Since the Khan sector has basically been pacified, Qin Hao led the main fleet and began to march towards the Kuwei sector. According to President Claude's intention, Qin Hao will continue to put pressure on the Tevia family!

The Khan Sector was lost all of a sudden, and the Tevia family was also in chaos at this time. The main members of their family are now divided into two factions. One faction advocates peace talks while sticking to it, and the other faction simply clamors to surrender directly.

At this time, the example of the Lin family is in the front. If they surrender, basically the core interests of the family will be preserved, but the wartime command of the fleet will be lost. However, if the fight continues, several planets may be lost every day, or A star system!

The patriarch of the Tevia family is also anxious at this time, and he is also hesitating. After all, this is related to the fate of the family. If he surrenders, it will undoubtedly shame the Tevia family, but at this time it is indeed the best way to protect the interests of the family .

And while persevering and seeking peace talks, although it seems more secure and conservative, but at this time, people are advancing all the way, do you have the qualifications to negotiate with them?

If the negotiation fails in a short time, the loss of the family is real, but these people also have reasons for their insistence, that is, the family has stood for hundreds of years, if they just surrender like this, what is the glory of the family?

"Hey!" In the end, the Patriarch of the Tevia family sighed, and then asked a confidant next to him, "Have you sent back the news to the special envoy of the Zorro family?"

"Patriarch, there is no news yet. The patriarch of the Zorro family has disappeared due to illness," the confidant said with difficulty.

"Hehe" Patriarch Tevia shook his head with a wry smile. Although the two families are relatives by marriage, so what. The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes, let alone two married families.

Now that the Tevia family is in a desperate situation, and other families are still watching, how can the Zorro family let themselves fall into the quagmire at this time?

"Surrender!" After taking a deep breath, the Patriarch of the Tevia family almost squeezed out the words between his teeth.

Although it is only three short words, it takes a lot of courage to say it, because this order was issued by him, then he will be recorded on the family's pillar of shame forever, and no one in future generations will remember it He used humiliation to help the family keep a star area and half of the family's interests.

They will only remember that because of the incompetence of the Patriarch this time, the family humiliatedly signed a surrender agreement, and even gave up the command of the fleet, and he nodded and approved this kind of treaty that caused the family to suffer great humiliation.

The "Patriarch" cronies looked at the Patriarch in surprise.

"Go ahead,

Tell the negotiators that we have surrendered." After Patriarch Tevia uttered these words, he slumped on a chair, knowing that his days as Patriarch were numbered.

During the period before the surrender, he must still be the head of the Tevia family, and no one will touch him, because the core members of other families also understand that surrender is the best choice. At this time, the current head is moved. Then someone has to take over the responsibility for him.

So no one will take the blame, but when the agreement is signed and the Tevia family formally surrenders, the current patriarch will become the scapegoat. Being impeached is just the beginning, and there are more punishments waiting for him.

Of course, after punishing the current patriarch and giving an explanation to the family members, those core members will not be careless to overthrow the previous surrender agreement, they will deliberately ignore this matter, and then continue to implement the agreement, after all, surrender is their only The choice of punishing the Patriarch is just to give an explanation to the people below.

Two days later, Qin Hao, who was marching towards the Kuwei star area, received a communication from President Claude. President Claude told Qin Hao that there was no need to fight in the Kuwei star area, and the Tevia family completely announced their surrender. Qin Hao The fleet can resupply in the Kuwei star area, and then continue to the hinterland of the Federation!

You must know that it was originally the Tevia family who were the most opposed to the negotiation conditions proposed by President Claude. Now they are all convinced. Now become Qin Hao's next target.

But as Qin Hao's fleet keeps approaching, the pressure on those families is also increasing. They must either surrender or be attacked by Qin Hao. This has become a multiple-choice question that must be done!

But the families of the Earth Federation have existed for hundreds of years. During such a long period of elite education, they have cultivated countless talents, and the largest number of them are politicians! These guys are all smarter than monkeys. Although it seems that there is no solution for Qin Hao's army to suppress the situation, these guys just found a solution that doesn't hurt face.

Here, Qin Hao's army is marching into the hinterland of the Federation. Before he can continue to attack, the negotiators who negotiated with President Claude received orders, and they all refused to attend the negotiations between the Earth Federation family and the Star Federation. up.

Immediately afterwards, various star regions and even various galaxies of the Earth Federation announced their separation from the Federation and became autonomous dominions one by one!

At this time, the Federation Fleet has been completely annihilated, leaving only some second-rate garrison fleets belonging to the Federation Parliament, and the remaining fleets are private armies of major families. Therefore, the Federation has no power to prevent the independence of these star regions and galaxies.

Moreover, the Federal Parliament itself is composed of these families, so their interests are the same. In this way, no one will stop the independence of these star regions and galaxies.

Almost overnight, the Earth Federation, which originally ruled several galaxies and countless star regions, instantly disintegrated and disintegrated into nearly two hundred autonomous territories.

"What's the situation?" Qin Hao was stunned. He couldn't understand what those families were doing. They couldn't stop him even if they were united. Could they stop his footsteps after they split up?

After all, Qin Hao is a fledgling rookie. When he was fighting with these old politicians, he was still a little too late. It never occurred to him that these families had no intention of directly contending with him!

Almost an hour after these families announced their secession from the Federation and each star region declared their independence, those negotiators approached President Claude.

Only this time, these negotiators are no longer the representatives of the families of the Earth Federation, but representatives of the various dominions. The purpose of their approach to President Claude is very unified, that is, to represent the dominions and request to join the Interstellar Federation. Become a star sector of the Interstellar Federation.

"These old foxes!" After hearing the demands of these families, Claude couldn't help cursing.

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