Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Graduation practice (1)

Xiao Luo trembled all over, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal, "Stop it, let's be friends. I can't afford such a freshman apprentice." After speaking, both of them laughed.

Xiao Luo went to Wei Hengguang's laboratory early the next morning. At first they didn't know where they were, but as soon as they got out of the dormitory, they saw the suspension vehicle yesterday. There is no Wei Hengguang in the car, only the man in white.

Xiao Luo and Tang Yi were sitting at Wei Hengguang’s place yesterday, drinking tea, and soon they were invited to Wei Hengguang’s experiment by the person in white.


The laboratory is very large, and there are many people in white coats leaning on the bench to do experimental research.

Coincidentally, as soon as the two entered the door, they saw Ming Ding. Ming Ding was sleepy, and immediately became happy when he saw Xiao Luo, saying: "What? Finally convinced? I tell you that I am not so easy to please."

Xiao Luo was surprised at how Mingding was here. At this time, Wei Hengguang guessed that when the little apprentice arrived, he would come out from the innermost to greet his little apprentice. Unexpectedly, he saw his big apprentice bullying the little one. Wei Hengguang slapped Ming Ding's shoulder with a slap. Wei Hengguang originally wanted to pat his head, but he had to admit that there is something like a height difference.

So Wei Hengguang became even more angry, "How do you talk to your junior brother? Hurry up and apologize."

After I understood it, Ming Ding stopped doing it, "Master, why are you robbing my apprentice? I looked at each other for a long time before choosing. You are too unkind."

Xiao Luo, Tang Yi, and Wei Hengguang were all dumbfounded. Xiao Luo and Tang Yi had to admit that Ming Ding was a wonderful work, and they were actually embarrassing the apprentice instead of treating him well. Wei Hengguang was a little uncomfortable. His apprentice had been talking to him for a long time, and suddenly he had the idea of ​​letting him out. Anyway, he also had the name of an apprentice. But then he was denied, Ming Ding's ability was not as good as his own, and another apprentice hadn't brought him, he didn't want Hao Miaozi to take the risk of longing.

Wei Hengguang's eyes widened, "Now Xiao Luo is my apprentice, your junior. I dare to miss Lao Tzu's apprentice and I will cut you to death." Then Wei Hengguang saw Tang Yi next to Xiao Luo again, his eyes brightened, and Tang Yi Pulling in front of Ming Ding, "Give it, pay you an apprentice, and take your apprentice away quickly."

Ming Ding didn't know where to smoke, and he actually recognized Tang Yi, the apprentice, and took away Tang Yi, who was still bewildered.

Wei Hengguang slapped the wandering Xiao Luo with a slap, and dragged him inside. After reacting, Xiao Luo muttered, "Master, didn't you say that it was my apprentice?"

Wei Hengguang sneered, "Do you think you have the ability to be a master?"

Xiao Luo was speechless, he couldn't figure it out, knowing that he couldn't say yesterday that he applied for at the academy, or did he say that the pharmacy was all snakes, and he was only thinking about doing things for a while?

Xiao Luo calmly looked at Wei Hengguang's experimental equipment. Although there were many kinds of them, they were really not as good as the one that he knew about the sea. Produced by Shen Chu, it must be a fine product.

Seeing Xiao Luo's expression, Wei Hengguang looked at Xiao Luo again, thinking that when Ming Ding came here for the first time, he was dazzled by the fans of the equipment.

Wei Hengguang said: "You can make the medicine of yesterday again. You need each." He went to monitor the field during the game yesterday, but who would specifically observe a first-year student who had never heard of it? Therefore, Wei Hengguang is not clear about the process by which Xiao Luo made the medicine.

Wei Hengguang stared at Xiao Luo's movements, and Xiao Luo's heart started to be seen by him. But once Xiao Luo was fully invested in the pharmaceutical industry, he would no longer feel the movement of the outside world. Wei Hengguang was very satisfied. His apprentice was like him, dedicated.

After all, Wei Hengguang had a lot of experience, and he understood his approach without Xiao Luo's explanation, and then devoted himself to the research.

Xiao Luo first patiently stood by Wei Hengguang for a while, and did not wait for Wei Hengguang to look back. Xiao Luo wandered around.

As the days passed, Wei Hengguang personally taught Xiao Luo when he had time, but most of the time Xiao Luo asked his seniors to educate him and competed with his senior nephews. No one can rob him anyway.

The only difference is that Xiao Luo's three little friends have become four. At the request of the academy, they found a good student in the Institute of Manufacturing Equipment, called Wei Yangxue, who is best at repairing. The five people gather at a fixed time every month to familiarize themselves with running-in.

As the number of layers passing through the star tower increased, Xiao Luo's realm also improved. Only the last level can pass the star tower, which means that if you take that last step, the realm of Xiao Luo's star tower realm will be stabilized.

The last level of the star tower requires five people to work together, but the last level of the star tower is not yet open to five people. Because they have to do graduation practice first.

Each of the five people received a fingernail-sized chip. According to the teacher of the practice center, the chip is a temporary resident card of the real world. They must keep the chip properly and cannot leave the chip after leaving the college.

Xiao Luo manually adjusted the heading of the rented suspension car from time to time according to the map on the practice manual, vomiting: "What breaks

It's bad stuff, there is no automatic navigation, it's not as good as ours. "

Xin Jing admired the white clouds by the window and said leisurely: "This is obviously a test. Everything is ready for you, so why do you come out?"

Xiao Luo turned around and took a picture of the manual on Xin Jing's face, "It's your turn, go numbly." He pushed Xin Jing away and sat on Xin Jing's seat.

Xin Jing was very upset when he was photographed and pushed up again, and when he rolled up the manual, he was about to succumb. Can Tang Yi watch inaction? Tang Yi exclaimed, "Hey, the floating car is crooked."

Tang Yi didn't lie, the head of the hovering car was down, but Xin Jing didn't believe it, and he was bumped into the driving position by the hovering car with a dazed expression on his face. Then he hurriedly adjusted the course, ignoring the laughter behind him.

The five people took turns driving, Xiao Luo and Xin Jing kept making noise. Tang Yi helped Xiao Luo from time to time, Hang Rui smiled but didn't speak, and Wei Yangxue looked awake during the whole journey.

The whole journey took thirteen days and thirteen nights. Finally, when the first ray of sunlight passed through the stratus clouds and reached everyone's eyes, they saw their destination-Watching Star City.

As they approached, they looked up at the tall city wall built with huge stones, they felt the thick breath of the city, and smelled the pungent and **** breath coming on their faces.

Before they were ready, the hovering car whizzed and urged them to get out of the car, and then the hovering car instantly turned around and left. It is said that it can't autopilot?

The ruthlessness of the suspended vehicle dilutes the shock of the five people, and the city gate opens wide without guards. Everyone cautiously stepped into the city, as if entering the ancient times.

Since Xiao Luo came to Interstellar, he has not seen the ancient city. The wooden building with only two floors made him feel that he has gone in the wrong era.

The large flag engraved with "Newcomer Reception" was waving in the wind, and five people walked into this two-story building by appointment.

The first feeling is desolate, with four square tables and messy small stools inside. Next to the old wooden staircase was the counter. The bald boy in a white vest suddenly glowed when he saw them coming in, causing everyone to stop moving forward.

The boy Bai Xiaoguang came out from behind the counter. Everyone looked at his lower body. Everyone exhaled. It turned out to be white pants.

Bai Xiaoguang touched his bald head, somewhat inexplicably, but this did not hinder his enthusiasm. These five people are the first group of guests he has encountered since Bai Xiaoguang inherited the reception. Even if they are crazy, Bai Xiaoguang will take care of them.

Bai Xiaoguang slipped the teapot and filled the small white porcelain cups in front of the crowd with tea one by one, and finally filled himself with tea. He sat down and held the tea cup and looked at everyone one by one with his big shiny eyes.

Then Bai Xiaoguang said: "I am Bai Xiaoguang, the 24888th heir of the newcomer reception, and I will assist you in completing your graduation practice. Would you please introduce yourself first?" Staring at Wei Yangxue, because this looks the most honest.

Wei Yangxue yawned, rubbed his eyes, and stretched his waist before speaking: "Wei Yangxue, the supporter of the family, believes well.

Learn to learn, fire department first-level system. "

As Bai Xiaoguang's eyes moved, the remaining four introduced themselves.

"Xiao Luo, a first-level pharmacist of the fire department."

"Tang Yi, a first-class pharmacist in the Wood Department."

"Xin Jing, a second-level fire chef."

"Hang Rui, a second-level Thunder hunter."

After listening, Bai Xiaoguang had a clear heart, and then introduced their practical life to everyone, "This is Watch Star City. Any team nearing graduation must come here to practice. To put it bluntly, it is to treat you as free labor. Hundreds of people will enter here every month. Not now, you are the first team I have seen this year. You need to go to the city gate to register every day, and then the city soldiers will assign you different guards according to your strength. District. Generally speaking, there is a small tide in three days, and a big tide in five days. All you have to do is to get the ice and fire crystals in the spirit beast and give it to me. A team has 10,000 ice and fire crystals. You probably do it. Five or six years will be almost the same. Then I am all-inclusive for board and lodging, but what I provide is what I provide, and there is no room for bargaining."

After Bai Xiaoguang finished speaking, he secretly calmed down, feeling extremely excited. He finally said the words that he had memorized for more than ten years, and he was proud of himself.

The source of this excitement in the eyes of the five people became unhappiness in fantasizing that they were making trouble, so the five nodded to ensure that they would not be dissatisfied.

So Bai Xiaoguang was satisfied, "I will take you to recognize your respective rooms first, and then take you to a few places in the city, all of which will help you in your future life."

Bai Xiaoguang went first, stepping up the stairs, creaking non-stop. Bai Xiaoguang walked a few steps quickly, then turned around and said, "Come on, don't worry about crying, it's very strong."

Xiao Bai regretted that he had followed Bai Xiaoguang, how much he would have to lose if he stepped on it. This is all given a name, and the emotion must be very deep.

Xin Jing was behind Xiao Luo, and when Xiao Luo hesitated, he helped him. Xiao Luo was pushed back and forth, and could only go upstairs.

□Author's gossip: thanks

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