Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 150 Land Transformation

For a whole year, Han Zhen didn't go anywhere, and just stayed on his own planet, which was about to realize his dream.

How powerful is a person? Can one person terraform a planet? Han Zhen answered this question with actions.

After all the personnel were settled, Han Zhen fired all the companies on the planet: Dayu Star is his own private garden, and he should try his best to let his own people do what he can do by himself.

Only a small portion of the potholes have been filled, and the whole continent still has nothing to look like, but a large plain of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers has been filled in, which is enough. Several excavating machines can also be repaired in the parts that need to be modified.

The agricultural company has only sorted out 500 square kilometers of arable land, but this is enough. Han Zhen doesn't plan to spread the stall too big at the beginning. If there is nothing else, the money can't keep up. The soil fertility of this planet is generally good. It is impossible to drag out all the soil and throw it away even by mining. After smoothing, we can start work.

Five hundred square kilometers is 750,000 mu of land. This piece of land is connected together, which is very suitable for the cultivation of large-scale machinery, because the machines Han Zhen bought are all good products from Weixi. After figuring out how to operate them, Han Zhen I really found that on this land, from sowing to harvesting, a series of processes require less than 10,000 planters!

Take the seeder as an example. Have you ever seen a seeder that sows 100 square kilometers a day? Han Zhen has never seen it before. This is a figure reached in a very leisurely situation. , All the arable land can be sown in three days. This kind of planter can not only sow seeds, but also transplant rice seedlings, but the number of times to go back is a bit more, and it is a bit troublesome to load the seedlings, so the efficiency will be lower. But it can also reach a terrifying speed of tens of square kilometers a day.

The planter is completely different from the ones on the earth. It can fly. From a distance, it looks like a small battleship with a few hundred meters. Think about it, one square kilometer of land can go back and forth five times; it moves very fast on the ground, and it takes only ten minutes to pull down a straight line of 20 kilometers, five times, one hour, two Ten square kilometers of land sowing is completed.

Great mechanization liberates people from heavy physical labor. Han Zhen bought a total of eight planters from Tuke, and one is more than enough for such a small piece of land. I also didn’t expect this machine to be so powerful. In fact, not only did I buy too many seeders, I bought too many agricultural machines. Fortunately, Han really didn’t regret it. The place to be used in the future is still very large, and the seeder can also be used. It is also very convenient to use it in other places, such as planting tree seeds and grass seeds.

A single machine can do what dozens or hundreds of people did before. It sounds like it would not take nearly 10,000 people. In fact, most of these people are in the fields of cultivation, breeding, and processing. With 750,000 mu of land, millions of kilograms of seeds alone are needed. These seeds are more troublesome to cultivate, and the ordinary cultivation method of glazed rice with rice is not enough.

Han Zhen planted zimi and oolong fruit on this land, and he dared not engage in Weixi's precious specialties, so he had to be careful.

With a yield of 1,000 kilograms of zimi per mu, 700,000 mu have been planted. Because it is the first time to plant zimi, and because it is the first time to plant crops in Dayu Star, Han Zhen put the highest one that can reach 2,000 kilograms. I gave up the original seed of Zimi, and first used the 1,000-kilogram one to test the soil's bearing strength; oolong fruit does not talk about the yield per mu, and it is all bought on a case-by-case basis, and the weight is very important. Well, the ones that Han Zhen grows are all in the same size of five catties, and the best ones weighing four catties are several times more expensive!

Zimi has the characteristic that the spacing should not be too close, and if the planting amount exceeds 10,000 mu in a very close place, it is not a problem of poor yield, but an inevitable outcome of no harvest. A planet, no matter how good or suitable the conditions are, it is impossible to plant more than 1 million acres - it is a joy to be able to safely plant 500,000 acres on a planet! Of course, Han Zhen has considered this point. It is nothing more than the problem of insufficient absorption of aura. Han Zhen's original species has been modified for this point, prolonging the growth time and increasing the absorption of aura. Not to mention planting 70 10,000 mu, even if it is increased tenfold to 7 million mu, there is no problem at all.

Oolong fruit also has many restrictions, and it seems to be more serious: planting ten oolong fruit plants on an acre of land has reached the limit, and if there are more, the plants will not die, but the fruits they bear are like jujubes. When they grow up, they turn from blue to bright red and mature. They can’t be bought and can only be eaten by themselves. Oolong fruit is a kind of fruit that bears fruit once a year. There will only be one fruit on a plant, and at most two. In addition to the ten oolong fruit plants on an acre of land, the other places can not be left empty, and a kind of auxiliary grass called oolong grass must be planted. Only in places surrounded by this kind of grass, oolong fruit will grow well. After Han Zhen studied the characteristics of oolong grass, he had to admire the person who discovered it first: how did he find and cultivate these two plants! From Drew Yin's point of view, the oolong grass provides aura to the oolong fruit. Although it is extremely small, to Drew Yin Hanzhen, he can still feel it! To say it is oolong grass is better to say that it is a tiny aura gatherer.

There is another problem, there is no spiritual energy in oolong fruit. After careful investigation, Han Zhen discovered the reason: the aura gathered by the oolong grass would automatically volatilize after triggering the growth of the oolong fruit, leaving only the oolong fruit moistened by the aura (like a colander) . No wonder it's so delicious, and no wonder I didn't notice it at first.

Han Zhen made some improvements: plant 20 plants per mu; in terms of yield, one tree will bear two. Two five-jin oolong fruits are five kilograms. Now it is easy to calculate the yield per mu, and one mu yields 100 kilograms; the oolong grass is also modified to speed up the absorption and supply of spiritual energy; the production time is also reduced Speed ​​up and reach two crops a year.

The more precious the crops, the more requirements there will be. They are common at this time, otherwise they would not be so valuable, which is why they are precious. And Han Zhen is the person who took the cheating device and falsified it at will.

It took Han Zhen two months to sow all the seeds. The first time was the most difficult and the most time-consuming. It will be fine in the future. Being able to complete this arduous task so quickly is different from the native land on this continent. A forest of millions of square kilometers has a direct relationship. The mining was very powerful, but this continent is located on the equator, and the vegetation is still very lush, so it was possible to preserve this place that helped Han Zhen a lot.

After finishing the planting, Han Zhen began to solve the urgent task of oxygen.

Insufficient oxygen, although wearing an oxygen mask does not affect the movement, but it can't be like this all the time! In order to develop the Dayu Star, it is necessary to turn the Second Star into an administrative star that is completely suitable for human habitation.

After a deeper understanding of Dayu Star, I know that this planet is very young. Generally speaking, if a planet full of water sources like this develops for tens of millions of years, it may be able to appear all kinds of crawling Animals, isn't that what the earth is like? However, whether there will be a complete evolution of Dayu Star, or even dinosaurs and other similar animals, Han Zhen is not interested. Han Zhen is interested in how to increase the oxygen content in the air!

The land is that piece of tropical forest. Although Dayu Star has little oxygen, it cannot be supplied by this piece of forest. Add more oxygen-producing trees? Han Zhen does have this kind of seed, even if he doesn't have it, he has to improve it, and it's much better than ordinary ones! But even if all the land is planted with this strong oxygen plant, it seems that it is not enough.

Han Zhen naturally fixed his eyes on the ocean. Algae are good! A tree can grow up to 100 meters, but algae can easily reach hundreds of meters; in terms of size, purifying algae can occupy a square kilometer of seabed in a few years; Much stronger than on land....

With so many benefits, Han Zhen sent people to the seabed to plant rice seedlings a month later. There are two types of algae. The first one is improved on the basis of purifying algae, but the changes are very large: the growth period is set to five years, and it must die after five years; the growth speed is accelerated, much faster than purifying algae, it is its More than ten times; the amount of oxygen released, a plant of oxygen algae that grows for one year, will cover an acre of forest, and two years later, it will be a hundred acres. Therefore, Han Zhen has to carefully calculate the amount of this algae input.

The second type, which can be said to be relatively normal algae, has no other difference except that the oxygen release capacity of ordinary algae is ten times greater-after the first type of algae dies after five years, there will always be Something to take over! It plays this role, and it is also the algae that will exist on Dayu for a long time in the future.

Han Zhen dared to take out the first type of oxygen-releasing algae, which is more powerful than purifying algae, but he had no choice but to rely on the second type alone, safety is safe, but it is too slow, time is precious! For five years, Dayu Star will definitely not receive any outsiders. As long as this is done, there should be no big problem in terms of safety.

Although Dayu Star is located in the isolated area on the borders of several countries, it takes three days to get to the nearest jumping point. Except for those who specially come to Dayu Star, there are generally no fleets passing by to stop for supplies. For safety's sake, Han Zhen divided the warship into two and sent it outside the planet for vigilance.

My lord, Zimi and Wulongguo have all been loaded on the ship, are we going to leave now? Ang Man said. People like Ang Man and You Li also called Han Zhen the lord just like Tao Te and the others. Han Zhen brought them too many surprises. If such people don't follow closely, they would be really fools!

In one year, Zimi harvested twice, as calculated by Han Zhen, with a profit of 700,000 tons each time. Oolong fruit, because it is a fruit tree, has only been harvested once so far, but this time it is two A million big guys weighing five catties.

There are too many things, and Han Zhen has to leave five warships to watch his house. It is impossible to hold so many things on the remaining five ships, so he first brought 200,000 tons of rice and 50,000 oolong fruits. Go to Tukelianxing to find out the specific transaction price.

Well, let's go! Confident Han Zhenyan said concisely.

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