Interstellar Era: Everyone is learning the skills I created

Chapter 814: The Terror of the Human Race's Strongest

"In the first round of expansion, it took the Great Yan Empire two or three days to conquer a small race."

The leader of the Dishu Tribe said, "After about three months, the Great Yan Empire began its second round of expansion. It also took only two or three days to conquer three small races."

"Three months later, the Great Yan Empire launched its third round of expansion again. It only took two or three days to conquer two medium-sized races and twenty small races."

"Clan Chief Time, don't you see any problems in this?"

"Is it possible that the Dishu Clan leader feels that this kind of expansion can be maintained?"

The leader of the Time Clan scoffed.

He naturally saw from the information that with each round of expansion of the Great Yan Empire, the number of conquered races increased exponentially.

But so what?

Even if he were beaten to death, he would not believe that the Great Yan Empire could maintain this speed and scope of expansion.

"Why can't it keep going?"

The leader of the Dishu Clan asked back, "The policy of the Great Yan Empire is destined to conquer a race, and the strong men and elite troops of that race will become one of the strengths of the Great Yan Empire. The leader of the Time Clan should have no objection to this, right?"


The patriarch of the Time Clan simply agreed with the words of the patriarch of the Earth Tree Clan.

This policy is a perfect match with the Great Yan Empire's surprise attack capability.

The combination of the two can make the attacking race choose to surrender more quickly.

At the same time, after the whole clan surrendered, the strong men and elite troops of the race were able to integrate into the Great Yan Empire's army in a short period of time, allowing the Great Yan Empire's army to gain great benefits in terms of both high-end combat power and army strength. improvement and supplement.

When the Great Yan Empire gave up all its interests and expanded its troops regardless of the cost, the strength of the Great Yan Empire continued to increase dramatically.

But in the opinion of the leader of the Time Clan, this crazy expansion actually has shortcomings.

Every time the Great Yan Empire conquers a race, not only does it not plunder all kinds of resources and treasures from that race, it even promises that the strong men and elite troops of that race will be rewarded with huge benefits after they join the Great Yan Empire's army.

This resulted in that every time the Great Yan Empire conquered a race, not only did it gain nothing in terms of resources and treasures, but it also had to pay an astonishing amount of resources and treasures to the participating races.

The faster the expansion, the more resources and treasures are owed.

As time goes by, all races will definitely become noisy.

In the end, if it fails to attack itself, it will be the first to collapse internally.

"What if the Great Yan Empire can forcibly suppress various tribes so that they dare not rebel in a short period of time?"

The leader of the Earth Tree Clan said calmly, "The talent of this most powerful human being is so strong that it is unimaginable. In just thirty years or so, he created his own set of techniques and grew into a powerful person close to level 230." ”

"Give him a few more years, what height do you think he can reach?"

The leader of the Time Clan remained silent.

In a few years, I am afraid that in the super galaxy cluster, after the strongest of the three overlord-level races, a fourth level 250 strongman will appear.

"This is not the most terrifying thing about the strongest human race. No matter how fast his strength level increases, it is only because of his personal strength."

The leader of the Dishu Clan continued, "A most powerful person can only make the Great Yan Empire fearless of any race. Even our three overlord-level races will not dare to offend and provoke easily, but it is not enough to make the Great Yan Empire a threat." to those large and medium-sized races.”

"The most terrifying thing about the most powerful person in the human race is that the cultivation method he created can greatly improve the strength of his fellow tribesmen. Up to now, after his continuous improvement, the cultivation methods can even allow his fellow tribesmen to achieve rapid breakthroughs even if they lack talent. to a higher realm.”


The leader of the Time Clan turned pale in horror.

"This is actually easy to verify. The simplest piece of evidence is that the Human Federation did not have any level of strength in its earliest days. Now, even if we get a large amount of resources and materials from our Earth Tree Clan that can improve talents and speed up cultivation, The average level has only reached level 50."

The leader of the Dishu Tribe continued, "The people of the Great Yan Empire have been following the strongest human race and learning new techniques that he constantly creates and improves. Even without all kinds of resources and materials that can greatly improve their talents and speed up their practice, the average state has already been reached. It went beyond the limit and reached level 130 or 40.”

The leader of the Time Clan frowned.

If this is the case, in his opinion, the strongest human race and the Great Yan Empire must suppress them as soon as possible.

Because the more resources and treasures are owed, the easier it is for the conquered race to rebel.

But conversely, the faster the average level and strength of the Great Yan Empire improves, the more it can frighten all races, making them afraid to launch rebellions no matter how dissatisfied they are.

If the Great Yan Empire can maintain its current expansion rate, maybe it can expand to an unimaginable extent before the rebellion breaks out.

"This is also the reason why I contacted the leader of the Time Clan. Our three tribes must solve the most powerful human race and the Great Yan Empire as soon as possible. Otherwise, this most powerful human race and the Great Yan Empire will become the leader of the Great Yan Empire in a few years. It’s very difficult for our three tribes to fight together.”

As he said that, the Earth Tree Clan's patriarch used his perception ability to transmit the development speed and progress of the Great Yan Empire in this galaxy group to the Time Clan's patriarch.

He continued, "So, I hope that the Time Clan Chief can contact the Reincarnation Clan Chief, and the three of us will make an appointment to discuss cooperation in detail."


The leader of the Time Clan nodded in agreement.

If the situation is as serious as the Earth Tree Clan leader said, then the three clans should put aside their past grudges and work together to get rid of the strongest human race and the Great Yan Empire first. This is undoubtedly the first choice.

"In this case, the sooner the better, and it would be best if we could start within three days."

The Earth Tree Clan leader said.

"This... I'm afraid there's not enough time."

The Time Clan leader hesitated.

It only takes a dozen or two minutes for him to contact the Samsara Clan leader and explain the situation to him.

But the problem is that for both the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan, such a major decision must be discussed by the elders.

Moreover, someone must be sent to verify the authenticity of the Earth Tree Clan leader's words.

Not to mention three days, even three months may not be enough.

"Time is tight, the longer it is delayed, the greater the risk. After all, even if we reach a cooperation, it will take time to complete the deployment and action."

The Earth Tree Clan leader was determined.

First of all, he really felt that this matter must not be delayed any longer.

Every additional day may increase the hidden danger.

Secondly, he didn't want to give the Time Clan and the Samsara Clan enough time to verify.

Because he did hide something.

The information he gave was nine true and one false.

The only false one was that the average realm of the Great Yan Empire increased dramatically because Yi Chen created the treasure of the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, not because Yi Chen created and improved the method that could allow the human race to break through the upper limit of talent.

And this treasure is not only useful for the human race, but also for other races to break through the upper limit of talent.

"I will discuss it with the head of the Samsara Clan first and give you an answer as soon as possible!"

The Time Clan decided.


The Earth Tree Clan nodded in agreement.

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