Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 64: Breeding rumbling beasts

Xiao Luo smiled mysteriously: "No, it's your vine."

Song Min wept loudly, "Skirt, please let him untie it for me, it will **** blood."

Xiao Luo looked up and down He Qun, wondering what kind of skirt he was wearing. Although He Qun felt hairy in his heart, he still boldly said, "I have fulfilled your request. Can I also let us go?"

Xiao Luo sighed, "I thought I would just let you go like this. But after keeping you busy for so long, I always keep going. I just heard Song Min say that you two once raised pigs. I I’m going to open a Lulu animal farm and let the two of you go to work. Don’t worry, one person a day, 50 Lingcoins. How about? Do you not?"

He Qun and Song Min nodded, just your tone of voice, is there enough room for us not to do it? I only hope that the wages will not be in arrears when the time comes.

Thinking about not treating the employees harshly, Xiao Luo took the two to the canteen in the clan and invited them to have a big meal, and spent three spirit coins. I used up the spirit coins that I got from completing the task.

Xiao Luo wanted to walk back to the bamboo house on foot, but Song Min couldn't bear it. He Qun gasped for breath, gasping He Qun was distressed, and gasping Xiao Luo was upset.

He Qun felt that Xiao Luo was disarming them, but He Qun really felt sorry for his fat family, and discussed: "You think Minmin is really uncomfortable, can we go by crane?"

Xiao Luobai glanced at He Qun, "There is a crane car, you said earlier, when I am willing to walk."

What can He Qun say? Seeing that your old man is so skilled in robbery, who would have thought that you can't even afford a crane car. A crane car only needs 20 Lingcoins plus five contribution points, which is much cheaper than other animal cars. It's all the sect's care for the poor disciples.

Xiao Luo looked at the crane car enviously. He had a floating car but couldn't fly here, and the animal car could only run on the ground. When he gets rich, he also buys a crane car.

He Qun suddenly worried that his crane car might change ownership, and couldn't help but worry. Fortunately, Xiao Luo didn't say anything along the way, and He Qun put a little light on it.

But this route is too familiar, this scum will not come from their Chihuo Peak, right? Unexpectedly, it really belonged to Chihuo Peak, but instead of landing at the mouth of the peak, the crane car flew towards the bamboo forest. He Qun had a bold guess in his heart. Could this be Xiao Luo, the disciple of the Scarlet Fire Patriarch who only heard his name but didn't see him?

He Qun really got the right guess. The crane car stopped over the bamboo forest, and the three of them got out of the car. He Qun tremblingly took the crane car back. Should he directly dedicate the crane cart to Xiao Shishu?

Xiao Luo said, "Wait a minute, I'll get the tools. I will cut a piece of bamboo forest for a while, and use the vacated area as a circle. The bamboo cut down will build a small house. It's up to you whether you want to live here or return to your original residence. But you must be here to take care of Lulu during the day

beast. "

He Qun said excitedly: "The two of us are willing to take care of the Lulu beast here day and night." The concentration of spiritual power here is more than ten times higher than that of them, and they will go back only when they are stupid.

Xiao Luo entered the room, and He Qun said to Song Min, "Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Isn't this our chance. After taking care of the Lulu beast of Uncle Master, maybe we can go further."

Song Min pouted and said, "But when his mother can take this thing off to Lao Tzu, I feel panicked when I look at it." At this time, the bloodthirsty demon vine has turned into a red pattern and printed on Song Min's tail. Point up. There is a circle of red on the fleshy white fingers, which looks pretty good


He Qun said: "Wait for Uncle Master to be happy when he is happy. You will be careful and civilized when you speak. In case Master Uncle likes civilized people, if you are not pleasing to your eyes, I will never give it to you. What to do?"

Song Min said dullly, "I see. I will pay attention. To be honest, should I really lose weight?"

He Qun took Song Min over and patted him on the head, "Min Min can reduce it as much as he wants. I like it no matter what Min Min is."

Song Min stepped on He Qun's foot, "Huh, smelly man, don't think I don't remember that you disliked my meat. I will start to lose weight today.


When Xiao Luo came out, he heard Song Min say that he wanted to lose weight, and agreed with him: "Well, it’s the right thing to lose weight. What if you, a big fat man of three hundred catties, are crushed by a small group at night? You are a fat man, I really look like it. dislike; despise."

Song Min fought **** reason: "I only have two hundred and ninety-nine catties, but I don't have three hundred catties."

Xiao Luo said nothing.

Handing the saws to the two, Xiao Luo said, "When you saw it, find the correct position. Count the third node from the bottom up, otherwise Chi Yanzhu will be angry."

Red flame bamboo? Are all red flame bamboos here? If you want to steal one and sell it, you won't have to worry about eating and drinking in this life.

Xiao Luo seemed to have heard the voices of the two and warned: "Bamboo can't leave the bamboo forest. Otherwise, what will happen?

I don't know. "

Xiao Luo led the two of them to circle the two of them out of a forest, and said, "Just saw the inside of the circle, and when you saw it, go to the small bamboo house and call me.


Then Xiao Luo left, Song Min and He Qun looked at each other, remembering that the third episode began to work hard.

Xiao Luo also has to be busy. He has no idea how to speed up the reproduction. He can't speed up the time, so he can only study medicine, like those growth hormones. It is also necessary to ensure that the Lulu beast is healthy.

Xiao Luo turned the book while making potions, and then experimented with two Lulu beasts. The two poor experimental mice are forced to mate every day. Can't tell if it is happiness or sadness.

Song Min and He Qun are limited in strength, and it's good to be able to saw a piece of bamboo in a star hour. Counting the time for rest and eating, they can only use 10 star hours for work during a twenty-four star hour a day. That means they can saw down ten bamboos a day. And there are five hundred and twenty bamboos in the field that Xiao Luo circled. That is to say, it took them 52 days to finish sawing the bamboo.

After sawing, they had to build a house, and the two didn't think that Xiao Shishu would kindly help them build it. Sure enough, after they built the house, Xiao Luo still didn't get out of the bamboo house.

Although Xiao Luo said that they would look for him after sawing, who would really dare. He Qun and Song Min didn't dare. Fortunately, they had some savings over the years, and they could still live for a few months when they had no income and only output.

They couldn't be idle without Xiao Luo, if Xiao Luo didn't please his eyes, their lives would be worrying. Only half of the bamboo used to build the house was consumed, and half of the bamboo was still piled there.

It is strange to say that every time they saw off a piece of bamboo, the remaining piece and roots disappeared.

He Qun also built a pigpen, imitating the pigpen and built a lulupen out of bamboo. After the Lulu circle was built, Xiao Luo finally came out.

Xiao Luo walked to the Lulu circle and circled around the Lulu circle. He walked back and said to the two of them: "I'm very satisfied, I have worked hard. You can take a break and start working formally tomorrow."

The next day, when He Qun and Song Min woke up, they saw more than a dozen Lulu beasts moving in the enclosure. He Qun carefully counted them, and there were 14 in total. Uncle Xiao is really amazing. At this time, the two had a feeling of admiration towards Xiao Luo.

After talking with Xiao Luo, Chef Dong waited for him to send Lulu Beast. But for three months, he hadn't seen Xiao Luo at all. There is no news at all to ask others. Chef Dong has classified Xiao Luo as a liar and is thinking about new business. It's a pity that he is just a cook, and it seems he can't do much.

Xiao Luo came between entanglement and hesitation.

Chef Dong looked at the savior, and when he saw Xiao Luo, he leaned over, rubbed his hands and said, "Where is the Lulu beast?"

Xiao Luo took the two Lulu beasts to Chef Dong. Chef Dong looked at the Lulu beast, which was fatter than usual, and his eyes lit up. This one could make five more takeaways.

These two are the two Xiao Luo did the experiment. If the experiment is successful, they should face their normal fate.

Xiao Luo said: "The two Lulu beasts are used up, you go to the bamboo forest of the Chihuo ancestor of Chihuofeng to get them. I have told Song Min and He Qun that they will help you get the Lulu beast. I I have something to go out."

Chef Dong repeatedly said that Song Min and He Qun are familiar with each other, and they are old friends who often do business.

As for how the three people met with tears and tears, how Xiao Luo forced them to persecute them is another matter.

There had been news from He Feng for a long time, but Xiao Luo couldn't leave it alone after half of his experiment. So let He Feng wait more

He Feng would naturally not be unhappy, and his juniors were also very obedient. But if it is postponed later, it is the same for them to do other tasks first. But a person from Gaofeng Mo is not so easy to talk.

Seeing He Feng's face, she agreed to take the newcomer to do the collective task, but it would be difficult for a newcomer to hold her face so big.

He Yaoyao originally wanted to quit, but she couldn't stand He Feng's pleading, and she was interested in He Feng, so she agreed to do the task together. But it will never give that newcomer a good face.

Xiao Luo gathered in the mission hall first according to what He Feng said. He Feng just gathered the people who did the task, but he didn't decide on the specific task, but thought that Xiao Luo should choose it.

He Feng was waiting for Xiao Luo at the door, and as soon as Xiao Luo arrived, he pulled Xiao Luo to introduce him to Xiao Luo who were on the mission together.

He Feng said: "He Xi, He Xiao, He Yaoyao."

He Yaoyao is the first female disciple Xiao Luo has seen since entering the sect. Xiao Luo asked suspiciously, "Isn’t there no female disciple in Wancao Sect?


He Yaoyao disdain to reply, turned her head to ignore Xiao Luo. He Feng said: "Junior Sister He belongs to Wan Fangzong. The collective tasks of the two schools are the same.

Yes, you can make an appointment to do the task together. "

Xiao Luo understood, "You can cultivate feelings."

He Feng nodded shyly, "Uncle Master, come pick the task."

Before Xiao Luo refused, He Yaoyao raised an objection first, "Even if he has a high seniority, he is still a newcomer. For everyone's safety, shouldn't he be chosen?"

Xiao Luo nodded, "Senior Nephew Yao is right, you should come."

He Feng looked at Xiao Luo and nodded after confirming that he didn't have any indifferent expressions, and chose a task that was more suitable for them-solving the evil of the demon python.

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