Because he was unwilling to pay heavy casualties, Qin Hao gave up the attack on the Dakan Galaxy as a last resort.

However, this does not mean that Qin Hao gave up on the Dakan galaxy. He just chose another attack route, planning to attack the Dakan galaxy from the other side after entering the hinterland of the Federation. In this way, he would not need to go through The star gate can have more transition points as a choice. Once it can successfully enter the Dakan galaxy, it is completely impossible to stop Qin Hao's footsteps with the fleet of the Brick family alone.

"My lord, shall we send a reconnaissance ship to the New Qingzhou galaxy now?" Hu Ke asked.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Qian Feng first." Qin Hao stopped Hu Ke. Although Qian Feng had already stated that he wanted to work with him, the Qian family was not his subordinate after all, and the two parties could only be regarded as close. A cooperative relationship, so the face that should be given still has to be given.

"Yes! My lord!" Hu Ke nodded.

Qin Hao then contacted Qian Feng through the Qian family's secret communication channel.

"Brother Hao, are you planning to launch a frontal war?" Qian Feng seemed quite excited by the tone of his voice.

"Well! How is the other side of the earth recently? You haven't been involved in anything, have you?" Qin Hao was still quite worried that the Qian family would be excluded by other families because of his own affairs.

"No, Brother Hao, don't worry, except for those small families that don't have the support of cultivators, most of the families are calm about your rebellion." Qian Feng said with a smile.

"Calm down? What do you mean?" Qin Hao froze for a moment.

"Hey! Brother Hao, you are black under the lights. There are so many families on the earth. Their biggest reliance is not the power of the world, but the cultivators who do not get involved in worldly things. As long as these cultivators are still alive , then the foundation of the family will not be shaken!" Qian Feng smiled at this point, and then continued: "So even if Brother Hao really wins the Federation and establishes a new regime, for these families, The influence is not too great, after all, their influence is there, no matter which regime is in charge, their interests will not change much."

"They all think so?" Qin Hao didn't grow up in such a big family since he was a child, so his thinking mode is different from these people.

From Qin Hao's point of view, if he wants to overthrow the existing federal government, he will touch the cheese of these families. They must fight Qin Hao desperately, but in the eyes of people like Qian Feng, the change of the federal government is actually no big deal.

Although Qin Hao touched the vested interests of some people, the facts have proved that the price to be paid to resist Qin Hao is greater, so after weighing the pros and cons,

Quite a few families have already given up their plans to stop Qin Hao, because in their view, the power of these families is already deeply ingrained, and no matter who is in power, they will give them three points, and the core interests of the family will not be touched. touched.

Here, those big families obviously misjudged, because Qin Hao is not an ordinary "rebel", his goal is not power, and he will not compromise with these families for the sake of power.

"In this case, it seems that the unification of the Federation is simpler than I imagined, but the follow-up rebound may be a little bigger." After listening to Qian Feng's description, Qin Hao had a general understanding in his mind.

In the initial stage, because these families misjudged Qin Hao's goal, they should not go all out to resist Qin Hao's attack, so Qin Hao should relatively easily seize power and establish a new federal government.

But soon, these families will find that Qin Hao does not intend to compromise with them, he will really touch the core interests of these families, so after the establishment of the new federal regime, these families may rebound.

Not enough. At this time, Qin Hao already knew the bottom line of these families, so he could start preparations in advance, and those families did not take this regime change seriously because they did not understand Qin Hao's ultimate goal.

Whether he did mental calculations or not, this made Qin Hao, who already had the upper hand, a little bit more chance of winning.

"Brother Hao, what are you going to do? Is the next step going to attack Xinqingzhou?" Qian Feng asked with a smile, he had already guessed Qin Hao's next plan.

"Yes!" Qin Hao didn't hide anything.

"Alright, I'll ask the people over there to cooperate with you. Tomorrow, the thirty-eight star systems within the Qian family's sphere of influence will declare independence, and the twenty-odd star systems affected by our family's influence will follow suit. Qian Your fleet will occupy the star gate first, and after I give you the signal, you can jump over directly!" Qin Hao didn't need to say anything, Qian Feng arranged everything clearly.

The New Qingzhou galaxy is very large, and the part developed by humans has more than 300 star systems. Among these star systems, there are more than 60 galaxies directly or indirectly controlled by the Qian family. These galaxies are under the order of Qian Feng. , will announce that they will break away from the control of the federation and become independent dominions. After Qin Hao's fleet arrives, they will announce to join the new interstellar federation.

"Thank you very much! By the way, is there anything to pay attention to in Xinqingzhou?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"Be careful with the Haidai star field. The 147 star systems over there are all within the Zhao family's sphere of influence. You can leave them alone and don't attack them. Offending the Zhao family now will do you no good. "Qian Feng warned.

"The Zhao family..." Qin Hao frowned. When Granny Liu mentioned the Zhao family before, she told him to stay away. Now Qian Feng said the same.

As one of the three pillars of the Federation, the Zhao family's strength should not be underestimated. The Zhao family has controlled the Yingtian Academy, the top five sects in the martial arts for generations, and its strength is also outstanding, and the top five sect masters this year are also from Yingtian Academy. As the first seat, Zhao Jue, it is obviously impossible not to give them enough face.

"Brother Hao, don't take it seriously, the strength of the Zhao family is no small matter, you really made them anxious, grandma may not be able to protect you..." Qian Feng was afraid of Qin Hao's impulsiveness, so he persuaded again .

"Well! I see!" Qin Hao nodded. He was actually not afraid of the Zhao family. At this time, Qin Hao had already advanced to the ultimate body. At least it has the strength to save lives.

And relying on the endless swarm of insects under his command, it is not impossible for Qin Hao to destroy the Zhao family regardless of the cost.

But the problem is that both the Qian family and the Zhao family are on Earth, and his relationship with the Qian family is public. If the Zhao family blames the Qian family for this, then Qin Hao will become a sinner, so after listening to Qian After Feng got the complaint, Qin Hao planned to vacate the territory of the Zhao family first, and deal with these secular problems after he integrated all the practitioners on the earth.

( = )

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