"As you wish, Your Highness!" After receiving Qin Hao's order, Noz immediately directed the worker bees to start building the evolution cavity.

The evolution cavity is a building commonly used by the swarm. This thing is the gene reserve of the swarm. Basically, all the swarms except the vicious dog need to extract the necessary gene chains from the evolution cavity before hatching.

About five hours later, an eight-meter-high biological building rose from the ground. This weird-looking, even disgusting-looking building covers an area of ​​two thousand square meters. It has a fleshy shell and a large area. translucent film.

Through the film, it can be seen that the evolution cavity is filled with dark green mucus, and the embryos and prototypes of various creatures are floating in the dark green mucus.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao frowned. He had already arrived at the surface of the New Revolver No. 1 star through the landing ship, and stood in front of the evolution cavity. Although he controlled the swarm, the buildings and shapes of the swarm Qin Hao still can't adapt.

"Your Highness, you can unlock the gene lock." Noz said to Qin Hao.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, then walked forward, standing in front of the eight-meter-high evolution chamber, Qin Hao, who was more than 1.8 meters tall, still looked extremely small.

"Shua!" The bone spur popped out from the back of Qin Hao's right fist, and then began to secrete a golden viscous liquid. This is the key to unlock the gene lock. Only the master of the swarm has this authority!

"Swish..." Just when Qin Hao began to secrete golden liquid droplets, the evolution cavity seemed to feel the chemical breath in the droplets, and it actively grew a granulation from the flesh wall, and then the granulation turned into a thread The tentacles stretched out in front of Qin Hao.

"Tick tock..." The golden drop just landed on the tentacle, and nothing was wasted.

Then the tentacles retracted into the flesh wall, and Qin Hao's key to unlock the gene lock was also absorbed by the evolution chamber.

"Gudu... Gudu..." Not long after the evolution cavity absorbed the liquid droplet, Qin Hao heard the sound of liquid boiling, and through the translucent film, he could see the liquid in the evolution cavity churning.

"Noz, what are your plans next?" Qin Hao asked casually while waiting.

"Your Highness, I plan to develop this planet into a planet completely belonging to the Zerg!" Noz has already solidified at this time, and it has merged with the Zerg Nest. As time goes by, it can even merge with this planet. All in one!

"And then?" Qin Hao asked.


If your Highness authorizes me, I want to breed more swarms, then occupy the surrounding planets, and gradually spread the swarms to the surroundings! "Noz has nothing to hide from Qin Hao, he said in a nutshell.

"Sure enough..." Qin Hao nodded secretly. The nature of the swarm is to expand, to invade and plunder, but before they were suppressed by the queen, they were always trapped on a mere Alpha star.

In fact, if there is no suppression by the queen, let alone the Zerg Emperor, even a mere leader of the swarm can spread the swarm to the entire star system, or even the entire star region.

And once the Zerg Emperor Clan is not suppressed by the Queen, the ruler, then each of them can evolve into the master of the swarm. As long as the timing is right, the swarm will rule the entire universe, Qin Hao is not surprised!

"What did the Queen of Worms think? Why did she try her best to suppress the development of the swarm?" Qin Hao frowned. Worried that other Zerg Kings will shake her status, then she can kill the Zerg Kings, and she can release the leader of the swarm. Because of the relationship between the ranks, it is impossible for the leader of the swarm to evolve into a master. To what extent, it will also be suppressed by the master queen.

If the Queen of Worms did not try her best to suppress the development of the Worm Swarm, Qin Hao even believed that the fleet of Holy Envoys could not be the opponent of the Worm Swarm, and it was even more impossible for the Queen of Worms to be beaten like a bereaved dog and flee to New Zealand in embarrassment. Homeland Star Go!

"Why exactly?" Qin Hao couldn't figure out why the worm queen tried her best to limit her own power. You must know that the growth of the zerg is only good for her and has no harm.

"It seems that I can only wait for her to come back, and I'm looking for an opportunity to ask..." Qin Hao sighed, because he knew too little information, and it was impossible to guess what the Queen of Worms was thinking just by brain supplementation.

"Your Highness?" Seeing Qin Hao lost in thought, Noz called softly after a long time.

"Ah?" Qin Hao was relieved at this moment.

"Your Highness, the gene lock of the Lasher has been unlocked." Noz reminded that after two hours of unlocking, the Lasher has officially entered the sequence of the swarm. This small bug with a size of only one meter is even bigger than the evil one. Dogs are even smaller, but these things are crazy terrorists, and their self-destruct power is comparable to the heaviest interstellar missiles of human beings!

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then secreted a drop of golden mucus from the bone spur again, which was used to unlock the eye of purification.

Although the Eye of Purification is not suitable for large-scale hatching, it is also possible to hatch a few as a killer weapon. After all, the disintegrating rays fired by this thing are powerful weapons that can rival large-caliber energy main guns!

"Gudu... Gudu..." Stretched out the tentacles again, the evolution cavity that absorbed this drop of golden liquid boiled again, and various biological genes frantically stirred and fused in the evolution cavity, forming an unprecedented new species!

"Noz, after the eyes of purification are unlocked, I will leave you a batch of energy crystals, and you will hatch ten eyes of purification." Qin Hao gritted his teeth and said, the amount of energy crystals that these ten eyes of evolution need to consume It is equivalent to nearly a hundred parasites, such a huge loss even Qin Hao feels his heart is bleeding.

"Yes! Your Highness! This subordinate will definitely live up to your great trust!" Noz was overjoyed. It also knew that these purification eyes were all expensive. Qin Hao was willing to put so many purification eyes under his command, and Let him be in charge of nurturing, which is a great trust and respect for him.

"Well! Work hard!" Qin Hao nodded, and then urged: "You develop on this planet first, and don't let the worms leave the planet's gravity well in a short time!"

"Yes! Your Highness!" Noz took the order immediately. It will take a long time for it to completely control the planet before he can truly integrate with the new Zuolun No. 1 star, so regarding the external expansion, it There is no rush.

( = )

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