Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 966: The Veteran Comes Out of the Mountain

"Hehe, I want autonomy..." Qin Hao glanced at these people with a smile. Although it was a virtual meeting completed through holographic projection technology, when Qin Hao glanced over, the governors of these galaxies still felt A lot of pressure.

"Lord Qin Hao, we are not saying that we want complete autonomy..." Seeing Qin Hao's eyes scanning back and forth on people like himself, but he never responded, one of the governors of the galaxy couldn't hold back, and he let go first.

"Ahem..." Gangcun Jianren coughed dryly, and he stopped the governor from continuing to speak. Before the virtual meeting, these governors had already connected together, and their appeal was for autonomy. If at this time the alliance If someone lets go, the interests of others will not be protected.

"Uh..." Seeing Gangcun Jianren's complexion, the governor who was about to compromise with Qin Hao didn't dare to speak anymore. Although the governors of these galaxies are all on the same level, the strength of each galaxy is different. very different.

The New Edo galaxy managed by Gangmura Jianren has the largest scale and a very developed economy. It ranks first in the entire Earth Federation. The most important thing is that among those who came to negotiate with Qin Hao to get the governor, only Gang Cun Jianren has a family background. Although the other governors also have factions on the surface, they are not direct descendants of those big families, but the former president's faction.

So when President Claude was squeezed out and the federal president was vacant, these people who originally belonged to the president's faction were squeezed out because they didn't have the support of the big boss behind them, so they were sometimes independent, and sometimes they were drawn in. , swaying like weeds.

But Gangcun Jianren is different. He has family power behind him, but the family behind him is not very ranked on the earth. It is just a small follower of the Gangmen family. The position of the governor of the new Edo galaxy is mainly because he married the daughter of the Gangmen family.

But as a man, Gangmura Jianren is not only satisfied with borrowing a woman to rise to the top, he is eager to prove himself, but in the Earth Federation, not only are civilians' promotion channels blocked, even those small families on the earth are growing stronger. There is not a lot of space, key industries and important positions have already been controlled by those top families, and what is left to these small families is just soup.

So if you want to reverse the current situation, you can only break the situation with chaos and re-establish order!

So Gangcun Jianren decided to take the risk. After discussing with the Gangcun family, he decided to take a gamble. So Gangcun Jianren contacted those vacillating people without telling his wife and the Gangmen family. The governor of the galaxy, and then come to negotiate with Qin Hao.

Because Gangmura Jianren knows that based on his own new Edo galaxy, he is not even qualified to negotiate conditions with Qin Hao, but if so many galaxies are brought together, it will be different. The territories of the governors of these galaxies added together,

Already one-eighth of the territory of the entire federation, this is not a small bargaining chip!

"Hehe, this Gang village is quite prestigious among these people..." Qin Hao nodded secretly, he had seen and remembered the performance of the governors of these galaxies.

"Master Qin Hao, we are very sincere. As long as you nod your head, you will immediately get one-eighth of the federal territory, which is dozens of times larger than your current territory!" Gangcun Jianren raised his hands Standing on the table, he looked directly into Qin Hao's eyes and said.

"One-eighth of the territory, it's really tempting." Qin Hao smiled slightly, but was still noncommittal.

"Master Qin Hao, although you are powerful now, it may not be that simple to unify the federation, and with only one Tyranid galaxy, it can provide you with very limited resources. As for the two stars Keha and Char It can be ignored even more. Once the federation recovers and the fleets of the major families unite together, the fleet under your command may not be able to completely defeat the opponent. Once damage occurs, Do you think the Tailun galaxy can support such a huge fleet?" Seeing that Qin Hao still refused to let go, Kenren Okamura began to put pressure on Qin Hao.

"You mean those families have started to unite now?" Qin Hao asked with a smile. There hasn't been any news from the Qian family these days. It seems that they were squeezed out by the Federal Parliament. Hao's relationship is clear.

Although due to the huge power of the Qian family and the intertwined influence among the major families, Speaker Bahn and others did not dare to touch the Qian family rashly, but they will definitely exclude the Qian family when making decisions. !

However, Qin Hao's sources of information are not limited to the Qian family, he also has the line of the Twain family, and now there is no news from the Twain family, so Gangcun Jianren is just bluffing at this time.

"I won't hide it from you, Jiannei is the prostitute of the Gangmen family, and I got the news from the Gangmen family!" said Gangcun Jianren.

"Oh?" Qin Hao smiled, and then said to Gangcun Jianren: "So what if they unite? The three main federal fleets failed to threaten me. Even if the private armies of these families gather, they will Can you beat me?"

"Master Qin Hao, I know you are very confident, but I have to remind you that General Franklin has come out of the mountain!" Jianren Gangmura said Franklin's name word by word.

"General Franklin..." This news really exceeded Qin Hao's expectations.

Although Qin Hao has not served in the Federal Navy for a particularly long time, and he is only a dropout student in the Federal Naval Academy, the name of General Franklin is very familiar to him, and his theories are almost quoted in all command textbooks , or simulated battle cases.

Although it is said that the capable generals of the Federation are not convinced with each other, if it is said who is the number one general of the Federation, then no one will question Franklin, even if it is the arrogant Hu Ke who no one looks down on, he will He had great admiration for General Franklin, and Han Yihang regarded the old general as his idol.

It's just that General Franklin is almost 80 years old this year, and he has already retired to the second line for many years. He even resigned from his teaching position at the Naval Academy for a long time. I didn't expect him to come out this time.

But if you think about it, the Federation has repeatedly failed in the battle against Qin Hao. Without knowing the strength of the swarm, they will definitely blame the generals for their defeats on the incompetence of the generals. It is too difficult to find someone who can fight and convince the crowd, so it is not impossible to invite General Franklin to come out of the mountain.

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