The battle between the Keha Galaxy Fleet and the Tyrannian Fleet did not last long, and after just over three hours, the battle was completely over.

There is no suspense, the Tyrannian fleet was defeated, and the defeat was very miserable, and it can even be said to be terrible. In the case of annihilation of its own army, it only damaged two light cruisers and three destroyers of the Korhal fleet. Not a single battleship was sunk here.

On the side of the Tyrannian galaxy fleet, 73 spaceships were blown up on the spot, 32 spaceships were forced to surrender due to serious injuries and lost power and weapon systems, and the other nearly 90 warships were shot down by the Corruptor. In the middle, after the ship loses control, it can only be caught without a fight.

In this battle, Qin Hao once again captured tens of millions of prisoners of war. These people were also sent to the rear by a transport ship he arranged, and they were temporarily locked up in a prisoner-of-war camp. When the messengers came, they were the best soldiers.

So Qin Hao didn't make things difficult for these people. On the contrary, he provided them with the best training place so that they could continue to develop their fighting skills.

"Is the damaged spacecraft on our side okay?" Qin Hao asked Hu Ke after sending off the prisoners.

"Returning to my lord, although a few of our warships have been damaged, they are not a big problem. The Xingzi-class robot cruiser has already begun to repair the damaged fleet. The core will soon, and these warships will be able to restore their combat power. " Hu Ke said.

"En! That's fine." Qin Hao nodded, and then asked, "What about the casualties?"

"In this battle, thirteen of us were killed and 1,235 were injured!" Hu Kehui reported that although none of the warships were sunk, the damaged warships would always explode and catch fire. Although there is no serious problem overall, it is normal for local casualties to occur.

"Take good care of the families of those brothers who died..." Qin Hao sighed. Although most of these people were already living dead, since they were killed in battle, Qin Hao decided to pay pensions to their families according to normal standards.

"My lord is kind!" Hu Ke praised Qin Hao first, and then asked, "By the way, my lord, which planet should we go to first?"

Because the only fleet in the Tyrann galaxy has been solved, the entire galaxy is now in an undefended state. As long as Qin Hao takes people there, he will basically occupy it directly.

"Then let's start with Balarens, the capital of the Tyranid galaxy!" Qin Hao said after thinking for a while. This Balarens star is located in the center of the Tyranid galaxy and is the core of economy and politics. After occupying it , other planets are likely to look forward to it, which will be of great help to Qin Hao's occupation of the entire Tyrannian galaxy.

"Yes! My lord, then we will jump over directly!" Hu Ke immediately took the order, thinking that there is no threat of fleets in the Tyrann galaxy, so Qin Hao and the others can directly jump wherever they want, which is comparable to using a conventional power engine It's much faster to rush.

A few hours later, the fleet appeared in the gravity well of Ballarens.

At this time, the government hall has already become a pot of porridge. Although everyone has already talked about the fact that the Tyrannian galaxy fleet cannot last long, no one expected that they would lose so quickly. Only a few hours later, the Keha galaxy fleet It's already approaching the city!

"My lord, the only orbital defense facilities we have now can't last for a few hours. Do we have to rely on the only remaining ground troops to resist?" an official asked.

"Hmph! Is it possible to hand over the planet to the rebels? This is absolutely impossible!" Hamill, the governor of the Tyranid galaxy, snorted coldly, and then said to all the officials around him: "We are paid by the Federation, and we eat The federation's food, now that the enemy is at hand, it's our turn to do something for the federation!"

"But my lord..." Some officials showed reluctance. If they could fight, they would of course be willing to fight, but the problem is that they can't fight at all with the strength at hand, and insisting on resisting will only increase casualties.

"Everyone, I don't force you. If anyone of you is afraid of death, submit your resignation letter now, and I will approve it all. But if you don't want to bear the Usha on your head, then resist me until the last moment! If the enemy lands, then we will be fine." It’s a guerrilla attack, and we have to deal with them to the end!” Hamill said.

"Guerrilla..." The other officials looked at each other, some with determination in their eyes, and some with reluctance.

For these officials, fighting guerrilla means that they have to go to the front line and live a hard life without food and clothing amidst the hail of bullets. Maybe the Tyranid galaxy can drag Qin Hao's fleet here for a few years.

When the federation's strength is fully accumulated, it will definitely be able to complete the counterattack! After all, the Earth Federation, which has a vast rear, has more resources than Qin Hao, who has only two star systems.

"My lord...I am old...Although I intend to kill the enemy, if I really fight guerrilla, it must be a burden, so I resign to you..." said an old official. OK, but I don't want to take the risk.

"Yes!" Hamill nodded. He will not force these officials. Guerrilla warfare is indeed difficult. If they are not really willing to fight, if they can't bear the crime and lead the team to defect, it will bring more trouble to other teams. Big loss, so it's better to let them go early.

"My lord, my wife just gave birth, and I..." Another official also stood up and resigned.


Soon, Hamill approved the resignation of more than a dozen officials, and the remaining officials said they would fight to the death.

"My lord, we have cleared all the orbital defense weapons on Balarrence, and now we can start the landing operation!" Hu Ke reported to Qin Haohui at this time.

"Issue an ultimatum to Ballarrence and give them five hours to consider. If they refuse to surrender, then we will forcefully land!" Qin Hao said.

"Yes! My lord!" Hu Ke quickly sent the ultimatum to Ballarrence.

Time passed bit by bit, and there was no reaction from Ballarance Star. Although Hamill made the decision to resist to the end, he would not waste these five hours of precious time, so he took advantage of this time to , Hamill disbanded all the troops except the Air Force, and then dispersed these people to form several guerrillas, and scattered these guerrillas to all corners of the entire planet.

Although Hamill is a civil servant, he also knows that it is impossible to defeat Qin Hao who owns the fleet. Therefore, only by spreading out the people can he drag Qin Hao's army in the Tyranid galaxy to the maximum extent.

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