The destruction of the fighter force was just the beginning, and the overwhelming swarm of insects seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. They charged frantically and launched an almost frantic attack on the remaining Tevia fleet.

"Order the fortress to fire with full firepower! Attack the enemy fleet!" At this time, Baroque also understood that attacking the swarm would have no effect. Only by destroying the mothership behind the swarm could the swarm's reinforcements be completely cut off.

But the question is, is the mothership of the swarm so easy to destroy?

"Boom!" A thick light beam with a diameter of several hundred meters shot up from the New Revolver-1 star. After receiving Barack's order, the interstellar main cannon fired!

This interstellar main cannon can be said to be the strongest attack method for human beings at present. Its diameter has reached a terrifying 258 meters. Even the main cannon of a battleship is insignificant in front of it.

In order to support this super interstellar main gun, the backup energy accelerator alone occupies an area of ​​nearly one hundred square kilometers, and its cooling time is as high as 24 hours. It also needs at least two hours to recharge before each launch.

Not only that, but the steering of this interstellar main cannon is also very cumbersome. It is guided by 128 orbits, with the equator of New Revolver No. 1 star as the axis, and can adjust its orientation around the planet, but the speed is very slow.

"It's done!"

"Haha! The damn Keha fleet is finished!"


All the officers and soldiers of the entire Tevia fleet cheered, and they raised their hands high, as if after this cannonball, the entire Keha galaxy fleet could be wiped out.

If the Keha galaxy fleet is an ordinary fleet, then even if the Keha fleet is not completely wiped out, more than half of the Keha fleet will be damaged. After all, the power of this super main gun is too powerful, even if it is the shield of a battleship. Fully open, it will be vaporized instantly!

"Boom!" The bright beam of light hit the yellow cloud of microorganisms, and the cloud of microorganisms that could have an absolute defense against energy weapons instantly boiled.

Because the energy intensity contained in the beam of light is so great that the microbial cloud has no time to refract and offset it, and is vaporized by the energy beam!

"Shua!" At this moment, nearly half of the microbial cloud with a thickness of tens of kilometers was penetrated instantly, and all the microorganisms at the front were gasified. Although the microbial cloud at the rear gradually dissipated part of the energy of the beam, this This attack is still too powerful!

"Your Highness,

The hunter sent back a message that the microbial cloud could no longer withstand this terrorist attack! Noz reported immediately.

"Order the hunters to release the microbial cloud with all their strength, and at the same time mobilize the skywalkers to block the front of the fleet!" Qin Hao frowned. Although he knew that the new Zuolun No. 1 star was a fortress planet, he did not expect that they were equipped with such A super interstellar main gun of various scales!

"Yes! Your Highness!" Noz immediately took the order. Now, in order to fight for the right to station on this planet for itself, it dare not disappoint Qin Hao at all. It will do everything it can do by itself, including mobilizing heaven Walker cannon fodder to block cannon such garbage work.

"Hu Ke, command the fleet to disperse immediately, and at the same time output the maximum power of the energy shield!" Qin Hao's order was conveyed to Hu Ke's flagship at the same time.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke also became nervous at this time. The power of the other party's interstellar main gun is indeed terrifying. He has already started to order the fleet to turn around just now.

Under Qin Hao's order, all those hunters swallowed yellow cloud of microbes recklessly, and some of them were even producing microbes in excess of life's overload.

At the same time, a large number of skywalkers blocked the Korhal galaxy fleet like a dark cloud. The hundreds of millions of huge insect swarms were like a thick biological defense net, firmly covering the Korha galaxy fleet. behind.

"Boom!" Finally, the hunter's microbial cloud was broken through. Although they have managed to replenish these microbial clouds, the power of this interstellar main cannon is too strong, so powerful that the microbial cloud has no time to go. If too much energy is decomposed, it will be completely gasified.

Although the microbial cloud failed to withstand this super attack, they also bought nearly ten minutes for Qin Hao's fleet. During this time, the rear transport ships frantically released Skywalker, hundreds of millions of skywalkers The walker army gathered at the front of the fleet, blocking between the energy beam and the fleet!

"..." In the vast universe, because there is no air as a medium, sound cannot be transmitted smoothly, but you can see the painful appearance of the Skywalkers. They look ferocious and restless before touching the light beam. Not high, but out of biological instinct, these skywalkers can also sense the danger ahead.

But because they were firmly suppressed by the lords, even though these skywalkers were terrified in their hearts, they stuck to their positions until the light beam completely annihilated them.

The moment the energy beam penetrated the yellow cloud, the first batch of Skywalkers who came into contact with the beam were vaporized on the spot, followed by the next batch...

Batch after batch, millions of Skywalkers were gasified by the energy beam, but at the same time, although the energy beam gasified millions, tens of millions of Skywalkers, its own energy was also constantly of being consumed.

After the energy beam penetrated the army of hundreds of millions of Skywalkers, it was only at the end of its battle at this time!

"Boom!" The remaining, weak energy beam hit a destroyer that was turning behind, causing the destroyer's shield to flicker continuously...

"Bo..." With an imaginary soft sound, the destroyer's energy shield was pierced, like a soap bubble that had been punctured!

Immediately after the energy beam touched the destroyer, the destroyer turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to melt, eventually turning into a lump of scrap iron!

But the power of this energy beam ends here. After dissolving the destroyer, the beam no longer has the power to continue to destroy. After it touched the shield of the next spaceship, it was completely neutralized !

"What!?" Baroque was dumbfounded, but at the same time his heart was ashes!

You must know that this super interstellar main cannon is already his Baroque's last trump card, but even such an extremely powerful main cannon can only destroy one of Qin Hao's warships, but the impact on the entire battle situation is nothing. Almost negligible.

"Report the battle damage!" Qin Hao frowned slightly. Since he took full control of the swarm, he has not suffered such a loss for a long time. A whole battleship was destroyed, together with the officers and soldiers inside...

"Report, sir, a destroyer was damaged and another frigate was injured. In terms of personnel, we lost 3,500 pirates bound by armor, a pirate captain, and a parasite!" Hu Ke immediately said The battle damage has been counted and reported.

( = )

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