"My lord, do you think there will be fraud?" Facing the surrender of the Zevira galaxy, Hu Ke was skeptical.

"There's nothing wrong with being cautious. Send a scout ship first, and after confirming safety, we'll jump!" Qin Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Yes! My lord!" Hu Ke nodded, and then went to make arrangements.

As time passed, the reconnaissance ship did not encounter any fleet at the edge of the Zavira galaxy, nor found any defensive facilities. It seemed that the Zavira galaxy was really ready to surrender.

"Let's jump!" After confirming the safety, Hu Ke began to command the fleet to jump to the Xavira galaxy.

More than 20 hours later, the Keha Galaxy Fleet arrived at the outskirts of the Zevira Galaxy. Not long after they completed the transition, they received a message from the Zevira Galaxy Fleet.

"This is the Zevira Galaxy Fleet. We were ordered to surrender to Master Qin Hao. Now the fleet is on standby at the gravity well of Vx704, waiting for your reception at any time!"

"Let them come over!" Qin Hao said after receiving Hu Ke's report.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke immediately passed Qin Hao's order to the Zevira Galaxy Fleet.

In order to avoid being ambushed, Qin Hao will definitely not let the fleet go to the gravity well of star vx704, but since the Zevira Galaxy Fleet is going to surrender, they must show enough sincerity, so letting them come here by themselves is considered a piece of cake kind of test.

"My lord, the other party agrees!" Hu Ke received a reply from the other party very quickly, and it seemed that the Zavira galaxy was really ready to surrender.

More than ten hours later, the Zevira galaxy fleet came to the gravity well of the planet where the Keha fleet was located, and then formally surrendered to the Keha fleet. As before, Qin Hao asked Hu Ke to send a landing craft to take everyone in the fleet The officers and soldiers were all sent to the transport ship, and then all these people were sent to the Korha galaxy, where they will also receive training in the temporary prisoner-of-war camp and military camp.

As for those spaceships, Qin Hao directly asked people to send them to the resource recycling station to smelt metals. Although the local fleet in the Zevira Galaxy is not small, the quality of the fleet is not even as good as that of the Tyrann Galaxy. The classic ships they used could even be sent to museums. The earliest batch of ships in service can almost be traced back to the time when human beings just left the solar system.

After dealing with the Zevira galaxy fleet, Qin Hao led the army straight to the capital of the Zevira galaxy-Ulduar star. The hub, after occupying this place, can control the entire Zevira galaxy.

Since there was no obstacle encountered,

So Qin Hao's fleet arrived at the gravity well of Ulduar very quickly, and just after Qin Hao's fleet arrived, a small boat flew out of Ulduar, and this small boat approached Qin Hao's fleet After that, he actually asked to stop.

"Lord Qin Hao, I am the governor of the Zevira galaxy, and my name is Maxi. I surrender to you on behalf of the entire Zevira galaxy!" A middle-aged white man appeared on the big screen.

"Put them in!" Qin Hao nodded, and then the guiding boat brought the small boat to Hu Ke's flagship, and Qin Hao also took the small boat to Hu Ke's flagship at this time.

"Master Qin Hao, we know the unfair treatment you have received in the federation. We wanted to stand up and support you, but you also know that our Zevira galaxy is located in a remote place, and I am a soft-spoken person, so I never got the chance. Now you are raising the flag of rebellion against the corrupt federal government, and we are the first in the Zevira galaxy to raise our hands to support you!" As a senior politician, when Maxi said such shameless words, his face did not change color, and his heart did not beat. At the same time, he still kept a humble smile, making Qin Hao feel sick for a while.

"Okay, there's no need to talk about this kind of flattery, let's talk about the business." Qin Hao took a seat at the head of the seat, and didn't even let the officials of the Zevira galaxy who came to surrender sit down. .

Those Zavila galaxy officials who had heard of Qin Hao's brutal methods in the Tyrann galaxy didn't get permission, and they didn't dare to sit down privately, so they had to stand respectfully in front of Qin Hao. In this way, the two sides would not be fair of negotiations.

"Master Qin Hao, we can surrender to you and give away the entire Zevira galaxy, but there are a few small requests that I hope you can consider..." Maxi's tone was very tactful.

"Tell me!" Qin Hao glanced at Maxi and said.

"It's like this, my lord, we hope you can respect our personal and property safety..." Maxi made his first request, but his so-called "we" refers to these high-ranking officials, not Zavira Ordinary people of the galaxy.

"And then?" Qin Hao said noncommittally.

"What's more..." After Maxi said this, he took a peek at Qin Hao's face, and then tentatively said: "If you don't have enough officials under you, sir, we are willing to work for you."

Although Maxi didn't say it clearly, the meaning was already obvious. He hoped that Qin Hao could retain their official positions and let them continue to manage the Zevira galaxy.

"Hmm...is there anything else?" Qin Hao asked slowly.

"That... If possible, we hope that the Zevira galaxy can be autonomous..." Maxi was even a little flustered seeing Qin Hao being so talkative.

"Well! The request is very reasonable!" Qin Hao said to Maxi with a smile, but before Maxi could smile, Qin Hao suddenly changed the subject: "But I refuse all of them!"

"Ah?! Your Excellency..." Maxi and the officials behind him were all dumbfounded. They ran to Qin Hao in person regardless of the danger, wasn't it just to make a good impression on the young rebel leader? Unexpectedly, all my requests were rejected!

"Miss you softies, should I keep you and defect to others?" Qin Hao snorted coldly. What he hates most is bureaucrats like Maxi. When he sees their mercenary faces, he feels nausea!

"My lord, we..." Maxi and the others were still in a daze at this moment, they didn't know where they had offended Qin Hao.

"Come on! Take them all to me!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and immediately soldiers rushed forward and arrested Maxi and other officials of the Xavira galaxy. Qin Hao didn't kill them immediately, mainly It was because they were afraid that the political situation in the Zevira galaxy would be unstable, so these people were temporarily spared their lives.

"My lord, what do you plan to do with them?" Hu Ke stepped forward and asked after the officials were taken away and imprisoned.

"Lock it up first, and when the political situation in the Zevira galaxy is stable, pull them all to feed the bugs!" Qin Hao said with a cold snort. What annoys him most is these bureaucrats who only have personal interests in their eyes.

( = )

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