Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 211 Waterway (Part 1)

The holographic screen opened automatically, and the only people who could contact his research office directly without filtering were the nine principals and deputy deans. When Han Zhen looked up, he saw that it was still Gan Hengning, and his expression suddenly changed. He was about to get angry, but was stopped by Gan Hengning. Got the upper hand.

Lord, I know! Gan Hengning shouted with excitement on his face, and his mouth that originally liked to stutter suddenly became extremely smooth. I know what your lord means by doing this. It must be to study the greatest impact of a specific environment on seeds. Extent! It has just been calculated that if these original species grow in the same environment as Dayu Star, their output will be several times that of other places, especially the Broken Jade Fruit, which can be increased from one to six! Oh, my lord, you are such a genius!...

Are you done? Han Zhen asked after he finished talking.

Well, that's it.

You haven't done anything yet! If you haven't gotten all the test reports out before returning to Dayu Star, you'll have a good look! Han Zhen's face was stern, and Gan Hengning was so frightened that he quickly turned off the holographic screen.

This old guy still likes to investigate. After Han Zhen muttered, he suddenly laughed to himself. The reason Gan Hengning said was something he couldn't come up with. After he said it, he felt much better. Yes, looking at the biggest impact of seeds in a specific environment, I didn’t expect this to happen.

All original seeds, as well as later seeds, have such characteristics, but if someone can really find a planet with an environment similar to that of Dayu Star, the yield of these seeds will indeed be extremely high! I have checked Weixi's planet files for similar planets. There are very few of them, but there are still one or two - it is not enough to have none at all. It takes so much effort to stop people's mouths, but there must be an example. Well, those planets are the best examples. Of course, there are other restrictions, such as the size of the planting area, etc. It is impossible for Han Zhen to make those similar planets become the same existence as Dayu Star. At most, they are several times stronger than ordinary planets. If you still have doubts, there is nothing you can do. The water and soil on Dayu Star are good, and no outsiders will be allowed to go up there anyway.


Six days later, the fleet entered Weixi. The speed is much faster after entering. The most time-consuming part of sailing in the universe is the distance to the passage entrance, the jump point and the distance from the jump point to the planet. In fourth-level countries, all There are large national-level passages crisscrossing each other, and it is normal to jump thousands of light years. You will not feel the passage of time when jumping, because that is a situation that only occurs in first- and second-level countries. For example, it originally took several months to sleep from Yanhuang Star to Earth.

Setting up a space channel requires specific conditions. If there are not two wormholes that fit perfectly, the distance will not be very far. But this kind of short-range space channel that cannot reach far also has its advantages, that is, it can connect two large channels together, greatly shortening the distance between large channels, and naturally taking much less time.

Depending on the level of development of a country, transportation is also an important symbol. Perfect transportation can effectively connect multiple transportation lines throughout the country, shortening the time for domestic navigation. Weixi can become an established fourth-level country. Although it is not as big as Wester's large-scale project that can penetrate the whole country in just a dozen days, the transportation is not bad at all among fourth-level countries.

There were no further stops along the way, but we were not in a hurry either. We drove at a normal speed until we reached Tuklian Star. The fleet still flies the flag of the West Royal Legion. This kind of flag rarely appears outside the West, especially the two royal fleets A and B. Without the emperor's personal order, they will not come out easily. At most, Occasionally it can be seen around West, or when diplomatic envoys are visiting; there is another possibility of seeing it, and that is during a state of war.

Ziegler did not fly the flag of the Royal Legion when traveling, but used a chamber of commerce of the Wright family as a cover. Although there were safety considerations, this could not be hidden from the real discerning people, and the movement was also very loud. However, this movement is still not as upright as Han Zhen's. Han Zhen's journey from West has caused a sensation in any country he went to, and Weixi was no exception. With the Internet, communication ships, caravans and other means of communication, news of the people coming from West spread rapidly. The news spread throughout Weixi. Because the specific purpose of coming was still unknown, the news became more and more exaggerated.

Han Zhen had long understood what William XIV meant by doing this. Being able to escort him with great fanfare and using the Royal Legion that could only be used with the approval of His Majesty the Emperor was a statement to all countries: this Earl Han Zhen is mine. It is extremely valued and has been deeply marked with the registered trademark of West!

Not only is this not a bad thing for Han Zhen, it is also an absolute good thing. It is rare for a tiger to borrow a tiger skin and wear it on himself. With this tiger skin, Han Zhen dare not say that he is unscrupulous in this area. At least everyone who wants to touch him must carefully consider West's reaction.

As a powerful head of parliament and a public figure in a country, Soren Baker would certainly not take the initiative to go to Tuco and wait for a meeting with Han Zhen. He asked Kaolaqi to take the lead and ask Han Zhen to go to the capital to maintain the affairs. In fact, even if you go to the stars, there is no time requirement. Since there was no request, Han Zhen naturally would not go there now. He had invited the twelve families in advance and set the meeting time in three months. There is always a trip back to Dayu Star. After coming out of Dayu Star, I made a special trip to Weishi to discuss the specific plan. Because the family involved is no longer the Baker family, Solon Baker can at most be a little sulky and has no trouble to find.

The strength of the Darrow family was fully demonstrated to Han Zhen during this period. Although it is only a medium-sized family in the eyes of outsiders, and the time it took to establish the family was only a short four thousand years, it is really incomparable with the history of large families, but Even this shocked Han Zhen. There are quite a few families that Han Zhen has come into contact with. The biggest ones are of course the William Royal Family and the Wright family, which are more than a dozen powerful families. However, they will not show all aspects to Han Zhen. Among those who can understand deeply, Darrow is the first Home.

Family and country, only when there is a family, there is a country, and the family is still ahead. The situation in the universe makes the family composition more and more important. Weixi is a republican country, and it cannot get rid of this model. At most, the domestic families are smaller, shorter in history, and less influential than countries with imperial, constitutional, and feudal systems.

The power of the Darrow family that can be seen by others is only a part, or a small part. At least more than half of it is controlled secretly, just like the Baker family secretly controls the black market. There are a large number of holding factories and holding companies, with industries covering seven or eight provinces and more than 20 countries. There are also several family fleets and more than a dozen family caravans; four of the family planets are completely controlled and partially controlled. There are more than thirty of them,... The Darrow family can mobilize more than 300 trillion yuan of funds without breaking a muscle. According to the exchange rate between Weixi and West, it is more cash than Han Zhen brought back from West's deception.

This is just a mid-level family. Although it can be ranked at the bottom of the big families, there are thousands of large and small families in Weixi, with more than 500 medium-sized ones, more than 60 large-sized ones... Han Zhen was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat after reading the report Kaolaqi took out. Ninety percent of Weixi's property is in the hands of various families. Weixi, a country under the guise of a republic, is, to put it bluntly, a group of common interests reached by families who check each other and compromise with each other. Like property custodians, they keep public property and keep the bulk of private property. Without the consent of the family, the president who is put in power cannot mobilize even a regular fleet except for his own family's private soldiers.

No wonder it is said that a republic is a system that is convenient for internal friction. Comparing West and Weixi, there are only two differences. One is that the name of the system is different, and the other is that West has a royal family and a powerful family that can make the final say, while Weixi does not, and only has one. A large number of intertwined family groups.

The information Kaolaqi produced was of great value to Han Zhen in truly understanding Weixi and some of the countries surrounding Weixi. Especially one of the galaxy maps made him ecstatic.

Each family will have its own galaxy map, which not only contains the specific location of the planet, but also the detailed coordinates of each jump point. In addition to those for public use, the other coordinates are secret coordinates that only the family has. It can be said that the bigger the family, the more secret coordinates there will be, and the more coordinates, the more channels will be formed. . These are all capital. If you want to see how powerful a family is, you can know clearly by looking at how many secret coordinates and secret channels it has.

The universe is too big, and discovering and detecting coordinates is an extremely expensive task. Finding two matching points in the vast universe is like finding a needle in a haystack; being able to master a channel that others don't know naturally gives you endless advantages. It goes without saying. The galaxy map that Kaolaqi took out contained detailed annotations of dozens of jumping points and seven or eight secret passages, all of which were not found in the galaxy map that Han Zhen had previously owned.

The Darrow family has great influence in Tuklian Star, but it only developed rapidly after Kaolaqi became the boss of the black market. The real sphere of influence is in several provinces on the border, exactly 19 provinces. Within the jurisdiction of Hale's military headquarters, Hale's first commander, General Oates, was Korachi's cousin. Therefore, the jumping points and channels in this galaxy map are all in this area, and the Luofeng border where Dayu Star is located happens to be right next to it.

The result is that Han Zhen's round-trip sailing time can be greatly shortened because of these channels and jumping points. If he sails at full speed, it only takes fifteen days to reach Dayu Star from Tuklian Star!

(To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)

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