Xiao Luo shook his head, "No one thinks that God is fair," took a deep breath, "What are you talking about?"

Wei Erdong was silent this time, and after a while, he left Xiao Luo directly.

Xiao Luo: ...Xiao Luo dreamed of a beautiful and unrequited love. Someone who was sent to play a trick but was moved by a strong woman to fall in love with someone else, or something like silently but not daring to talk about it.

The next day, Xiao Luo walked away from work and left the construction site before realizing that he didn't know where the hospital was. He really cried stupidly by himself. Xiao Luo walked all the way to inquire, and finally saw the forehead plaque with the medical hall written on it. At this moment, Xiao Luo had already landed outside the star tower.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Luo saw Tang Yi who was still in a daze, and slapped him to wake him up, "What happened?"

Tang Yi returned to his senses, rubbing her small face, "Star Tower divides the whole thing into different stages, and just complete one stage at a time. I guess so."

Xiao Luo was full of question marks, "I passed without doing anything. It's too simple."

"Well, I'm a little uncomfortable. Go back first."

Xiao Luo hurriedly supported Tang Yi, "I will see you off."

Tang Yi flicked away Xiao Luo's hand, "No need."

Xiao Luo let go and took a step back, "Then you pay attention."

Tang Yi left slowly, Xiao Luo suddenly felt his nose sour, "You think it's simple, because those are not yours, those are completely strange things to you." Shen Chu said.

Xiao Luo was accustomed to Shen Chu's fascination, "I understand a little but don't understand it."

"Xingta Wenxin, you have to go through it too, and you will probably be raising your body." Shen Chu said.

Not only Xin Jing and Hang Rui, but what Xiao Luo saw coming out of the star tower was a desperate look, exuding the aura that others shouldn't be near. Xiao Luo did not ask Xin Jing and Hang Rui, the three of them returned to the dormitory in silence.

"Look at your dantian." Shen Chu urged as soon as he entered the dormitory.

Xiao Luo didn't know why, but he understood it when he saw Dan Tian. The star tower on the first floor has been completely transferred from the sea of ​​consciousness to the dantian. Although the pseudo-star source hasn't grown bigger, it's solidified a lot, at least it won't face the crisis of collapse at any time.

"Is this the function of the Star Tower?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Well, otherwise it won't be called the Star Tower. You will learn about other functions in the future. You should already be able to release your spiritual power, so you can practice when you have time."

From this day on, Xiao Luo also made an appointment with Tang Yi to go to the star tower. Xiao Luo found that every time he crossed a level of the star tower, the stars on the first level of the star tower in his dantian would turn red, and the spiritual power he could control was also More and more vigorous. Asking Shen Chu, Shen Chu only said to let Xiao Luo explore by himself, but it was not a bad thing, so Xiao Luo put him behind. Because Xiao Luo was very busy, he had to not only prepare for the annual exam, but also find someone to form a team to prepare for the next year's practice class.

The pharmaceutical side only needs a pair of two, and Xiao Luo and Tang Yi just make a group. But I don't know why, the college also requires a five-person team, which must include four major categories of people. Xin Jing, Hang Rui, Xiao Luo, and Tang Yi only account for three major categories, and there is still a lack of controllers.

Of course, there is still a year to find a suitable manufacturer of the classmates, the most terrible thing is the challenge that Xiao Luo and Tang Yi face. It should be said that it is a challenge faced by all pharmaceutical students.

The annual test is very simple, and it takes two days and two nights to test all the knowledge learned last year. When everyone left the examination room, their feet were vain and dumb.

Xiao Luo, who hadn't gotten over yet, was caught by the principal of the Spirit Beast Garden to do coolies. It took more than 20 days for Xiao Luo to meet Tang Yi.

In the dining room, Xiao Luo and Tang Yi sat opposite each other, each holding a cup of tea.

Tang Yi couldn't bear Xiao Luo's look haggard, "The director of the Spirit Beast Garden is too much."

Xiao Luo shook his head, "No, it's just carrying **** eggs between the Spirit Beast Garden and the Spirit Plant Garden. It is Teacher Ming Ding that is too bastard." Ming Ding Xiao Luo was angry in advance, knowing that he was punished to work in the Spirit Beast Garden. , And asked him to sort out the potion formula of Roushizi. If you don't tidy up early or not at night, you have to pick when he is busy.

Xiao Luo felt much better after beating Mingding in his heart, "Don't talk about this. Do you have any thoughts on the practice medicine for the next school year?"

Tang Yi sighed, "No. We memorized the Lingzhi for one school year and don't know anything about making potions. Let us make potions, and it's still difficult to transform potions."

"What he should make is difficult for our idea. I do the calculations, seniors, teachers, and libraries are resources we can use, and the prescriptions and ingredients of star-shaped medicines are sold in stores, and they are not expensive. . We can still fail." said

After finishing the last sentence, Xiao Luo rubbed the bridge of his nose and leaned on the back of the chair.

"I have bought the formula, and I bought four of the ingredients, but I have used it up. The first step is to refine the essence of Lingzhi. We have not completed it. Let's buy a few hundred copies? So we won't be able to buy it in some time." Tang Yi said.

Xiao Luo replied, "Buy one thousand copies for one person, anyway, the School of Pharmacy will take care of it. Let's go."

Xiao Luo drank it in one fell swoop, and the cup fell on the table with a click, leaving the dining room coolly. Tang Yi also hurried after drinking and chasing Xiao Luo out

The material of the star-shaped medicine is indeed cheap, and it is the cheapest one. Xiao Luohehe, "We also have to thank Teacher Ming for considering our financial situation, so that we have the financial resources to fail."

The shopkeeper didn't say anything, and only expressed to Xiao Luo that the stock was abundant and how much he wanted.

Xiao Luo waved his hand, and another person bought 500 more copies, for a total of 3,000 copies. The owner smiled and put the medicinal materials into the space bag for the two of them, and generously expressed that the space bag was given to them.

Xiao Luo carried the bag in his hand and followed Tang Yi to the laboratory building to rent a laboratory. Painfully paid the rent, the two entered the ten square meter


The test bench occupies more than half of the space, and a series of instruments are placed on the bench. Tang Yi introduced from left to right: "The four steps of extraction, fusion, condensation, and spirit binding correspond to four sets of devices. I have only used the extraction equipment, and the remaining three have not been used yet."

Xiao Luo looked from the left to the right and saw no place to sit, so he had to take out two high stools from the bracelet, which exactly matched the experimental bench.


Xiao Luo put the space bag on the test bench, sat down and said, "I'll take a look after you do it."

Tang Yi nodded and moved the obstructive stool to the door. Xiao Luo secretly said that Tang Yi didn't know how to enjoy. Tang Yi put on a white coat first, then put on leather gloves after washing his hands. The gloves fit the skin like an extra layer of skin without feeling cumbersome.

Tang Yi took out a piece of medicinal materials and placed them on the tray. The medicinal materials were the main medicine, morphograss, and the supplementary medicines, shining grass, jasmine, stereotyped grass, and exquisite flower. The star-shaped medicine has the effect of temporarily changing the appearance.

Tang Yi skillfully picked up the juicer and squeezed the five kinds of Lingzhi separately and put them in test tubes. The red, yellow, and green ones are pretty good-looking for Xiao Luo.

Then Tang Yi took a small flask and poured five kinds of juice into it together. At the beginning, the distinction was clear, Xiao Luo poked his head and stared at the flask. As soon as Tang Yi's spiritual power reached in, only a bang was heard, and Xiao Luo and Tang Yi's faces accepted their beloved kiss.

Xiao Luo touched his face, one hand was sticky, "This smell is absolutely amazing, should we wear a gas mask to protect it?" Tang Yi skillfully took out the tissue from under the experimental platform, and handed it to Xiao Luo before wiping her own. Face. "I asked, and they are not sold. Fortunately, the flasks are strong enough, otherwise we have to wholesale a bunch of flasks. As long as we solve the extraction problem, we won't be bombed again."

Xiao Luo picked up the flask and looked at the residue on the wall inside, "Extraction? Aren't you all fusing?"

"No, the juicer can only remove absolute waste, and we still need to extract what the star-shaped potion needs." Tang Yi sighed, if the machine can complete it.

Xiao Luo was even more puzzled, "Is that because it doesn't matter what the extraction is, it must be mixed together?"

Tang Yi kicked the stool in front of Xiao Luo, sat down, and put his arms on the experimental platform, "Because the things that are needed will only appear after the mixed reaction, so I can't get them out without getting them together."

Xiao Luo tapped the countertop once and then, "Have you ever thought about the cause of the explosion?"

Tang Yi suddenly remembered that the laboratory had a book of precautions for basic medicines. It was directly placed on the table last time, but this time I didn't forget it. Kneeling down and rummaging in the cabinet, I finally found this dusty real book.

After getting the book, Xiao Luo roughly looked through it, and when he knew what it was, he looked at the part about the extraction in detail.

All the medicinal materials are mixed, regardless of the appearance that you and I are unfamiliar, but the inside and the inside are actually mixed together a long time ago. That's right, all new objects generated will stick together, called Chaos. At this time, the pharmacist needs to use spiritual power to separate the things needed one by one. And it must be separated in order, otherwise the chaos will lose its balance and explode if accidentally.

After reading Xiao Luo, Tang Yi said, "According to the book, there is no problem with my steps just now. But it just keeps exploding."

Xiao Luo pondered for a while, and suddenly his inspiration flashed, "There is no problem with the steps, is there a problem with spiritual power?"

Tang Yi also continued thinking in this direction, "You mean that no matter what I do, it will explode, because my spiritual power is repelled by Chaos? Would you like to try it?"

Xiao Luo nodded, Tang Yi was afraid that Xiao Luo would be slow, so he quickly helped Xiao Luo squeeze the juice, and directly handed the flask to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo condensed his mind, and for the first time used spiritual power that didn't exist, but Chaos didn't give face. The spiritual power exploded as soon as it touched it

Xiao Luo accepted the paper towel handed over by Tang Yi with a blank face, "Come again."

Tang Yi quickly brought Xiao Luo a bottle of Chaos again. Xiao Luo didn't use any spiritual power this time.

Spirit power is still easy to use, Xiao Luo's spiritual power filaments are in the chaos without any reaction to the chaos. Xiao Luo tried to pull out the first extract, but the chaos didn't explode, but it turned black, as if it was really mixed together.

Put something into the flask, Xiao Luo continued to the next one. There are only five kinds of raw materials, but there are eleven kinds to be extracted. Looking at the test tubes of various colors on the test tube rack, Xiao Luo smiled with satisfaction.

Tang Yi couldn't believe it, and hurriedly asked, "How did you do it?"

Xiao Luo scratched his head, "I didn't use spiritual power, I used spiritual power to extract it....Do you have spiritual power?"

Tang Yi was silent, he had never heard of such a thing.

Xiao Luo also understood that Tang Yi had no mental power. "I think we should go to Teacher Ming. It should be that there is something missing in our spiritual power that makes Chaos quiet. Otherwise, how did other people extract it?"

"Yes, then let's go now? No, you have to bring some gifts, otherwise it looks ugly." Tang Yi was already muttering to herself when he arrived.

Of course Xiao Luo wouldn't fail to hear, "Of course I have to give gifts. I used to give gifts to my boss, but my attitude towards me changed after I gave them."

The two returned to the mall, but this time they went to gifts. The academy is sly and slippery, so it has specially marked out gifts, and also intimately divided out gift areas for all kinds of people, including teachers.

Xiao Luo vomited: "For fear that students don't know how to give gifts to teachers, they even set up a store to remind students."

"Reasonable." Tang Yi nodded in agreement.

There is no need for two people to take the initiative, and the waiter in the store enthusiastically asks their needs. When I heard that it was a gift to the teacher, I became more enthusiastic and took the trouble to introduce them to the two.

Xiao Luo thought for a while, "Do you know Teacher Ming Ding, is there something suitable for him?"

As expected by Xiao Luo, the waiter was really familiar with the teachers in the academy. "Ms. Ming said it is in this row." The waiter led the two to a shelf. "These are all things Ms. Ming likes, and I promise to do what he likes. "

Tang Yi was speechless, and picked the one with the highest price. The first time he gave a gift, he had the highest sincerity. As for the future? When you need a gift


Tang Yi took the free gifts wrapped by the waiter and Xiao Luo walked out of the mall. Tang Yi said, "The question now is where is Teacher Mingding?"

Xiao Luo's face twitched, "I know, come with me." During the last vacation, Xiao Luo was called by Ming Ding dozens of times, and it was difficult to remember it or not.

Xiao Luo brought Tang Yi to the gate of the villa area, and the gatekeeper smiled and let Xiao Luo in without asking.

Tang Yi joked: "Look at how good your uncle is to you, don't even ask."

Xiao Luo walked to the front quickly, leaving Tang Yi with a bleak back. Tang Yi caught up with Xiao Luo's shoulders and laughed softly, Xiao Luo pushed and didn't push away, and laughed with him.

Xiao Luo and Tang Yi stopped in front of a villa. The villas here are surrounded by a circle of grass fences, and there is a fence door facing the villa door, on which is hung a sign with the name of the villa owner and the number of the villa.

Xiao Luo pointed to the sign and said, "Ming Ding, A08, remember."

Tang Yi covered her mouth and laughed, her voice buzzing, "I remember why, I won't come more."

Xiao Luo snorted and approached the fence. A red button protruded from one of the wooden boards. After Xiao Luo pressed down, Mingding heard a bell.

Ming Ding looked Xiao Luo on the clairvoyance screen, and directly pressed the button to open the fence.

Seeing the door opened, Xiao Luo pulled Tang Yi and walked inside. This posture is not unfamiliar at all.

When I approached the living room, I saw Ming Ding leaning on the sofa with his legs on the coffee table, holding a book in his hand and reading with gusto.

□Author's gossip: ask for recommendation

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