Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 249 Infrastructure

West's intelligence agency has been in existence for thousands of years and has always been the most complete and comprehensive recognized existence in the Sig Star Territory. Even West was able to investigate his general situation before the negotiation. West had no reason not to know. Naturally, the large amount of money given to Gary could not be hidden from anyone who wanted to do it. Moreover, Han Zhen had never thought of hiding it. Where there was a conspiracy, there was a conspiracy. This time, it was going to be carried out with open fire and a stick.

Similarly, Han Zhen also knew that the correspondence with Ziegler would be secretly checked, and apart from the intelligence department, it seemed that the only one with the ability to check the prince's secret messages was West's big boss! So far, nothing has happened, which means that they are tacitly agreeing, which means that the big boss also hopes that Ziegler will contact him! The details here are worth studying! Han Zhen also had a strong gambling instinct. Perhaps because he had too much capital on hand and was not afraid of losing, he simply spent nearly half of his capital and one-tenth of his mineral resources to make a big bet.

Han Zhen did not take advantage of Ziegler's thoughts. He was sincere towards the friends and brothers he recognized, and his heart-to-heart relationship with Ziegler was far beyond what William knew.

Han Zhen once had someone bring a reference book to Ziegler in the form of a password. He sent the information in the form of a password if he didn't want others to know. This also has advantages. Not only can it be more secretive, but it can also indirectly train the brain's reaction ability - if you want to express another meaning from a paragraph of words or a video without letting others notice, you have to use your brain and speed up. The frequency of playing once every two days can really train people; also, this is also a relatively novel game that can keep the two of them novel for a long time.

Because not everyone can see the prince's secret message, even the people from the Intelligence Department are not qualified. Except for William and some insignificant internal servants, there are no other people. This leaves the two people in a position where others cannot detect it. Cases where security has been on a single line for several years.

When Han Zhen's fleet arrived in West, it first did not return to Taiwei territory, but was directly received in the capital by people sent by the emperor at the border.

Unlike when he met with Gary, when he saw Han Zhen in the largest political hall, William called Han Zhen in. In front of the civil and military officials of the court, he sent several servants to take turns scolding Han Zhen on his behalf. In addition to emphasizing that Han Zhen was unorganized and undisciplined, and did not come back to report for a long time, the others were all trivial matters. For example, someone in a certain chamber of commerce in Wester dared to do something like this on a certain planet. Disobeying traffic rules, etc.

Han Zhen deeply regretted his shortcomings and must change his past mistakes. The criticism meeting lasted for half an hour, and most of the tens of thousands of senior officials at all levels who gathered this month were confused.

After the big stick, came the carrot, praising Han Zhen for his glorious achievements abroad, improving West's image, and bringing extremely high benefits to the country... In short, it was a big compliment. , this made those who didn't understand before even more confused. If it weren't for William's speech and no one could talk about it in the court meeting, the discussion would have lifted the roof of the hall.

Finally, William made a summary. In one sentence, he approved the incorporation of the original Kaliwan Kingdom.

When he was caught, Han Zhen said he was not worried, which was a lie. At this time, Ziegler was going to Taiwei Ling in the name of inspection, and the only help he had was unreliable; but when he entered the main hall, he was Han Zhen's heart finally calmed down when he was scolded. I know that this time, I won the bet! Not only did he win, but he also inherited a greater favor from Emperor William - being able to be scolded by the emperor for something means that he is the closest person. Most people do not enjoy this kind of treatment, and besides, it is better to suppress first and then promote. , after this incident, Han Zhen, who was only slightly famous in the highest-level small circles in the past, will spread it through tens of thousands of mouths with influence from all walks of life. It will not be long before he no longer knows his relationship with the emperor and the prince. There are very few people!

The benefits are huge and will create great convenience for Han Zhen's future development. Of course, there are gains and losses. It is probably very difficult to keep a low profile like before, at least in the Sig Star Territory.

After the court meeting, William and Han Zhen talked privately for a while. William may have thought about something clearly in the later period, and had some understanding with Han Zhen. As a father, he clearly told him that because of worries, After reading some secret letters between the two of them over the past few years, I sincerely hope that Han Zhen can continue to do so and continue to assist Ziegler in the future... When William said this in the tone of a father, Han Zhen, besides being envious of Ziegler's father's care, could only agree with him.


Han Zhen worked hard to acquire more than a hundred planets that he could fully control. The main purpose was for safety: there were too many good things in his hands. There were too many people in this universe that Han Zhen could trust. A little less; among the secondary purposes, building your own base is still a super large base. These two points were raised before Taici Ling was discovered. If Taici had been discovered first, maybe Han Zhen would not have spent so much effort. But who can predict such a thing? However, these planets also have other uses, especially the 115 of the Kingdom of Gary. They can submit a permit for military garrison before being merged. Of course, Han Zhen hopes for the best. With William's care and the laxity of the handlers below, Han Zhen finally got permission to deploy 500,000 troops to these more than 100 planets! And they also take great care in the purchase of battleships, giving them the advantage of giving priority to purchasing retired royal battleships!

The Dis family of Kaolaqi has officially become a subsidiary family of the Han family, and Kaolaqi has also been awarded the title of Baron. Now he has the legal basis to truly wear the same pants as Han Zhen! If an affiliated family betrays the patriarchal family, they will be punished extremely severely. Elimination of the noble circle and cancellation of the chamber of commerce are both light punishments. Even if they are hunted down with a reward, they are all normal methods.

Kaolaqi reapplied for the Chamber of Commerce in West. Because he had the popular upstart Han Zhen as his backer, he quickly became famous. This was much more prestigious than in Weixi. There were originally different opinions in the family. People immediately shut their mouths, causing Kaolaqi's support rate to reach a record high.

Han Zhen already has a chamber of commerce in West, and it’s still a headquarters! Relocated the headquarters to Taiwei Territory and began a vigorous territory construction movement.

The people you need are there, the money you need is money, the land is there, the time is right, the place is right, and the people are right, everything is complete. The construction of Taiwei Territory also has a focus. The focus is on the area close to the wild planet. The wilderness channel connecting the territories will not be completed in a short time, and whether it can be completed is still unknown. The reason for focusing on this area is because Areas closer to the wilderness are more remote and more suitable for secrecy. In this regard, Han Zhen's requirements are exactly the opposite of others. The preliminary reservation is for about twenty planets.

The remaining ninety or so planets are not completely without construction. To be honest, they have more buildings than the planets that are focused on development, but they are all equipped with fortifications and armed platforms. Form a tight defensive circle.

The Taici Leader is closer to the Sun Leader. Han Zhen also has to rearrange the transport fleet to package the warship production line and some of the most important overall factories. Many of the goods on the transport ship are transferred directly without even having time to dismantle them. After all, there is It is the center of the entire Han family. Although it is now in a state of poverty and is still in the expected construction stage, it is completely foreseeable that Taici Ling will burst into vitality before long.

Brother, I brought you the two thousand cannons you asked for. Please arrange for someone to unload the cannons! Ziegler said after entering Han Zhen's Lord's Mansion as if he were entering his own Prince's Mansion. He and Han Zhen are now brothers and sisters, called big brother and little brother, of course, in private. After Han Zhen arrived in West, Ziegler came over every now and then. What Ziegler didn't expect was that one of the problems he was most worried about before was that his father would not allow it. After preparing several reasons, he just opened his mouth. Directly approved by my father! Ziegler had been wondering about this for a long time.

I already knew you were coming! I've asked Zhou Jinzhe to unload the goods. Han Zhen punched Ziegler hard on the shoulder, making him grin. He picked up the red wine that had been poured and handed him a glass.

Four years have passed in a blink of an eye. In the past four years, China and Hanzhen have been concentrating on development in Taiwei Territory. Although the location in Taiwei Territory is not good and the mineral resources are not much, with Han Zhen, everything is different: originally brought The materials that came over were extremely rich, and the minerals that were lacking were all conventional minerals, which could be bought with money, and the prices were very cheap; in terms of instruments, Han Zhen got some high-end goods when he sold two technologies, but what was lacking was still the same. Are you afraid that you can’t buy some common sexual instruments if you have money? Han Zhen is very popular now, and powerful families have to pay a lot of attention. Even if there are prohibited items, they turn a blind eye and ignore them. The price is extremely reasonable; in terms of weapons, battleships, transport ships Received a steady stream of supplements. Considering that the territory was too small, Han Zhen only expanded by 50,000, maintaining a regular fleet of 300,000, and purchased more transport ships, which was a full increase on the original basis; however, There are also things that are very difficult to buy, that is, William's huge and new anti-aircraft guns and other things that are absolutely prohibited from buying and selling. In this regard, Ziegler took the initiative to ask for help and brought some over every time he came over. Still, no one in the Prince's fleet dared to do so. If he stopped him, Han Zhen would steal the opportunity.

But even so, Han Zhen has only completed basic construction of more than 100 planets, and less than five planets have been initially constructed and finalized. Don't say that Han Zhen's construction was too slow. Four years is not a long time, especially if it is used to build a planet with nothing. This kind of progress cannot be achieved! In fact, this has something to do with Han Zhen's high requirements. You know, Han Zhen was built based on the battle stars in the capital area!

(To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)

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