yeah! Pay more attention!" Qin Hao nodded, but did not confront Carol, because the time was running out and the mercenaries chasing behind were so close, Qin Hao had no chance to stop and ask questions. Carroll.

"I understand!" August nodded. After all, Carroll was a friend of General Cohen. If there was no conclusive evidence, it would be difficult to deal with him.

Because they were being chased, Qin Hao and others ran very fast. It was also about half an hour. They came to the edge of the jungle, and there was a meadow and a small lake further ahead.

"Everyone is hidden!" Qin Hao ordered in a low voice.

"Yes!" The team members nodded in succession. After so many days of getting along, Qin Hao had already established his own authority among these people, so these people subconsciously began to obey his orders.

Soon, including Cohen and others, quickly hid in the grass, because in some places the weeds were as high as half a person, so it was not difficult to hide some people.

"Qin Hao, what are we hiding here for?" Nicole asked, sticking to Qin Hao's side.

"Secret!" Qin Hao smiled slightly, because Carol was by his side, so he didn't dare to speak his mind directly.

"Cut! It's a joke!" Nicole gave Qin Hao a dissatisfied look, but no matter how she looked at it, it looked like a little girl was acting like a spoiled child.

"August, you and Nicole protect everyone's safety, I'll leave." Qin Hao then told August.

"Yeah!" August didn't ask much, just nodded.

Then Qin Hao leaned down, and the whole person swayed in the grass and disappeared.


"Huh? Where are those people?" It wasn't long, the people on the night of the blood moon chased to the edge of the jungle, they looked ahead, and they were another thousand meters to the small lake, but the people they were chasing disappeared. .

Because there are grasses that are more than half a person high everywhere in front, it is difficult to determine the specific direction for a while.

"Boss, they are in the grass in front!" At this time, the nigger said to the bald man holding the instrument, and his instrument had four red dots flashing.

"Humph! You actually want to play hide-and-seek with us!" The bald man sneered. Although the tracker showed that these people were in front, because the distance was too close, the tracker couldn't show where the other party was in the grass.

"Baldhead, it's not easy to know where they are? Just sweep the shuttle!" A strong white man came out from behind the tree. This was the captain of another mercenary team. He was holding a six-pipe plus in his arms. Trinity Vulcan.

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