After cutting off the communication with Qian Wenguang, Qin Hao fell into deep thought.

It was not until a long while before Qin Hao raised his head again.

"My lord, what are your plans?" the adjutant asked.

"Hey..." Qin Hao sighed. It was really difficult for him to make such an important decision in such a short time. Fortunately, Qian Feng also circled some star areas that can be attacked on the star map. It will take several months to fight, so Qin Hao is not in a hurry to make a decision.

"Tell Hu Ke, let the fleet turn to the Yidu star region." Qin Hao said to the adjutant. This Yidu star region is located in a corner of the new Qingzhou galaxy, including forty-seven star systems. These star systems either belong to the Lin family or Belonging to the vassal family of the Lin family.

And the Heihumen behind the Lin family has always had grievances with the Tianshan faction. It was because of these people's black hands that Qian Feng's father lost his martial arts and became an ordinary person. Later, Qin Hao even killed the elder of the Heihumen. son, and made them dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and they couldn't tell the pain, so the hatred between the two families was almost indelible.

Since hatred cannot be mediated, it is of course the best thing to hurt the other party and vent your anger on yourself. Therefore, when Qian Feng marked the star map, he directly painted the entire Yidu star area in red that could be attacked.

Qin Hao is of course willing to attack the Yidu star area. As long as the Qian family can withstand the pressure of the Black Humen, he is very happy to take the Yidu star area directly to avoid future troubles, even if the Qian family is not afraid of the threat of the Zhao family. , he even dared to flatten the Haidai star area occupied by the Zhao family.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" The adjutant immediately conveyed Qin Hao's order to Hu Ke.

Afterwards, Hu Ke immediately commanded the fleet to adjust its direction, preparing to march towards the Yidu star area!

At this moment, the Lin family in the Yidu star area did not know that Qin Hao had arrived in the New Qingzhou galaxy, but they did not care too much about it. Apart from asking the patrol fleet to strengthen vigilance, they did not intend to take Qin Hao's The fleet was blocked from the star gate, because in that case, there would definitely be a direct conflict with the Qian family's fleet.

Just like what I said before, although Qin Hao is closer to the Qian family, the decision-makers of the Lin family still feel that Qin Hao will not do anything to them, because even if there is a conflict between the Qian family and the Lin family, this conflict does not challenge them. Clearly, they didn't believe that Qin Hao would risk the displeasure of the world and openly attack the Lin family's territory. If he really did that, everyone in the other families would be in danger, and everyone's attitude towards Qin Hao would definitely be viewed from the sidelines. into confrontation.

Including the Lin family, almost all the big families think that Qin Hao's script is like this. He first occupies some galaxies with no background to show his strength, and then with the help of the Qian family,

Enter the federal hinterland from the new Qingzhou galaxy.

Then he went straight to the earth along the way, forcing the federal government of the earth to dissolve, and then established a new regime to complete his coup d'état.

Of course, even if a new federal government is established, the status of those top families is still high. They have already been deeply rooted, and no one can threaten their existence. No matter who is in charge of the new government, they will still save their face.

In the new federal parliament, the major families will definitely occupy enough seats. Although the new president may be stronger, which will slightly reduce the power of those families in administration, the core interests of these families will not change. .

It is based on this political judgment that those top families can be said to have condoned Qin Hao's attack. Only a few factions such as Speaker Bahn took resistance, but they were alone and could not stop Qin Hao's advance at all.

But if Qin Hao doesn't follow this script, and he willfully attacks the territories of these families and touches their core interests, then these families must not sit still, although a single family may not be the opponent of Qin Hao's huge fleet, But once they unite, Qin Hao will definitely not be an opponent, at least the decision makers of those families think so.

So when Qin Hao's fleet arrived at the outskirts of the Yidu star area, not only did he not encounter any resistance, but a small fleet approached on its own initiative.

"My lord, the other party has sent a clear message." Hu Ke said to Qin Hao in the fleet communication.

"Come in." Qin Hao nodded.

Soon, a middle-aged man appeared on the big screen in front of Qin Hao.

"Lord Qin Hao, I am the commander of the Seventh Patrol Fleet in the Yidu Sector, Lieutenant Commander Chen Ming of the Federal Navy." The middle-aged officer first saluted Qin Hao.

"Hmm! Hello!" Qin Hao reluctantly returned the salute. After all, he was a soldier, and this kind of etiquette was already half instinct for him.

"Master Qin Hao, are you going to borrow the Yidu star area? I will inform you now, please wait a moment, if you have any supply needs, we will try our best to meet you." Chen Ming was very polite Said that the Chen family he belongs to is one of the vassal families of the Lin family, and their family only has one star system in the Yidu star region.

"I didn't come here to make excuses. My goal is to occupy the Yidu star area. You can send the news back now. I will give you 24 hours to consider. If you don't surrender, my fleet will attack the Yidu star area." Attack the area!" Qin Hao didn't make any surprise attacks, he just wanted to hit the earth in an upright manner, so that he could truly return to the earth as a conqueror.

"My are joking..." Chen Ming was frightened dumbfounded when he heard Qin Hao's words.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Qin Hao said seriously.

"Uh... well... my lord, I will pass the news back! Then look at our patrol fleet..." Chen Ming asked tentatively.

"Don't leave, you will die if you go back, stay!" Qin Hao waved his hand after speaking, and two cruisers and four destroyers surrounded the small patrol fleet and escorted them back to the fleet of the tail.

"Huh..." Chen Ming heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that Qin Hao had saved him. If Qin Hao drove him away, the 24-hour deadline would come. The nearest patrol fleet of Hao Fleet must still be responsible for reconnaissance missions, but now their fleet signals have been exposed to the radar of Qin Hao Fleet, it is too easy for people to find them, let alone continue to carry out reconnaissance missions, I guess If it can't last a day, it has to be found and then destroyed.

Now Qin Hao's fleet has detained Chen Ming and the others. On the one hand, it can be regarded as allowing them to avoid the upcoming war that is destined to fail.

( = )

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