Interstellar Debt Zerg

Chapter 15: San Miro College

Qi Xia walked in, and before Asius could react, a kiss fell on his lips, and his other hand took Asius and squeezed his thin waist. Well, it feels great.

"Qixia." Asius glared at him coldly, feeling that the paw was still unwilling to give up, "You should let go." That voice was threatening.

Qi Xia smiled, "You are my female prince, serving me is a matter of course. It is written in the female prince's handbook that you must meet all the requirements of the male master that are conducive to the reproduction of offspring." With a look in his eyes, Qi Xia squeezed a few handfuls of thin meat with a smile, felt the tight body of Asius, and finally let go.

Qi Xia took the time to contact Asius. The breakfast was prepared by the home robot. Although the taste was not good, Qi Xia never cared about these things.

As the guardians of Little Carter, both Qi Xia and Asius received a letter from the Empire. Qi Xia opened the letter from the terminal and saw that she was interested, and Little Carter was about to enroll. "Asius, it's time for Carter to go to school. Where do you want Carter to study?" No matter what age, children are always the people their parents care about the most.

"I intend to send Carter to Di San Miro College, which is very close to home, and there are many male cubs in it. Carter will find partners in it." San Miro College has trained countless soldiers, and they will be able to do so in the future. Enter the battlefield and fight for the glory blade of the empire. San Miro College is a complete and systematic college, which is divided into several colleges, which are divided into elementary colleges, secondary colleges and higher colleges, which are divided according to the age of the students. Little Carter is 5 years old this year, and it is time to enter San Milan Elementary College.

"I want to learn too."

Asius: "..." glanced at Qi Xia, nodded, "Okay, I will let you enter the San Miro Higher Academy." As long as the male worm wants and is reasonable, he will try his best to satisfy.

The Academy of San Milo is located in the middle of the planet of Cordo and ranks third or so in the Empire. The first is the Empire’s First Military Academy. Every bug that comes out there is a real soldier, and Carter and Qixia are males. , Even if the body is stronger than most males, it is also very fragile. He doesn't mind his males being fragile. He just hopes that he can be safer and live like he is now.

Asius directly contacted the dean of San Miro College. He had some friendship with the dean and easily got Qi Xia's place. Regardless of the planet, males are always tolerant, and San Miro College also welcomes the arrival of males.

On the day Little Carter went to school, he cried for Qi Xia to hug, his eyes were red, and he just didn't want to go to school. After the worms of the empire have broken their shells, they all like to rely on their female and male fathers. That is the nature in their blood, and they have to stay with their blood before they grow up. Until about five years old, the female cubs will quickly grow up and become independent, able to live alone and even participate in battle; but the five-year-old male is still a small cub, and it takes more than ten years for the male cub to grow up. After years old, the males at this time began to grow into juveniles, and their minds gradually matured.

Asius was also reluctant to bear the child, looking at the worm cub who was still stubbornly looking at him in Qi Xia's arms, his heart was sour, "If the little Carter is obedient, the female father and male father will accompany you to play this weekend."

"Well, yes, if Carter is obedient, there are rewards." Qi Xia picked up the child and coaxed very seriously.

"If you think about it, the female father has to go to work and no longer stay at home, and the male father has to go to the college to attend classes. There is no one to accompany Carter by his side. Does Carter want to be like the male father, learn knowledge, become very strong, and protect himself My favorite person." Qi Xia looked at Asius.

Asus didn't squint, he just didn't see it. It would be good for the male to go to the academy and not trouble him. Asius Zixia changed a little bit. The male worms became stronger, clinging to others and even more rascal, and very stubborn. He often came up with various excuses. Isn't he afraid that he would pinch the roots of his fingers?

Glancing at the male worm, the male worm's five fingers are long and white, and he gently caresses the worm cub. If this were not the case, he would squeeze those fingers off early that morning.

Little Carter still pursed his mouth and was obviously in a better mood. The female father promised to do it. Then I thought about it, the female father and the male father were not at home. He might as well go to the new environment to play in the new environment. The male father said yesterday. , There will be a lot of bugs making friends with him.

Friend, what is that?

After bidding farewell to Little Carter, Qi Xia entered the academy alone, "Don't worry, Little Carter will be fine." Qi Xia thought that Ashius was worried about the child. Behind Si, he coaxed gently. In his previous life, he had never cared about anyone so carefully, and Asius was different from his lover.

In fact, Asius does not worry about children entering the academy alone, but His Royal Highness has now implemented a decree that all healthy males who meet the age must enter the academy to study. Little Carter is satisfied this year, and he also received a letter from the San Milo Academy. Notice, so Carter was sent in. Fortunately, San Milo is not too far away from the military headquarters, so he can pick up the children in person after school.

Asius was stretched tightly. He was surrounded by Qi Xia. He heard the low voices of male insects in his ears, and he was a little at a loss with the good smell sprayed on his face. Panic swept across her calm face, and Mu Mu's face turned sideways to avoid it.

"I'm going to the military department. I will pick you up after picking Carter in the afternoon." The female kept calm, and the paw became restless again. He really didn't understand that Qi Xia liked to pinch the soft flesh on his waist every time, he didn't like it.

Because he will be intoxicated.

Asius pushed Qi Xia away, turned around, and got into the levitating car neatly.

Seeing Asius pushing away from his back and fleeing, Qi Xia finally laughed. The two faced each other. All the emotions of Asius were obviously easy to see. He didn't expect females to be so easy to be ashamed. Well, it must be himself. The affection with Asius was not enough.

As a female, to meet most of the requirements of the males~especially the requirements related to the reproduction of the next generation, the females need to be very cooperative.

Turning to enter the academy, Qi Xia suppressed her smile.

If you want to understand the way of fighting in this world, the most direct way is to become a student and understand the rules. Moreover, the nuclear energy on his body also needs to learn to control, otherwise, he will not be so lucky every time he encounters the same danger as last time.

The classes in the various departments of San Miro College range from Class 1 to Class 10. Qi Xia didn’t know this well, so he let Asius handle it alone. He looked at the communicator saying "Art Class 10", which was a bit strange. Could it be that the name of the class in the future will be the same as the private room of the modern restaurant of the previous generation? In Qi Xia's view, Zerg's class should learn how to use nuclear energy in the body, the most direct way to become stronger in battle, and systematic learning will enable the fighters to grow rapidly. He didn't know that males had no nuclear power.

When Qi Xia entered Class 10, she found that there were a total of 13 students in the class, and the corners of her mouth twitched. Seeing a fat man looking at him next to him, the fat male worm was about two sizes of him, looking at himself in a novel way, Qi Xia greeted him, "Hello, my name is Qi Xia."

The fat man raised his head, seeming a little surprised, seeing Qi Xia's smiling face, a little strange, he immediately became happy again.

"Hello! I'm Tian Wei, your deskmate, it's nice to meet you."

Qi Xia smiled. Seeing the fat man's expression, there was no strange expression about him joining the class, which made him feel a little bit more fond in my heart.

"When you came to Class 10, are you also a grade D mentality?" Fatty asked if he put it in the eyes of a caring person, it would be rude, but Qi Xia only thought that the other party was innocent, a male who didn't know the world.

"Level D? I don't know how much my mental strength is." Qi Xia chatted with Fat Worm Tian Wei casually.

"Didn't your family give you a test?" Tian Wei was a little strange. Doesn't every family test their talents for their tribesmen.

"By the way, let me introduce to you that none of the males sitting behind can be offended, and those sitting in the back can't be offended either. By the way, the three sitting in front of you can't be offended either." The little fat man took care of himself. He pointed out a clear road to Qi Xia, pointed his finger vaguely, and winked at Qi Xia. As a male, he has nothing to do. After he grows up, his family will naturally choose a powerful female for him. His life is really boring except eating. When His Royal Highness issued a new order to allow males under fifty to come to class, he came.

Qi Xia: "..." From this point of view, there are only fat guys left in the classroom to provoke.

"Those males are from aristocratic family background. If you provoke them, your family will be unlucky." The fat man glanced around with his big round eyes, and found that his classmates didn't pay attention to him, and continued.

"Are there only fourteen of us in Class 10?" Qi Xia was a little strange. He had noticed when he came in that the space here could hold a hundred people, even less, but the tables were all neatly empty.

"There are some males, they...they study at home and probably didn't come to school because they were unwell." Tian Wei was also a little uncertain, but he could think of those males' ideas and didn't want to come to class, which was troublesome. He thought the same way before. Although the current class is also very boring, he finally found something to do.

Qi Xia smiled. He knew what Tian Wei meant in his words. The males were indeed weaker than the females, and he could choose whether to come to class at will.

This galaxy is not the solar system, nor the earth. There is no man or woman. The level of technology is far superior to that of the earth in the previous life. I don't know if it's still the same universe...Earth... He probably won't be able to go back again, seeing his body being crushed by a white hole, annihilated, and never left.

The two chatted for a while, and as the class bell rang, a young zerg walked into the classroom. Qi Xia secretly observed the other party, regretting that he couldn't see the insect pattern under the other's collar, otherwise he would know whether it was a male or a female.

The first lead of the female worm pattern circuit must be one inch below the collarbone.

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