Interstellar Era: Everyone is learning the skills I created

Chapter 20 Only Yichen can surpass himself

The Milky Way.

Planet a1314.

Headquarters of Yiyao Gongfa Research Institute.

In the laboratory.

The staff are busy.

Various top-notch large equipment are everywhere.

In the office.

Lian Zhancheng, the chairman of Yiyao Group, stared at the large virtual screen.

Above, it was the scene in the laboratory. ❁♦

This main laboratory alone covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters.

In the prosperous a1314 planet, where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, it is priceless.

Not to mention, the various large-scale intelligent brains, large-scale scanners, large-scale observation instruments... all kinds of instruments and equipment in the laboratory are the most advanced technology of the human race.

Any one of them is worth billions.

In addition, there are thousands of staff members in the laboratory.

The average annual salary is as high as one million.

An assistant who is responsible for running errands is a top student from the top prestigious universities in the Milky Way.

Every corner of this laboratory is piled with money.

Beep beep beep...

'Warning, warning, abnormality detected in the body of tester No. 7, emergency rescue is about to be initiated, please prepare for the relevant personnel. '

'Warning, warning, abnormality detected in the body of tester No. 7, emergency rescue is about to be initiated, please prepare for the relevant personnel...'

Suddenly, the alarm bells in the laboratory rang loudly.

The synthetic sound of the intelligent brain kept ringing.

On the experimental table.

In front of a giant sensor.

A young man was sitting cross-legged on the smooth instrument table.

Dozens of data cables were connected to the giant sensor behind him.

Just now, his face showed a look of pain.

The intelligent brain monitored that his spiritual power had changed after entering an acupuncture point in the abdomen.

The originally gentle spiritual power became violent and chaotic, and it madly impacted the meridians.

Although there was a giant sensor to improve the young man's reaction ability, the young man himself was also a top-level cultivation genius. He discovered the abnormality at the first time, but he still didn't have time to withdraw his spiritual power.

The medical table below, under the control of the intelligent brain, sprayed out cold air.

At the same time, a large number of tentacles extended and wrapped around the No. 7 tester.

Freezing the No. 7 tester while giving first aid.

In the distance, a large number of medical personnel were also rushing over.

"Interrupt the rescue, and continue the test!"

In the office, Lian Zhancheng suddenly grabbed the communicator and yelled.

"Boss, according to the monitoring data, the meridians and acupoints of the No. 7 tester have been irreversibly injured. If first aid is not given, or even the rescue is interrupted, his meridians may be completely destroyed."

The head of the laboratory could not help but speak.

"Interrupt the rescue, and continue the test. In addition to the compensation for the tester's losses according to the contract, I will compensate him an additional 100 million in my personal name. I want to see if he can achieve a miracle in adversity."

"If you don't give an order again, I will replace the head of the institute!"

Lian Zhancheng gave the head a multiple-choice question.

The head of the institute hesitated for a few seconds and gave the order "Interrupt the rescue, and continue the test."

The intelligent brain responded immediately.

The freezing fog began to dissipate, and the tentacles retracted.

The rescuers also followed suit and evacuated.

The pain on the face of tester No. 7 gradually intensified.

The chaotic and violent spiritual power, after losing its suppression, began to rage and destroy in his meridians.

A scream.

After the meridians were destroyed, tester No. 7 fainted in pain.

No miracle!

The head of the institute and all the staff were disappointed.

In the office.

"Arrange the eighth tester as soon as possible!"

Lian Zhancheng picked up the communicator, calmly gave the order, and turned off the virtual screen.

He rubbed his temples.

He wanted to close his eyes and wait for the eighth test to begin.

Unfortunately, he was restless and couldn't calm down.

Seven consecutive experiments, seven highly paid geniuses, plus the most advanced equipment and scientific researchers in the world.

The result disappointed him terribly.

More than 300 genius-level testers, even with the assistance of instruments to enhance their perception, could not perceive the mysteries and characteristics of spiritual energy that were more profound than "Chaos Jue".

In addition, seven consecutive tests.

The seven testers, with the help of instruments and improved reaction ability, still could not smoothly input spiritual power into the acupuncture points. They immediately withdrew their spiritual power when they found something wrong.

Lian Zhancheng couldn't understand why it was so easy for Yi Chen to create a technique, but other geniuses, even with the help of various top instruments and scientific researchers, failed repeatedly and made no progress at all?

If Yi Chen were here, he would definitely sneer at Lian Zhancheng's confusion.

Among these geniuses, there are indeed many top geniuses whose cultivation talents are not much slower than his.

But the speed of cultivation is one thing, and creating a technique is another.

He was able to create a set of techniques out of nothing because his talent in this area is the highest in the world.

Keen intuition, super perception, strong understanding, and incredible reaction speed, these four talents must all reach the top level at the same time to create a technique.

If the four talents cannot reach the top at the same time, it can only be a high level to create a low level technique.

For example, a practitioner at the ninth level of the Spirit Release Stage creates the lowest-level, entry-level technique.

Even so, it cannot be created in a day or two.

It may take ten, twenty years, or even longer.

Moreover, there must be a flash of inspiration.

Like Yi Chen, it is simply wishful thinking to be able to improve the technique suitable for the Spirit Release Stage at the first level of the Spirit Release Stage.

It is impossible to improve a technique better than the improved version of "Chaos Jue".

Because Yi Chen can't do it now.

And his talent is already the limit of the human ceiling.

The only possibility is that Yi Chen's sphere of influence suddenly increases to millions or tens of millions of square kilometers.

Only by obtaining a talent that is several times or dozens of times higher than the strongest talent of humans can it be possible to create a better improved version of "Chaos Jue" at the first level of the Spirit Release Stage.

The only one who can defeat Yi Chen is Yi Chen himself, who has obtained the "Strongest Talent System" and can improve his talent.

Although the various top technologies of mankind at this stage have a lot of improvement effects on those geniuses, they are far from being able to make their comprehensive talents in creating exercises reach the level of Yi Chen.

In the future, as the sphere of influence increases and the talent bonus increases, this gap will only widen.

Because as the strength realm increases, the difficulty of creating exercises will only increase.

In the history of mankind for tens of thousands of years, there are many amazing geniuses who have created ways to improve personal strength.

But no one can go further, and they often stop at the beginning.

Because the further you go, the greater the difficulty.

Yi Chen is the only exception.

Now, he is actually about to reach the limit of being able to create exercises.

At least, with his current talent, after breaking through to a higher realm than the Lingfang period, improving the "Chaos Sutra" to a level suitable for cultivation in that realm is definitely not like the first level of the Lingfang period, which takes three or four days to complete.

To create an exercise of the same realm, the difficulty is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands times higher than creating a lower-level exercise.

The higher the strength level, the more difficult it is.

Even if Yi Chen wants to continue to go further, he needs to rely on the "Strongest Talent System" to continuously improve his talent.

For other geniuses, it's useless to think about it.

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