Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 10: The first monthly exam and vacation

Although Hang Rui was impatient, he did not dare to act rashly. After staying quietly all night watching classes are about to start, the two finally woke up


Xiao Luo asked: "It's done?"

Xin Jing replied: "It's done."

Hang Rui breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the time and hurriedly shouted, "Class is about to start."

Is this okay? Run! Xin Jing and Xiao Luo looked at each other, and the three of them ran wildly. At this moment Li Yan and Li Bing were about to enter the classroom, and the three of them quickly got stuck in front of them and entered the classroom in time.

Li Bing glared at the three of them before speaking, "Do you have any ideas? If you have any, you can come and discuss with us before you act. You must be careful in places like Dantian."

Everyone is as quiet as little chickens, and the birds are not as good as they are. Seeing Li Bingfang itching, but there is no alternative. So Li Bing deliberately didn't remind them that there will be an exam at the end of the month.

So when Li Yan announced the exam that day, the audience was amazed, but they didn't bother clamoring why they didn't tell them in advance, it was just that the twins were even more unpleasant.

With a big wave of his hand, Li Yan slid the table in the center of the table to both sides, revealing a screen, saying: "Put the student card on the induction screen, and the test will begin. The test is ranked according to the scores, from one to fifteen. Three levels, the free resources available next month are different. Let’s get started."

The fifteen people who didn't take the exam seriously became serious in an instant, and the free resources were not taken for nothing.

After putting the student card on the induction screen, everyone was covered by a half-ellipsoidal cover. Their minds are also entering the exam.

Xiao Luo pushed the uneasiness in his heart aside, even if the academy could enter their sea of ​​consciousness at will to pull their consciousness, Xiao Luo couldn't do much, and could only let his consciousness be pulled into the examination room.

Li Yan's voice sounded in the gloomy examination room, "Each of you will be assigned a basket," Xiao Luo Shenhun added a small basket woven from brown rattan. "There will be five spiritual power factors," Xiao Luo looked around, and sure enough there were five red bright spots floating beside the basket. "When the hourglass is finished, the exam is over," Xiao Luo saw another big hourglass, and the sand in the hourglass was still on top. "When the hourglass falls off the sand, the exam officially begins, and then there will be sparks in this space. You use the spiritual power factor to capture the sparks and put them in the basket, and finally get the number of sparks ranked."

Li Yan's voice disappeared, Xiao Luo wanted to touch the spiritual power factor but received invisible resistance. It seems that it can only be moved after the start. Xiao Luo had to stare at the hourglass.

Suddenly the sand moved, and Xiao Luo also moved. The spiritual power instantly wrapped the spiritual power factor, and then the operation was astonished to Xiao Luo. His spiritual source pulled the spiritual power factors into his dantian, the spiritual source ate them, and then vomited them into this space. Xiao Luo felt that he could control these five little things. Let him go wherever he goes, just like spiritual power is part of his body. The obscurity of manipulating the spiritual power of absorption and refining on weekdays has disappeared!

Without giving Xiao Luo much time to think about it, a red dot flew in the distance, and then it got bigger and bigger. Damn, it's a good spark, it's bigger than basketball.

Xiao Luo manipulated his spiritual power to attach to the bottom of the basket, and then pulled the basket to receive the sparks. The sparks became smaller and locked in the basket, so there was no need to worry about it running out. Perfect! Successfully captured!

As soon as Xiao Luo was happy, a lot of sparks flew over, and Xiao Luo was even more excited now.

I pick me pick me pick me pick up, busy with the sparks in front of me. Xiao Luo was honoured to be attacked by sparks flying from behind. Yes, the spark hits the bottom of the basket, and the basket is out of spiritual control. Xiao Luo hurriedly caught up to take back the basket, but the sparks inside ran away.

Xiao Luo boiled with anger, and his mental energy burst into bubbles. Reinvigorate and continue to work, this time Xiao Luo is smart. He has a ray of consciousness monitoring from all directions, guaranteeing that he will not be attacked.

Then, the sparks seemed to suddenly appear consciousness. The number of sparks no longer increased, the existing ones began to hide, and the sparks in the basket also rioted. Inside and outside and want to overthrow Xiao Luo's pursuit and suppression.

Xiao Luo looked at the basket and felt that there were a lot of sparks in it. Simply adopt a conservative strategy to ensure that there are a lot of baskets, and make a few more.

The sand in the hourglass completely fell, Xiao Luo waited confidently for the paper. Consciousness returned to the body, and the results appeared on the screen.

Number of Xiaoluo Sparks: First Rank: Fifteen

Xiao Luo made a fist and stood up and said, "Teacher, there is a problem with my instrument."

Li Bing came down and walked to the side of Xiao Luo to watch Xiao Luo's achievements, and then she was also taken aback. They watched their exams, Xiao

She also had a rough idea in her heart when she caught how much, what's going on now?

The master said that at this time, the students should be comforted to protect his interests. Li Bing said: "I'll help you ask what happened. Don't worry, what should be yours will still be yours."

Xiao Luo bent over and said, "Thank you, teacher. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Bing said: "You're welcome, this is my duty. I will give you a satisfactory result when the school starts." Then he said loudly, "Class ends now, take a day off tomorrow, and start class again the day after tomorrow."

Everyone left. On the road, Xin Jing and Hang Rui listened to Xiao Luo's spit and laughed at him without sympathy.

Xin Jing held his belly with one hand and put a hand on Hang Rui's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Could it be that they rolled together and became a big flower, haha."

Xiao Luo refused to communicate with the two with a black face, and strode back to the dormitory without feeling in the mood to eat.

Xiao Luo lay on the bed and called Shen Chu. Shen Chu was still asleep, and Xiao Luo was in a bad mood.

Rolling around on the bed, Xiao Luo didn't notice that his head and feet changed positions.

With Xin Jing's "Xiao Luo", the door of Xiao Luo's bedroom opened. Xiao Luo's head drooped on the edge of the bed, staring at the food in Xin Jing's hand who came in. Although the restaurant is not allowed to take out, there are always some ways to sneak them out. When they are busy, the three of them take turns smuggling meals.

Xin Jing leaned on the door frame and shook the rice in his hand. He smiled and said, "Are you hungry? If you ask me, I'll give it to you."

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes halfway out, and said angrily: "Don't be hungry, take it away." But Xiao Luo still stared at it. The meal in the restaurant not only satisfies the stomach, but also replenishes the mental energy consumed.

Xin Jing sighed, "I'll eat it for you, get up."

Xin Jing put the food on the table for Xiao Luo. Xiao Luo's legs pressed hard, and his legs drew an arc in the air. With a snap, Xiao Luo's body did not keep up with his legs, his head fell on the edge of the bed, and his hands grasped the bed sheet.

Xin Jing watched for a moment, and then a burst of laughter rang out, "Haha, who did you offend today, so curse you." Xiao Luo rubbed his head, "dizzy."

Xin Jing hurriedly ran to Xiao Luo's side and helped him up, let Xiao Luo sit down, and pressed his head with his exclusive fingering.

Xiao Luo hummed comfortably, "The technique is good."

"That is, this is my family's ancestral technique. I heard that my ancestor was still a masseuse for the queen." 7

Xiao Luo closed his eyes and enjoyed it. It was the last one with so much energy in the exam just now, and Xiao Luo couldn't help but feel depressed. Xiao Luo said, "My partner will also give me a massage. He will come and let him learn from you the next day. Don't worry, you will definitely pay the tuition. Aow~ It hurts, you will swell as soon as you praise it." Xiao Luo patted Xin Jing's hand angrily.

Xin Jing hurriedly reduced his strength and asked cautiously, "Do you have a partner?"

Xiao Luo replied naturally: "Of course there is, how come I am so good without a partner."

Xin Jing felt the pain called Xiao Luo. He took a deep breath to calm his mood and didn't want to stay here anymore. "You eat quickly, eat well and rest well." Then Xin Jing walked away trembling, Xiao Luo always felt that his back had a sense of fleeing away. Xiao Luo thought: Does this guy like me? Xiao Luo shook his head violently to drive this thought out, like a fart.

After Xin Jing ran out, he got into Hang Rui's room, and Hang Rui just finished washing. Xin Jing hugged Hang Rui's waist and pushed him onto the bed, and cried when he buried his head. Hang Rui didn't ask, but after Xin Jing cried smoothly, he found out the spirits at the bottom of his box. Xin Jing was drunk and did not return.

The next day Xiao Luo knocked on Hang Rui's door and walked out of Xin Jing with sleepy eyes. Xiao Luo asked in a daze, "Go to the free market? I heard that there are many things that you can't buy in shopping malls."

Hang Rui's voice came from inside, "Go."

After the three of them had packed up, they went to the free market for breakfast. Xiao Luo hadn't asked why Xin Jing and Hang Rui were in the same room along the way. Xiao Luo had no choice but to think that they were together. In that case, Xiao Luo had to prepare a gift, but Xiao Luo was not sure whether to prepare one or two.

The three of them stood in front of the sign with the free market, and a long white shed shivered with a gust of cold wind blowing through them, eyes full of sadness.


Xin Jing swallowed and said, "I heard that the free market is not being treated by colleges. Is it so miserable?"

Xiao Luo said, "It's not bad to divide the academy's benefits to make it alive."

Hang Rui said, "Go in and take a look."

Although the appearance is so pitiful, as soon as he walked in, he knew that the rumors were true. Rows of stalls are dazzling. A few people gathered in front of each stall, ranging from two or three to seven or eight people, and there was no stall for customers.

"Let's look at it one by one?" Xiao Luo suggested.

Xin Jing said, "Can you finish watching so much?"

Hang Rui said: "Our purpose is to play."

Xin Jing glared at Hang Rui, "Walk around."

Xiao Luo stabbed Hang Rui, "What's wrong with him, it looks weird."

Hang Rui looked embarrassed, "He won't let you say, leave him alone, it's not a big deal."

, LH〇\"

The three of them looked at each stall in turn, and sometimes they stopped for a while to watch the bargaining between the host and the guest.

Shen Chu, who had been silent for many days, suddenly said, "Xiao Luo, there is a good one in the small pile of Ganoderma on the third stall on the right. Go and buy it. It will be useful for your new body."

Xiao Luo happily replied in his heart, "Okay, I promise to get Ganoderma lucidum."

Xiao Luo didn't run there immediately, but saw it according to their original plan. Xin Jing and Hang Rui looked around for a while and were about to leave, but were held back by Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luoxin said that the business should be amicable. Looking at the only seller hiding under the black hat, he pointed at the dark thing and smiled and asked, "Hello senior, how can I sell these Ganoderma lucidum?"

The free market items are evaluated and priced by the teachers of the college to ensure that the sellers will not make much and the buyers will not be cheated to death. Of course, it is only limited to items bought and sold with learning points. If you exchange things for things, the college will not take care of it, and there is no transaction tax. Shangli raised his head, her dark eyes slammed into Xiao Luo's eyes, and Xiao Luo gave a thud in his heart, secretly saying that it was so dark.

Shang Li could not speak and took out a piece of paper from under his ass. Xiao Luo took a closer look at the price list. Xiao Luo swept from top to bottom and stopped at Ganoderma lucidum. Xiao Luo opened his eyes wide, and learned one piece! It's so cheap, it feels unreliable.

Xin Jing on one side also saw the price of Ganoderma lucidum, and shouted in surprise: "One Ganoderma lucidum has a hundred points, you are afraid that your brain has been kicked," Xiao Luo secretly agreed. Then Xin Jing said, "Why don't you grab it for so expensive?"

Uh-huh? It's expensive, it's obviously cheap to death. Before Xiao Luo spoke, Shang Li withdrew this piece of paper and replaced it with another one, which said: Please leave if you don't buy it.

Xiao Luo felt that the corners of his mouth cramped, and his heart was overwhelming. Then he squatted down and picked it up, muttering, "This is so ugly, this is so deflated, this is malnourished, and this doesn't taste good at first sight..." Finally, he pulled all the Ganoderma lucidum to his side. Xiao Luo sighed and said, "Senior, you see, I bought all of these, can it be cheaper?"

Shangli took out another piece of paper, which read: No bargaining.

Xiao Luo reluctantly put the smallest ganoderma back, "Okay, then I want these, you can count the points."

Xin Jing grabbed Xiao Luo's ears to pull him up, to see if his brain was flooded, or he wanted to care for the disabled. Xiao Luo cried out in pain, "Don't make trouble, Hang Rui just look at him." Hang Rui silently grabbed Xin Jing's hand and took it away from Xiao Luo's ear.

When Xiao Luo saw Shang Li, he stretched out his arms and hurriedly said, "If you learn nine thousand two hundred, you just say yes, right? Nod."

Shang Li was taken aback, then nodded and took out a plastic bag from behind, helping Xiao Luo put the Ganoderma lucidum in it. Xiao Luo swiped his card on the machine next to him to pay without urging.

I was pretending to hear a panting voice from the distance, "Hold on, this classmate, I need Ganoderma lucidum urgently, can you divide me?

-some. "

Xiao Luo looked up and saw a sweaty man running next to him, reaching out to get the bag.

Xiao Luo grabbed the bag and avoided the visitor's hand. The man retracted his hand in embarrassment and said, "I really need these Ganoderma lucidum. I hope you can give me some. The price is good for negotiation."

Xiao Luo thought that it would be useless to buy so many for himself, all for that one, so he said, "Okay, I won't cheat you. At the original price, how much do you want?"

Tang Yan looked grateful, but looked at Xiao Luo with a mentality of your acquaintance, and said, "I want ten."

Xiao Luo took ten of them from the bag and handed them to Tang Yan. Tang Yan glanced at it and didn't want it, and then said, "Could you let me pick it myself."

Xin Jing wanted to jump out and give him a slap, but was slapped by Hang Rui and couldn't move.

□Author's gossip: thanks

Chapter Ten-A Tour of the Star Tower

Xiao Luo felt that something was wrong, put the Ganoderma lucidum back and took away the one he needed, and then handed the bag to Tang Yan.

Tang Lei took it unceremoniously, rummaged in the bag for several times but couldn't find it, and asked angrily, "Are you sure there is nothing else?"

Xiao Luo knew it, and the co-author was also for the Ganoderma lucidum. Xiao Luo snatched the bag back and greeted the two of them to leave. Tang Yan didn't expect this to happen. After a while, he realized that he hurriedly ran to the three of them with one hand and shouted: "Stop. Take out all the Ganoderma lucidum."

Xin Jing held his arms under his eyelids halfway down, and Tang Yan didn't speak at all. When Tang Yan's gas fell, when did Tang Yan suffer this kind of grievance? In the past, he wanted what he wanted from someone who didn't send it to him.

Tang Yan gritted his teeth and shouted at Xin Jing: "You insulted me, I want to fight you."

Xin Jing burst into laughter, as if he had heard a joke, "Go and play, don’t pay attention to our things, please be early next time


Tang Yan felt that he had suffered the greatest humiliation in his life, and he must teach this unpredictable trash that annoyed him. Tang Yan shook his head, "The annual test will be a showdown. If you lose, let him give me all the Ganoderma lucidum."

"Then what if you lose?"

Tang Yan fisted, "I lost you ten thousand universal coins. Universal coins are the universal currency in the real world."

Kokok, Xin Jing thought, we are not stupid to explain what universal currency is? But the money is not hot, it will be of great use after graduation.

Xin Jing smiled, "I should."

Then the three of them bypassed Tang Yan to continue their play, but Xiao Luo's silence made Xin Jing think he was angry. In fact, Xiao Luo was knowing the sea and Shen Chuqing.

Xin Jing thought about it for a while, "Xiao Luo, you have to believe in my strength. The 10,000 common currency must be ours. How about we four, three and three? You four and we each have three."

Seeing that Hang Rui wanted to talk, Xin Jing gave him an elbow and told him to shut up. Xiao Luo said in confusion: "Huh?" Then he reacted, "Okay, you can divide it as you want."

At night, Xiao Luo's bedroom, Xiao Luo was practicing in the third posture, looking inwardly at his dantian. Appreciating his masterpiece with satisfaction, Xiao Luo observes his pseudo-spiritual source for a while every day, for fear that it would break up without knowing it.

Suddenly, a spot appeared in the dantian. It immediately attracted Xiao Luo's attention, and Xiao Luo watched it change from a small dot to a large dot.

"At the beginning, my dantian was invaded by foreign species, what should I do?"

Shen Chu went to Xiao Luo's dantian and swung around to find out the whole story, "Come to Zhihai and see your star tower."

Xiao Luo's consciousness shifted to the Sea of ​​Knowledge, and he circled his star tower round and round without seeing a flower.

"In the beginning, what happened?" Xiao Luo acted like a baby.

Shen Chu acted unmoved, but his voice still got a smile, "Look carefully, is there something missing?"

Xiao Luo's consciousness stuck to the tower, and as expected he found a small hole, which was completely dark.

Xiao Luo said in surprise, "Isn't it the missing piece in the dantian?"

Shen Chu said: "Yes, the cultivation of people in the real world in the star tower realm is based on the spiritual source as the core, spiritual power as the material, and supplemented by the heaven, material and earth treasures to build the star tower. And you outsiders, because there is no Spiritual source, power exists in various forms, so it is necessary to construct a pseudo-spiritual source, and then move the original power to build a star tower. Of course, your own power alone will not work. The star tower in the academy does this. Yes. Therefore, only by breaking through the star tower can you truly enter the star tower realm and graduate."

"So that's it, then I started this early?"

"No, it's normal. The star tower plays a stabilizing role. The real construction requires you to do it yourself. As long as you practice the Spirit Fire Art step by step, it will be like this when the time comes. You can ask your friend how he is doing tomorrow?"

"Okay, that Ganoderma?"

"Keep it here and talk about it later."

"Well, I practiced."

The whole night was spent in cultivation, and the next morning the three of them had finished eating and went to the classroom to wait for Li Bing and Li Yan. No way, Xiao Luo


When Li Bing came in, he saw Xiao Luo expecting small eyes, and secretly said that fortunately, he had to compensate him, otherwise he would be embarrassed to see him. Li Bing came early, and she motioned Xiao Luo to wait and walk up to her, quietly stuffing him a pink purse. Attached to Xiao Luo’s ear and said: "The results are set by the system and cannot be changed, but I will ask you for compensation. If you go back, don’t pass it on, otherwise it’s easy.

Eye-catching. "

Xiao Luo clenched his purse and nodded excitedly, "Teacher, don't worry, I will keep it secret."

Li Bing straightened up and rubbed Xiao Luo's head to show that she was very satisfied, and then felt that the hand felt great and rubbed it twice before going to sit on the podium. Xiao Luo covered her face with her hands after she left, thinking that she was so shy, she felt cherished. Xin Jing slapped Xiao Luo on the back of his head to break his illusion.

Xiao Luo wanted to fight back, but Yi rang the bell at class, and Li Yan walked in, so he stared at Xin Jing and asked him to wait. I don't know if it is an illusion. Xin Jing looked at him a little bit unpleasant recently, but he couldn't feel his malice, which was strange.

Li Yan came up and began to lecture, "Some of you should have noticed that there are small spots in your dantian. Don't worry, it is part of the star tower. The star tower is built in the star tower realm. When the star tower is completed, you will also It's time to enter the next realm.

I don't care how you practiced before, what exercises and spiritual arts you have cultivated, now you must practice according to the spiritual fire arts. Otherwise, if the star tower does not recognize you, you will not be able to build the inner star tower. If you are confident that you can set up another cultivation system, then treat this as if I didn't say it.

I will not practice here today. I will take you to the Star Tower to try it out and feel the power of the Star Tower. The students ranked in the top 20 in the annual exam can get 500 hours of cultivation time in the Star Tower, and you will know the benefits in a while. "

The goodbye to the Star Tower this time is different from the last time. Last time I glanced quickly, I only knew what the star tower looks like, but this time it’s different.


The entire star tower seems to be flowing, like a shrinking galaxy, and the mysterious and profound arouses people's thoughts of inquiry.

"Ah, my eyes." Xin Jing called with pain over his eyes. Li Bing hurried up to take Xin Jing's hand and put her own hand up, a faint red light radiated from her hand. After a while, Li Bing took away his hand.

Xin Jing blinked, and it was all right, "Thank you, teacher."

Li Bingjiao yelled, "It's really not worrying. Just when you said that you had forgotten something you had previously cultivated, you should observe the star tower with the 曈 technique. The star tower is the most exclusive. Don't you want your eyes?

Shut up, don't say you didn't. Otherwise, you are okay and others are okay. "

Xin Jing rubbed his eyes and said awkwardly and sincerely: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't be disobedient."

"You should be responsible for yourself, do you know?" Li Bing warned, and then after thinking about it, he should follow her master’s instruction to kill chickens and warn monkeys.

Someone said: "If you use your previous spells in the Star Tower, it will end up worse than classmate Xin Jing. I hope classmates can take a warning.


Xin Jing stood in embarrassment. Fortunately, when Li Bing said this, no one followed her, otherwise Xin Jing felt that she was going to hide from the limelight.

A group of people entered the star tower and felt as if they had entered the sea of ​​stars. The rich spiritual power makes people feel comfortable, they stepped on the void and watched the countless stars twinkling.

After Li Bing and Li Yan are young, it is better for the students to adapt to this place, their slightly white lips and trembling fingers exploded their fear.

Li Yan paused for a while before speaking, "Everyone has countless opportunities to challenge each level of the star tower until the level is cleared. Once you pass, you can't go back and brush again, unless you destroy the star tower and start again. Every time you enter, you must pay one. The deposit of 1,000 learning points will be refunded if it passes ten times. But if you fail, you won’t be able to get it back. So don’t come here often, if you are not sure, Star Tower will be annoying. This time it’s an experience teaching class at the academy and no deposit is required. Enter the Star in the future After the tower, the star tower will automatically deduct and return the corresponding points without your operation. Then you will walk in the starry sky, and the test will find you. Of course, every time is different. You don’t have to think about mastering your proficiency. Come here. Lastly, everyone on the first eight floors is not allowed to travel together, and on the ninth floor there must be four or more people working together. You can go now, and if you fail, you will be teleported to the outside of the star tower."

Xiao Luo waved his hands to the two of them, and took the lead to walk into the distance.

Xiao Luo looked at the beautiful stars and sea with great comfort, fed up with small places, and always envied the vast world. It was a pity that the Star Tower didn't give him much time to appreciate, Xiao Luo found that the environment had changed after about a hundred steps.

He stood on the uneven arena, surrounded by endless darkness, and on the opposite side was a three-headed doll. The baby wore a red bellyband and looked at him with big wet eyes. However, there were only those eyes on the whole face, and the rest of the face was extremely flat.

Xiao Luo calmly accepted the opponent's appearance, as long as he didn't grow up like this, it was enough.

Xiao Luo waited for the doll to do it, but the doll only looked at him, without any extra movements.

Xiao Luo didn't want to waste time, he tried to take a step forward. The doll immediately said fiercely: "Stop."

Xiao Luo's eyes showed stars, too cute, but his feet continued to move.

The doll pierced her waist and said, "Stop! You are not my opponent. You smell good, I don't want to spoil it. Come on later

Huh? "How can you say no if you don't try? Come to fight." Xiao Luo put on a stance, and Xiao Luo admitted that he would not lose most of the people based on his fighting skills.

A fireball of the doll burned half of his hair.

Xiao Luo was fearless, the flame burned on Xiao Luo's head but couldn't hurt Xiao Luo a bit. Sample, you think my life is a vegetarian?

The doll giggled, Xiao Luo swallowed, and silently watched.

The doll said: "Interesting, then I will play with you. It's useless to cry if you lose."

The doll is small and flexible. Xiao Luo who jumped up and down couldn't touch him at all, but he could hit Xiao Luo. From time to time, he came to Xiao Luo's head, just like playing.

Xiao Luo was annoyed, and desperately hugged the doll, causing Ji Taishan to be on top. Fortunately, the strength of the doll is proportional to her height, and she cannot move under the pressure of Xiao Luo.

The baby cried, and the magic sound poured into Xiao Luo's ears. Xiao Luo was in a daze and escaped by the doll.

Xiao Luo was expressionless, and being able to use his spiritual power was enough for a foul, how could he still sound attack?

The doll laughed akimbo, "Goodbye."

In a blink of an eye, Xiao fell outside the star tower. There were already a few people standing here, and Hang Rui was in the queue.

Xiao Luo dragged Hang Rui to one side and bit his ear, "How are you?"

Hang Rui directly let Xiao Luo look at his dantian. There was already the first floor of the star tower inside, even though it was still a transparent phantom. Xiao Luo compared Hang Rui's with the star tower in the sea of ​​his own knowledge, and found that they were the same in appearance. It's just that Hang Rui's only has a circle of shells, and the middle is transparent. And Xiao Luo is closed.

And Xin Jing is still working hard to move bricks. Xin Jing walked in the void for a long time before meeting someone who could speak and move. It was a big-headed baby, and he had to compare with Xin Jing's Tie Tou Gong, to see whose head was harder.

This can't be troublesome for Xin Jing. His grandfather was a performer who could crush hard rocks. Xin Jing was so deep in his true story that, not surprisingly, Xin Jingsheng won. Then Xin Jing went back to when he was five years old, and was moving bricks to the construction site.

Xin Jing was unclear, so he could only listen to the foreman's words and hum and move, and he was scolded by the foreman if he moved slowly. Later, Xin Jing was really tired and couldn't lift the bricks anymore, so he collapsed on the ground and was pulled out of the star tower by the foreman with a whip.

Xin Jing looked at Hang Rui and Xiao Luo still in a daze. What kind of ghost star tower is this?

After Li Bing counted fifteen, he coughed and attracted everyone's attention. Li Yan said: "Presumably some of you should have experienced it just now. After defeating the tower guard, you will enter an illusion. Not surprisingly, the illusion will be transformed by your obsession. When you arrive in the real world, you will be born again, only letting go of the past. Only humans can become real people in the real world. Therefore, you should know how to get rid of the illusion. If you have any doubts, you can stay and ask, and if you don’t have any, you can leave."

No one needs consultation, and they still feel that it is better to believe in themselves than to believe in anyone, and it is better to check on their own if they ask anyone.

Xin Jing told the two of his hard experiences, and this time it was Xiao Luo's turn to laugh at him.

Xin Jing said irritably, "Smile, smile, shit. I don't know when I'm obsessed with moving bricks."

Xiao Luo said casually: "Maybe that foreman is your obsession. Think about whether you have been bullied before."

Xin Jing thought as he walked, "I don’t have it in my existing memory. Our family is very large and many people. Although they are not rich, they have enough food and clothing. Everyone and Helele’s sometimes have disputes and contradictions. But it was solved in a week. How could someone oppress me in such an environment."

Hang Rui said nonchalantly: "Existing memories?"

Xin Jing slapped Hang Rui in the slap, sighed and said, "Yes. I have lost my memory for about three months, but my family said that I think too much, so I didn't care much, and it didn't affect it anyway. What, I haven't explored it all the time."

□Author's gossip: thanks

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