Almost at the same time as Hu Ke sent a broadcast to the planet Balarrence, Qin Hao also issued an attack order to several swarm leaders under him!

"Squeak!" Accompanied by the sound of insects, overwhelming swarms of insects surged out from the landing point, and at the same time, a group of worker bees landed on the surface of Ballarens star with their secondary insect nests.

After the secondary insect nest landed, it started to take root in the ground like a plant, followed by the thick creeper radiating away. The plants on the ground began to wither the moment they touched the creeper, and melted in the blink of an eye. An organic matrix was made and filled into the nutrient pool of the insect nest.

Moreover, when the insect nest lands, the radiation range of the creep is still growing, and the vicious dogs responsible for guarding the insect nest are also hunting and killing creatures around the insect nest. They need to fill the insect nest with an organic matrix so that the insect nest can continue to grow. Spawn a swarm to replenish swarm damage ahead.

After the tide-like swarm rushed out of the landing point, the killing began. For the swarm, hunting is their instinct, no matter whether the prey is a powerful beast or a human holding a weapon, for the swarm, There is no difference at all.

"Da da da..." In front of a certain barricade, more than a dozen soldiers of the Ballarens star army were defending the barricade. Behind them was a front-line command post, but in front of them was a swarm of insects that could not be seen at a glance.

"Swish, swish..." The speed of the vicious dogs was extremely fast, they were jumping and running, not afraid of the dense barrage coming from ahead, the rifle bullets like a torrent of metal easily shot through the bodies of the vicious dogs, Let the blood spray out.

But these vicious dogs were unmoved at all, and even the blood stimulated their hunting instincts.

These vicious dogs charged forward crazily. They stepped on the corpses of their companions. Even if a leg was broken, they still limped towards the enemy.

"Sir! We can't stand it anymore! The ammunition is almost used up, but these monsters can't be killed!" A soldier turned his head and shouted loudly.

"Hold on! Reinforcements will come soon!" The officer gritted his teeth at this time, because he himself didn't know whether there was such a thing as reinforcements.

"Yes!" The soldiers who received the order roared, and then clenched the rifles in their hands, and the bullets shot out like running water. Although the killing effect was amazing, and there were hundreds of monsters dead in front, those monsters still suppressed Come up, the distance between the two sides is constantly shortened, and then shortened.

Finally... the insect swarm rushed to the front of the barricade after paying huge casualties. The battlefield was still full of massacres, but the slaughtered party changed from the insect swarm to human soldiers.


"help me……"


There were screams one after another,

In the blink of an eye, the barricades were swallowed up by the swarms. Whether they were officers or soldiers, these defenders became the rations of the swarms.

Such battlefields can be seen everywhere in the entire Balarens star. As the insect swarm continues to advance, any human being who dares to appear on the street with weapons will become their target, and those who hide in the room or fight against the insects on high buildings People who shoot in groups will also be attacked by Skywalkers.

Although the casualties of the swarm were enormous during the advance, their corpses were continuously sent back to the swarm, plus the corpses of various creatures plundered by the swarm, the swarm did not lack organic matter at all. Substrate, so batch after batch of new swarms are constantly being hatched, and then put into the battlefield.

Humans are actually quite fragile creatures. For ordinary creatures, such as sheep and horses, cubs can run shortly after birth and can keep up with the steps of adults. Even ligers and tigers, when they are just born They may not even open their eyes, but after a year or two, they can also learn to hunt.

Only human beings need more than ten years to learn the skills necessary for survival. The long breeding cycle means that once human beings encounter serious setbacks, it will take a long time to recover.

But the swarm is different. Once they hatch, they can fight. After a day or two, the skin and carapace will reach the hardest level, and the combat effectiveness will reach the best. The ultra-fast life cycle makes the swarm not afraid at all. Casualties, newly hatched swarms will continue to replenish.

With the help of Skywalker in the delivery, within a short dozen hours, the entire planet Balarrence was covered with swarms, hundreds of millions of swarms swept across all human cities and villages, Any human beings who did not obey Qin Hao's order and dared to take weapons to the streets were wiped out.

"My lord... let's surrender! We can't go on like this, this is nothing but massacre!"

"Yes! Your Excellency! We are not afraid of death, but it is too meaningless to die like this, right? You can't let so many soldiers die for your own honor, right?"


In a hidden underground base, several officials are persuading Hamill.

"Hmph! You cowards! They are all soldiers. It is their duty to defend the Federation. It is their honor to die in battle!" Hamill looked determined. the life and death of others.

"But..." An official wanted to persuade him again, but Hamill suddenly pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger on the official.

"Crack!" With a gunshot, the official died on the spot, leaving only a bloody bullet hole in his chest.

"This..." The other officials were dumbfounded, and no one thought that Hamill would directly shoot and kill people.

"As I said before, anyone who dares to surrender will be killed without mercy!" Hamill said coldly.

At this time, in the entire hall, except for Hamill, everyone else was silent, and no one dared to speak.

But at this moment, the red alarm light in the hall suddenly flickered!

"Alert! Alert! The secondary defense has been breached and the base is under attack!"

"Alert! Alert! The first-level defense has been destroyed! The base is under attack!"

"Alert! Alert! The gate of the base has been breached! Please evacuate immediately!"


The frequency of the sirens was very fast, and it took less than a minute from the destruction of the second-level defense to the breach of the gate, which made everyone who was already nervous panic all of a sudden.

"My lord...we..." An official said boldly, but before he finished speaking, the wall on the left side of the hall was smashed into pieces!

"Squeak..." The moment the wall shattered, a large number of vicious dogs rushed in.

"Papa..." Hamill raised his gun and fired, but his pistol was a limited threat to the swarm. Before he could empty the clip of his pistol, he was knocked down by the worms.

( = )

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