Interstellar Counterattack Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Get burned python skin

The screaming like a pig lasted for five minutes, and the demon python also screamed for five minutes behind. The two voices sounded at the same time, and the five people didn't notice the difference, until the city lord turned into fly ashes, and the screams continued, everyone realized that it was wrong.

Xiang Song put his index finger to his mouth and hissed and walked lightly into the inner room. Gently opened the door, Xiang Song glanced at it and hurriedly closed it, then opened it again. Beckon them all over.

He Yaoyao and Xiao Luo squeezed in front, and there was a creature with a snake tail screaming and rolling on the floor of the inner room, and the place where the snake tail passed was a mess. Also accompanied by the fiery red snake skin falling off, it is obvious that her snake tail is black.

Xiang Song turned back and said softly: "What should I do?"

Xiao Luo said, "Grab, this is obviously the demon python."

Xiang Song said: "Cough, how to catch? I have never seen this kind of creature."

Xiao Luo pushed open Xiangsonghe door and stepped on the snake's tail. I stepped on it casually, but I didn't know that it was about seven inches in the middle of the demon python. The demon fainted with a faint.

Eight people entered the inner room together, and surrounded the demon python.

He Xi reached out to the air and was patted back by He Xiao, "Who knows if he carries poison."

Everyone was looking at the demon python, but Xiao Luo secretly collected all the skin that fell from the demon python, telling him instinctively that this thing was useful to him, and it was probably Burning python skin.

He Feng said, "Let's take this thing back to the elders. Although her strength is not good, her species is peculiar and should be of great research value."

Xiang Song quit, "Why bring back your Ten Thousand Grass Sect, and you can't swallow the results alone." He Yaoyao directly suppressed Xiang Song, "The five of us, the three of you."

Xiang Song dying struggling, "Cousin, you belong to Wan Fangzong, you should fight against Wan Cao Zong with us."

He Yaoyao smiled sweetly, "Marry a chicken and marry a dog and a dog."

Xiang Songzuo.

He Feng coughed, he was a little shy with his fiancee being so bold. He Feng said: "Wan Cao Sect is a research-type sect, and we can't go wrong. When the time comes, the research results will be shared, and Wan Fangzong and Wan Xiangzong will not be at a loss."

Xiang Song also knows this truth. Wan Xiangzong group of martial idiots can only throw them in the warehouse when they bring them back. He nodded, agreeing to deal with the demon python.

Everyone separately searched the city lord's mansion, but they found Yongzhengyang and Yongzhenghang in two places not far apart in the basement.

Yong Zhenghang said that the last person he saw was his stepmother, and then it was now. Yong Zhengyang trembled and said that his father threw him into the basement. Then everyone found the formation in the room of Yong Zhengyang. Just like the formation in the lord's bedroom, they rubbed three copies and dug the land, and the three houses evenly divided the original map.

Combining the words of the city lord's wife and the housekeeper, everyone probably figured out the cause and course of the matter. The city lord originally had a bad aptitude, and brought a woman back when he went out. From then on, the city lord’s cultivation base has progressed, and the city began to have young people and youths with no status but good aptitude disappeared. Actually, it was not just a few months, but the disappearance incident has continued. It's been many years, maybe five or six years.

However, the number of people in the city was limited, and the city lord cast his idea on the major disciples. First post the mission anonymously, and then take the opportunity to hunt. It just failed the first time.

Everyone sighed and did not care too much. They handed over the relevant personnel to the people sent by this country, and after receiving the gift of appreciation, they went back to their respective homes. Some of them have to prepare for the upcoming secret selection.

Xiao Luo glanced at his contribution points after handing in the task and getting paid. Three nines, only four nines away from the goal. Just work harder.

But the disciples of the Quanzong Realm in the Star Terrace Realm and the Star Lotus Realm were all preparing for things related to the secret realm. No one had to do the task with Xiao Luo, and Xiao Luo could only return to the bamboo house to study the snake skin he had obtained.

Inside the bamboo house, Xiao Luo sat cross-legged on the bamboo bed, studying carefully with a piece of skin in his hand. No matter Xiao Luo uses spiritual power or spiritual power, the python skin is unmoved, that is to say, Xiao Luo has no way to refine it. According to the first two experiences, it should be possible to refine, Xiao Luo firmly believed that he just could not find a way.

Only when will the person named Shen Chu appear? Xiao Luo was playing with python skin but his eyes were blank.

Speaking of Cao Cao Cao Cao's arrival, Shen Chu is back. At the first moment, he felt that Xiao Luo’s mental state was not right, and when he looked at the sea of ​​consciousness, he felt gray.


Shen Chu sighed, what should come will come. The obsession that should be broken at the Star Tower Realm has been left until now because of physical reasons, and the harm is not insignificant, but Shen Chu can't help it. I can only wait for the body to get better, and then accompany him to get rid of the obsession.

Shen Chu said: "This is indeed a burning python skin, and you really didn't find the right refining method."

"Who? Who are you?" Xiao Luo was very alert to the voice that suddenly appeared in his mind, even if he felt very familiar.


Shen Chu said helplessly: "Shen Chu." The contract between the two made Xiao Luo believe in his identity, but Xiao Luo still felt very awkward.

Depressing the awkwardness in his heart, Xiao Luo asked, "How should I refine it?"

Shen Chu said: "There are two ways, one is to put it first, and wait for the five things to be complete. The other is to find the skin of the skin, make it into skin lotion, soak it in it to remove the skin of the whole body, and use the skin of the burning python as a new one. skin."

Shen Chu's voice was obviously not cold, but Xiao Luo shuddered. Xiao Luo said, "Is there any difference?"

"The difference is that the first type is that you can't be promoted to Xingwujie immediately, and the second is that you can be promoted to Xingwujie after refining the burned python skin. Because you have not yet received the approval of the will of the real world, you can only be promoted This method."

Xiao Luo hesitated, "I want to advance, but I can't use my spiritual power when I enter Xingwujie."

"So, you have to refining together after you find the fourth thing, so that you don't have to stay in Xing Wujie for long, and go directly to the Star Realm."

Xiao Luo decided to gather the contribution points first, and talk about it after he got the Yan Bone. And he didn't have such a thing as Fading Grass. It seems that all he has are useless things. However, it is his blessing to have these things, and he can't be dissatisfied. Xiao Luo was going to buy some news to see where the Fading Grass was available. He remembered that there was no redemption for contribution points.

Xiao Luo seemed to have forgotten Shen Chu, so he stopped talking to Shen Chu after he asked, instead of chattering like before. It is not good for Shen Chu to stop in his heart.

Shen Chu said: "There is a skin grass in the secret realm of the beginning of the ten sects, and it should be about to open recently."

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Okay, thanks."

Shen Chu...

Xiao Luo was about to go out to explore the secret realm. He seemed to have raised his mouth when he heard Song and He Yaoyao quarrel. Just happened to run into the red fire ancestor who came to look for him.

Chi Huo threw the round card in his hand to Xiao Luo, who hurriedly caught it. Xiao Luo looked at Chi Huo, and Chi Huo curled his lips and said: "The passage order of the Beginning Secret Realm has been collected, so you don't need to thank you."

Xiao Luo collected the tokens and said casually: "I didn't want to thank you."

Chi Huo was choked and almost couldn't breathe. I really don't know why he took such an apprentice to him. Chi Huo said: "Others have to pass the game to get the token, you and I will give it to you. In return, you have to bring me the aura."

Xiao Luo suspiciously, "As long as Lingyunhua?"

Chi Huo refused to communicate with this **** again, "Let you take it with you, why do you waste so much."

Xiao Luo nodded. Since the attitude is so bad, wait until he comes out. He wouldn't say that he has aura flowers now. Chi Huo took a deep breath, walked to his house, and said casually as if he suddenly remembered: "They are playing in the square. If you have nothing to do, you can go and take a look. By the way, learn about the secrets."

Xiao Luo just had this intention, and he nodded and left here to go to the square. Chi Huo waited for a long time and couldn't wait to speak up, turned his head to see that only Xiao Luo's back was left, and sighed while holding his heart to the door frame.

Xiao Luo didn't know that he was angry with Chi Huo again. It was the first time he had seen so many disciples. There are round tables protruding from the originally flat ground, and there are all kinds of competitions on the round tables. Xiao Luo glanced at He Feng and walked straight to the round platform where He Feng was. He Feng was battling people, Xiao Luo pulled at the person closest to him and asked, "What are you doing?"

He Liu looked at Xiao Luo suspiciously, "Don't you know?" It was as if Xiao Luo didn't know that he had committed a great crime.

Xiao Luo explained: "I just left the customs, and I didn't see anyone else in other places. People here come here to take a look." He Liu reluctantly believed Xiao Luo's statement and began to explain to Xiao Luo. But Xiao Luo felt that he should show off what he knew and wanted to make complaints at the same time. But in any case, they helped Xiao Luo. Xiao Luo still paid a third-level potion.

He Liu said: "Maybe after a few years, the secret realm will be opened when the spirit of the first secret realm is in a good mood, and a certain number of pass orders will be issued. Then our ten major sects will be divided into 80%, and the rest will be sent to the small sects. And those empires. The rule of our Ten Thousand Grass Sect is that the elders who have disciples can only get tokens, and then give them to which disciple they want. Then give the rest to disciples who don't have a master.

Just now, the elder disciple of the Sect Master flew into the sky and threw out thirty tokens. Then the people under us started to grab tokens. The token grab time lasts for half a star, and then the 30-round platform rises. Each token master comes onto the stage and shows the way of the game as stipulated by itself, and then the person who has not grabbed it can take the stage. Until noon the next day, the person who gets the token at the last moment is the ultimate token owner. "

Xiao Luo pointed at He Feng and asked, "Why is he here?"

He Liu said, "Do you know me Senior Brother Feng?"

Xiao Luo nodded, He Liu became more enthusiastic.

He Liu said: "Of course I have a token, Brother He, but he wanted to fight recently, so he grabbed a token and asked someone to fight with him. However, in the end, the token must be given to the disciple without a master, yours. If your cultivation base is in the Star Terrace or Star Lotus Realm, and you want to go to the secret realm, when you come to the stage at the last time, my senior brother will give you the token."

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