"The announcement has been issued. The parliament has issued an announcement! My hunch is correct!"

Someone found this announcement and showed off his hunch before he had time to check the content.

"The parliament's announcements are always long and boring. Which big brother can go and take a look to see what the reward is this time. If the reward this time exceeds expectations, maybe the reward after the third expansion will also exceed our expectations."

"That's right, let's see what the reward is this time!"

The people of the Federation became more and more excited when they learned that the parliament had issued an announcement.

Some people with a good mentality waited for others to tell them the content of the announcement.

And some impatient people couldn't help but log in to the parliament's official website to check the content of this new announcement.

But the more they read, the more they felt wrong.

The more they read, the more horrified they were.

This is not an announcement about what rewards the Earth Tree Clan has given and how the parliament plans to distribute them after research.

The content of this announcement is that Yi Chen and the Great Yan Empire have reached the super galaxy cluster and are rapidly expanding their power in the Jinyun Galaxy with the ability to transport troops on a large scale over long distances.

The Earth Tree Clan was worried that this ability and means would be controlled and mastered by the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan, so they sent a team of elders headed by the Great Elder and the Third Elder, leading an elite army to the Jinyun Galaxy to control Yi Chen.

As a result, they fell into the trap set by Yi Chen and were ambushed by Yi Chen.

The elite army was completely wiped out, and the elders and the strong were all seriously injured and captured.

And Yi Chen even threatened the lives of these elders and strong, demanding that the Earth Tree Clan take out a large amount of top-quality resources and treasures as ransom before returning these elders and strong to the Earth Tree Clan.

The top leaders of the Earth Tree Clan were furious and ordered the parliament and the military to solve this problem within ten days, otherwise the entire Human Federation would suffer the most severe punishment.

All the people in the Federation who saw the announcement were stunned and trembling.

The content of this announcement also spread rapidly in the Human Federation like wings.

"It's not a reward announcement, but an announcement of possible severe punishment. How could this be?"

"What's going on? Aren't Yi Chen and the Great Yan Empire lurking in this galaxy group? How could he and the Great Yan Empire come to the super galaxy cluster?"

"What's even more incredible is that they can actually ambush and capture the elders of the Earth Tree Clan. This is the chief elder of the Earth Tree Clan, second only to the clan leader."

"Moreover, the entire elder team has thirty-one level 240 strong men. With the strength of the elder team, it is not a problem to destroy a large race. Not to mention there are hundreds of level 230 and 220 strong men."

The entire human federation suddenly changed from an atmosphere of excitement and excitement to extreme panic.

"The most severe punishment... Oh my God! The Earth Tree Tribe doesn't want to destroy us, does it?"

"Our base is in the center of the Earth Tree Galaxy Cluster. If the Earth Tree Tribe really wants to destroy us, it will be effortless."

"How could it become like this? Our large battleships have made so many contributions, and even let the Earth Tree Tribe have the hope of unifying the entire super galaxy cluster. How can the Earth Tree Tribe ignore the contributions made before and give us the most severe punishment for our human federation because of a mistake?"

"Moreover, this mistake was not caused by us. Although Yi Chen is also a human, he and the Great Yan Empire have long parted ways with our human federation. He offended the Earth Tree Tribe, how can the Earth Tree Tribe blame us?"

"Yes! This is venting anger. It is obvious that the Earth Tree Tribe's high-level people are venting anger on our human federation."

"It's too much. The Earth Tree Tribe is really too much. I praise them every day for being so generous and generous. Even praying to God every day to bless the Earth Tree Clan to unify the entire super galaxy cluster. "

"There is no way, who told us that the Human Federation is just a vassal race. The initiative has never been in our hands. We have made great contributions and created amazing benefits for the Earth Tree Clan. The Earth Tree Clan is naturally willing to give us enough rewards to let us continue to work hard. "

"But when we make any mistakes, or even no mistakes, the Earth Tree Clan suffers heavy losses and needs to find someone to vent their anger and anger, they can still find any crime and put it on us. "

"Why, why did it become like this? The damn parliament and the military, won’t they find the Earth Tree Clan’s top leaders to explain clearly that Yi Chen has nothing to do with the Human Federation. Can’t they vent their anger on our Human Federation because of Yi Chen’s affairs? "

"Is it useful? In front of a powerful existence like the Earth Tree Clan, reasoning is useless. "

A huge panic enveloped the entire Human Federation.

No one expected that when everything was going smoothly and the benefits were soft, such a major variable would appear.

Even, it became a situation where the Human Federation might be struck by the thunder of the Earth Tree Tribe.

However, the reason was still so unacceptable and uncomfortable.

Soon, the Federal Parliament issued another announcement, which said that the senior officials of the Federal Parliament and the military had immediately set out to the Earth Tree Tribe's home planet to meet with the tribe's chieftain, hoping to persuade the tribe's chieftain to agree with their ideas and plans.

All the people were secretly praying that God would bless them to have a smooth trip.

The entire Human Federation, all the people, were caught in an uneasy wait.

This wait lasted for more than ten hours.

Finally, the Federal Parliament issued another announcement.

The senior officials of the Federal Parliament and the military successfully met with the chief of the Earth Tree Clan and the senior officials of the Earth Tree Clan, and persuaded them to agree to the plan.

And this plan is to reach an alliance with Yi Chen while delivering the ransom to him.

The powerful alliance can not only ensure that the ability and means of ultra-long-distance large-scale transportation of troops will not be taken away by the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan, but also make it easier for the Earth Tree Clan to defeat the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan.

Because according to the information obtained by the Earth Tree Clan Intelligence Organization, the elders of the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan were also ambushed and captured by Yi Chen.

If Yi Chen is willing to form an alliance, the two sides will be able to easily crush the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan in terms of top combat power.

In the future, one day when the entire super galaxy cluster is unified, the Earth Tree Clan and the Great Yan Empire can also live in peace and share the entire super galaxy cluster.

This announcement is definitely a great news for the people of the Human Alliance.

But after seeing the content of this announcement, the people of the Human Federation fell into silence.

They saw a fact that they all couldn't believe from this announcement.

Yi Chen and the Great Yan Empire were so powerful that the three dominant races in the super galaxy cluster wanted to form an alliance.

Moreover, they were willing to pay a high ransom while looking for an alliance with Yi Chen after they captured the team of elders of the Earth Tree Clan and demanded a high ransom.

This undoubtedly shows that Yi Chen and his Great Yan Empire have reached a level equal to the Earth Tree Clan in the eyes of the top leaders of the Earth Tree Clan.

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