Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 266 Affiliated Family? ! (superior)

On the same day, the head of the business alliance between the Clyde and Deland families appeared in Khalaf's mansion. The three giants discussed it all night. Early the next morning, the three people summoned their own people at their respective mansions. The allies gathered and held a small meeting. This action was big enough; but it was not over yet. At noon, representatives of hundreds of families once again gathered in the conference hall of Karaf's mansion. After unifying their voices, A joint report was submitted to the President of the Business Alliance and the Senate. In the evening, a general meeting of thousands of members who were eligible to participate in politics was held at the Meng-Kong Business Association.

The member families of Sige can obtain a high-return product due to the surge in the output of broken jade fruit. It has the same nature when used in the business alliance. Thousands of members, if the families they are attached to are also included, in After using the new technology of broken jade fruit, the output is extremely amazing! Not only can the merchant alliance gain a stable source of wealth and greatly increase its strength, but all families who are able to get a share of the pie will also receive huge benefits.

The Meng Kong Business Alliance is not unique! It also has competitors. If all the business alliances in the universe were ranked, Mengkong would be ranked within a hundred at most, which would not be too high! It is definitely a very gratifying thing to have an additional source of wealth.

Technology confidentiality requires discussion and even legislation. Technology must also be graded according to strength. As contributors, Khalaf and the other two families must also receive compensation. The following families must also pay when they obtain the corresponding level of technology. The corresponding price...many need to be discussed. Of course, this has nothing to do with Han Zhen and his Han family. Han Zhen and his party can only stay in Calaf's mansion and wait for the meeting. Finish.

Ten days later, at the place where they met previously, Boli opened a list and said, Chief Han Zhen, I hope this purchase list will satisfy you.

Boli also added responsibly: This is what my father fought hard for you for a long time.

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied? My original intention was not to gain much benefit from using this technology, otherwise I wouldn't have handed it over directly. Looking at the dense list in front of him, Han Zhen really couldn't think of anything to say. The materials and technologies in the list were very complete. At a glance, it was clear that the purchase was based on the development needs of a small and medium-sized force. In other words, With this batch of supplies, a small fourth-level family can advance to a sixth- or seventh-level civilization in the shortest possible time without relying on external forces.

The technology of this batch of materials may not be very high-end, but it is what Han Zhen needs most now. If he collects it bit by bit and buys it bit by bit, it will not only cost a lot of money, but it will also be a matter of time. It makes people scratch their heads, not to mention the technical monopoly. Although if you buy it from the Merchant Alliance, as long as you can afford it, someone will dare to sell it, but when you go back to use it, someone will come to trouble you, but now, you don’t have to worry.

Satisfied, thank you so much... After Han Zhen made some excuses and was pushed back by Kalaf, he immediately expressed his gratitude repeatedly.

Because of your trust in me, I have gained a lot of face this time. Oh, by the way, I won't hide it from you, because the technology was handed over from me, and I also received some rewards from the business alliance. , to express my gratitude to you, I have another personal item to give you, I hope you like it. After Kalaf finished speaking, he took out a palm-sized object.

This is a control chip. Han Zhen recognized it at a glance. Could it be that he gave me a good warship? While he was still guessing, Boli had already switched his brain, and something that Han Zhen had never expected appeared in front of everyone. Boli also deliberately put the picture in the most detailed way, and an air of oppression arose spontaneously. .

An interstellar satellite!

! The eyes of Han Zhen and the three of them all widened to the limit at the same time, and their minds went blank.

Khalaf and Bolli were very satisfied with Han Zhen's gaffe and were not in a hurry to speak. After waiting for a long time, Bolli introduced: This is an interstellar satellite currently in service of my family. It has a perfect round shape. The diameter is 400 kilometers...; the cracked alloy armor has twelve layers, with an average thickness of 3 kilometers...; the disk-shaped protective cover has an energy level of 11T...; in terms of weapons, there are 128 interstellar cannons and 7400 interstellar main guns. Gate, 83,000 interstellar secondary guns, 409,000 defensive A guns, 1,400,000 defensive B guns, 4 million multifunctional ejection devices...; speed, 30,000 kilometers per frequency...; Three hundred macro-class reactors, four thousand...; the battleship docking bay costs 40 yuan, and each block can dock a thousand U6 warships... Boli became more and more detailed, using professional terms in many places. What makes Han Zhen a little embarrassed is that the translator cannot respond to most of these professional terms.

When this happens, firstly, the intelligence agents dispersed for too short a time and were unable to access relevant information about interstellar satellites; secondly, in the Merchant Alliance, interstellar satellites are also one of the most powerful weapons. It cannot be established even if we see the specific data. There are certain requirements and we must show corresponding strength. For these reasons, Han Zhen could only watch Boli showing off with half-knowledge.

In fact, even if he doesn't understand, Han Zhen has his own way of judging, which is size. Most of the time, the bigger the size, the better the performance. The bigger the size, the stronger the protection and the sharper the weapon. This interstellar satellite should be a little worse than the ones he saw at the checkpoint, but no matter from which aspect, Khalaf's handiwork is definitely considered big enough!

The greater the amount of effort, the greater the benefits you want to obtain. Han Zhen was very attracted to this interstellar satellite. He could hear his heartbeat beating rapidly, but if he had to exchange for freedom, he had to forget it. Therefore, Han Zhen was already distracted during Boli's lengthy introduction. Completely calm.


Father, why do you want to send an interstellar satellite? I think giving him tens of thousands of warships will prevent him from finding the North! Boli was distracted. He read the information about the satellite while observing Han Zhen and others. reaction, and still have the mind to recall my doubts when my father proposed to send the interstellar satellite.

Bo Li considered himself not a stingy person, and had done a lot of buying people off. As long as they were valuable, he would have to pay no matter how high the price was. But now, with the little 'Han family' and Han Zhen, With such a large investment, Boli always felt that it was not worth it.

The role of interstellar satellites cannot be replaced by battleships. An interstellar satellite, without dispatching the warships it carries, can easily make at least 200,000 fleets retreat; when it is full, that is, when the tens of thousands of warships it brings are dispatched, not even four of them can Half a million battleships are no match for it; and if there are more than 100,000 separate fleets to escort interstellar satellites and support each other, the battleships alone can defeat millions of ships!

Interstellar satellites, the ultimate weapon, have reached their peak in both offense and defense. They are the most intuitive reflection of measuring the power of a force, country, and family. To see how strong a family is, just look at how many interstellar satellites it has in its hands. For example, my own Vani family has 209 interstellar satellites and three interstellar fortresses. They form the backbone of the family's guard. If it weren't for the fact that the interstellar satellites were slightly less than those of the Kewan family, this Mengcong's The chief should also be his father!

As a powerful figure in the family, my father has a total of twenty interstellar satellites. He took out this one, but only used 5% of his strength. How could he not feel distressed.

You, you are still too young! Kalaf criticized slightly: You can't let go of your children to trap the wolf! Do you think those old guys who have been jumping up and down these days can't see the true value of this Han? Do you really think that 'Han' will be useless after handing over the technology? Whether he developed this technology himself or obtained it from a dying civilization, one thing is very doubtful: that is this 'Han' 'That's not necessarily the only one! Do you understand this?

I remember that after he nodded thoughtfully, his father continued: How valuable is the 'Han family'? How many things need to be brought out to win him over? They are not sure yet, they are all waiting and seeing, and our advantage The reason is that we investigated earlier than they did, and before they dared to invest too much, we were already one step ahead!

One interstellar satellite is nothing. Even the long-term profit from technology this time is enough for us to build two more. And this interstellar satellite is not so easy to get. The first thing is to force him to express his position. He has just been promoted A small family that is on the fourth level, whether it is the regulations of the universe or its previous territory, is not enough to own planetary satellites, so it must join our ranks; secondly, the cost of maintaining interstellar satellites is not low, I In the list of supplies prepared for him, not much can be used on the interstellar satellite. He doesn't have much cash on hand right now. If he wants to use it, he has to come up with something more. Maybe there will be another item. What a good thing that can compare with the technology of this broken jade fruit! At that time, at least it will fall into our hands like this time.

Yes, why didn't I think that not all families can afford to raise interstellar satellites? The energy consumed alone is enough. Now that Han Zhen has handed over the broken jade fruit, if he wants to make money again...

Son, many people are already asking me about the 'Han Family', so hurry up and finalize it in the shortest possible time!

I understand, father! By the way, what if he doesn't want to?

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