The Milky Way.

In the jurisdiction of the Seventh Military Region.

A large transport ship, 20 kilometers long and loaded with rare minerals, shuttled through the vast space.

Destination, planet a5698.

Beep beep beep...

"Warning, warning, UFO found, the other party refuses to communicate."

"Warning, warning, UFO found, the other party refuses to communicate."

The alarms began to sound one after another.

In the control room of more than 10,000 square meters, all the staff panicked.

The huge display screen showed a position of 200 million kilometers, and a flying object that refused to communicate and even turned on scanning interference was approaching.

This transport ship was just a civilian space ship.

Although equipped with the most advanced civilian scanner, it was far from comparable to the military scanner.

When the other party turned on the scanning interference, it could only barely scan that the UFO was one kilometer long, three hundred meters wide, and fifty meters high.

"What are you panicking about? It's just a pirate ship."

The captain rushed over after hearing the news and angrily scolded the panicked people.

Not only was there no panic on his face, but there was even a flash of excitement in the depths of his eyes.

He was a retired officer who had served on warships for most of his life.

Before retiring, he had been the captain of a small destroyer.

In the past fifty years, although the human race has not had any large-scale wars with the surrounding races, small frictions have always continued.

He has participated in many conflicts, big and small.

How could he take a mere pirate ship seriously?

"Captain, a military base is nearby, only 10 billion kilometers away. Do you want to send a distress signal to them?"

A communicator looked at the captain.

"No need!"

The captain waved his hand.

Although this transport ship is a civilian spaceship, it is a large spaceship after all, and its defense system is stronger than that of a small warship.

The attack system can also reach about one-third of that of a small warship.

Even if the quality of the operator cannot be compared with that of the operator of a military warship, with him as the captain in command, it is not a problem to defeat a pirate ship.

After all, pirate ships pursue speed and attack.

Even if it was the top pirate ship, its attack system was not inferior to that of a small warship, but its defense system was far from being comparable to that of this transport ship.

Beep beep...

"Warning, warning, UFO spotted, the other party refused to communicate."

In the control room, the alarm sounded again.

The captain looked at the giant screen and was shocked to find that another suspected pirate ship appeared within 200 million kilometers.

Another blink of an eye.

The third, fourth, fifth...

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 suspected pirate ships appeared around the transport ship.

They were surrounded!

Looking at the speed displayed by the scanner, these suspected pirate ships seemed to be top pirate ships up to one kilometer long.

"Send a distress signal to the military base immediately!"

"Turn on the defense system, turn on the energy shield, defense strength 50."

"Increase the speed to 60, azimuth 15°26°, and be prepared to speed up to 100 at any time to avoid attacks!"

The captain couldn't figure it out. In the entire galaxy, the largest pirate group only had a dozen top pirate ships of this level at most.

How could there be more than 20 ships here?

However, he didn't have time to think about this problem. He could only make defense preparations based on his intuition and experience.


One hundred light years away.

AC7521 uninhabited planet.

Desolate and cold, with frequent volcanoes and earthquakes.

The entire planet has only one prison and research institute covering an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers.

This prison is one of the three top beast detention points of the Seventh Military Region.

There are more than 100,000 beasts above level 90 imprisoned inside.

Level 90 beasts have the terrifying power to destroy small warships.

Those beasts at level 100 can even destroy medium-sized warships, and can only be killed by large warships.

With more than 100,000 beasts above level 90, the scale of this prison can be imagined.

The configuration is also luxurious.

It is not only equipped with more than 100 top-level intelligent computer hosts of the Human Federation, but also equipped with the most powerful defense system.

Thirty billion kilometers away, there is also a large military base in the Seventh Military Region, where an entire fleet is stationed.

Once the top beasts in the prison riot, they can be dispatched to suppress them at any time.

Beep beep...

"Warning, warning, unknown space warship invasion detected, ground defense system activated!"

"Warning, warning, unknown space warship invasion detected, all beast control circles activated!"

"Warning, warning, unknown hacker invasion detected, anti-invasion system activated!"

"Warning, warning, unknown invasion detected, all staff members please retreat to the safe house in the center of the earth!"

Suddenly, the alarm bells of the prison and the research institute rang loudly, and the alarms kept ringing.

In space, dozens of warships converted from scrapped small warships and transport ships were heading towards the planet.

A large number of fighter planes tens of meters or even hundreds of meters long flew out of the transport ships, constantly changing their forms, avoiding the attacks of the ground defense system, and approaching the prison at full speed.


Seventy light years away.

Planet a6987.

The federal headquarters building was suddenly attacked by tens of thousands of well-equipped rebels, including thousands of mechas.

All officials, including the planetary governor, were captured.

One hundred and twenty light years away.

A spaceship carrying more than 50,000 passengers was attacked and hijacked by a pirate ship.

Sixty light years away...


The Human Federation is divided into 14 major military regions.

The Seventh Military Region guards the middle section of the Milky Way, covering an area of ​​100,000 light years long, 8,000 light years wide, and 4,000 light years high.

At the same time, hundreds of attacks of varying sizes broke out in the central location of the Seventh Military Region.

In the entire central area, the military divisional headquarters building was in chaos, and major military bases were urgently mobilized.


A small military base.

On the space battleship docking platform, except for a group of small and medium-sized battleships, only one large battleship was left for repair.

The other three large battleships have been urgently dispatched to suppress the life planet whose ground defense system was seized by the rebels.

A transport plane flew towards the large battleship.

The captain of the remaining battleship immediately issued an order to open the battleship landing platform and let the transport plane dock at the landing platform.

At the same time, the soldiers and operators who stayed on the battleship suddenly had an internal conflict.

Nearly half of the soldiers and operators took out their laser guns and shot their companions.

Nearly a thousand human traitors rushed out of the transport plane and began to replace the soldiers and operators who were shot.

The personnel reached the level that the entire space battleship could barely operate.

The captain then skipped the brain, forcibly unlocked the operating system, and issued an order for the large battleship to take off.

This situation is absolutely impossible to do at normal times.

Because the activation of a large battleship requires authorization from the military division headquarters, the battleship brain, and the captain.

None of them can be missing.

However, the repaired space battleship is an exception.

Without the authorization of the military division headquarters and the battleship brain, most of the operating systems except the attack system and space jump system can still be unlocked on the grounds of testing the performance of the battleship.

The large warship quickly took off, ignoring the questions and warnings from the division headquarters, and quickly drove towards the vast space.

The hackers were urgently invading the intelligent brain and trying their best to unlock the space jump system.

In the space outside the monitoring range of the base, 52 angels were waiting there.

The lowest level of these angels was a four-winged silver angel whose body could cross the space.

The highest level was a ten-winged silver angel, which was the top combat power in the entire angel family and second only to the golden-winged angel.

In addition, there were two eight-winged silver angels.

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