Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 304 Eavesdropping

It's no wonder that Andre had such a violent reaction, because he knows some secrets that only a few people know, and that is the brain problems of the Chinese!

After Han's formalization, confidentiality regulations were implemented very well. All kinds of confidentiality technologies and instruments must be reported when used, and the users do not need to know much about these technologies and instruments. For example, Zuo Ziteng, although he can use the brain reader, the principles behind it will not be known to him; the full set of brain testing methods are also encrypted within the Han family. I really don’t want the Chinese to know too much about this, because there is also a huge secret in it.

Normal Chinese people, using today's best brain testing equipment, will find that the development level is only 1.11%-2.48%; after injection of gene repair solution and long-term consumption of crushed jade fruit and red fruit, the Chinese people's health and life span will be reduced. There have been earth-shaking changes, but in terms of brain development, tests show that there is not much growth, with an average of around 3%. Even those important talents who are focused on by Han Zhen and have been injected with genetic modification fluid have only grown. Between 3.20% and 3.40%, it rarely exceeds 3.50%. After all, the higher you go, the harder it is. Although the three sets of self-created mental training methods have been proven to have a great development effect on the brain, the earliest people who practiced the Tianyuan Mental Method, such as Han Zhen's eight disciples, Sun Jing and others, have not developed their brains as well. No more than 6%. Han Zhen himself was not included in the discussion. He was so perverted that no brain testing equipment worked, and they all gave the conclusion that this is not a brain.

The highest value does not exceed 6%. If this were placed among all the countries in Siger, it would only be considered an idiot. But are Chinese people idiots? Obviously this is impossible! The size of the brain cannot be used as a criterion to measure the intelligence of a race. This problem has long been proven in the universe. If a person's brain is developed larger than others, it can mean that he will be smarter than others, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the person and the person being compared must be of the same race!

Although the issue of brain area cannot be accurately compared between races, the use of this technology in the universe is always done between neighboring or closely connected countries, and the racial differences between these countries are not too big. I habitually use this to illustrate the problem. After all, it is very simple to test this brain area!

The Chinese people are a special case, a unique situation, because the Chinese people are not the original inhabitants of this universe at all. Although the displayed brain area value is very small, the hidden brain capacity is more than ten times that shown! Even if only 3 points are developed, these 3 points are still smarter and more powerful than people of other races who have developed 40%!


? Han Zhen raised his brows and thought deeply. It is not easy to reach this number. This is the first time I heard it. You must know that the higher you go, the harder it is. This law applies not only to the Chinese, but also to everyone who can Other human races that have survived in the universe may even differ by just one or two points, but their expressions are completely different.

After throwing a towel to Andre, Han Zhen motioned for Zuo Ziteng to continue.

The two technologies he wanted to exchange for were prospecting and genetic modification. He said that his prospecting technology could be three times better than what the Silver Moon Empire currently has. If the battleship was equipped with the technology he provided, it would not only be able to do part-time prospecting , it can also expand the early warning range of the battleship to three times... Genetic modification is a bit mysterious. He said that he has a genetic modification fluid developed by himself, which can not only increase a person's life span by 500 years, It is equivalent to the genetic technology of a seventh-level power. It can also increase the body’s resistance to various functions by seven times, and directly develop the human brain to more than 40%!”

Pfft! After Andre wiped his body clean, he wanted to drink some more red wine to calm down his shock, but as soon as he took it into his mouth, he squirted out again. There is no need to give him a towel this time. The towel he just used is still in his hand!

Prospecting technology is a very popular topic. All countries are doing the same research and development work. After all, after discovering a planet, the focus of the work is to detect whether it has any use value. The prospecting methods used in the universe are similar. They all use highly reflective and penetrating rays to collect information in a defined area using the illumination method. After summarizing and sorting, the general situation of the ground and underground can be obtained. Technology The difference between high-level and low-level sensors lies in the difference in area, depth and accuracy that can be detected. For a newly discovered planet, it would take a lot of time to find out all the mineral reserves on it. Taking the Han family as an example, they used the prospecting technology developed by West. After bringing together a full set of equipment, , can detect a depth of 500 meters and an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers at a time, and it takes about a day. After all, several positioning points need to be marked when the light stimulates reflection! The accuracy rate is between 60% and 70%, which is pretty good. If you want to increase the accuracy rate, you need to do it a few more times and change a few more positioning locations...

Today, after having Yu Nao, the Han family has made some modifications to the prospecting equipment. It still takes a day, and the area is still about 10,000 square kilometers, but the depth is much greater, reaching 1,000 square kilometers. m; in terms of accuracy, it is also much higher, above 80%. Don't look at it. It only increased by about ten points. Even if it improves a little, it is an amazing achievement. This accuracy rate of more than 80% not only increases the original performance by more than five times, but even the most advanced technology in level 7 countries may not be this high!

Therefore, when Han Zhen heard about this so-called prospecting technology that tripled the Silver Moon Empire's existing technology, he didn't think it was that big of a deal. Even if it could triple the warning range of battleships, it wasn't a big deal. , because I have already done no worse than these. Well, it's not completely useless, it still has value. Han Zhen thought, at least he could make his already good skills even better.

If the first one didn't move much, then the second one really moved Han Zhen.

Genetic modification fluid, all countries that have mastered this technology, are tightly guarded. Not only the technology is not sold, but also the finished product, the sales force is also pitiful. If Han Zhen hadn't shamelessly asked for so much, there would have been no contact at all. Less than. What is depressing is that the research and development speed of the Gene Research Institute is very slow, and there is no need to expect it in the short term. However, I did not expect that someone would take the initiative to deliver it to my door when I encountered a pillow when I was dozing off!

Function increased seven times! Gene modification fluid has the function of modifying functions, but I have never heard of it being able to increase functions by seven times. Five times or nearly six times is the best. The ones obtained from Khalaf can only improve functions. Five times as much stuff. Let’s make a comparison from here. If what Lauke said is true, then he has found a treasure!

Gene repair and gene modification fluids both have the function of improving functions and developing the brain. They are just one big and one small. Gene modification fluid Han Zhen has only come into contact with the kind sent by Khalaf, which is said to be able to transform the human brain. It has expanded to 30% to 35%, and today, I actually heard someone boasting about increasing their brain area to more than 40%! If a person with a small brain capacity said this, Han Zhen would simply ignore it, but speaking from a population whose brain area development has reached 83%, even if his own brain capacity is very low, his words will still be ignored. Not to be underestimated!

All genetic modification fluids will not significantly improve the brains of the Chinese people, but as long as they can increase the overall level by 0.1%, it will be a huge leap! No wonder Han Zhen didn't pay attention to it!

Interesting, so interesting! Han Zhen laughed brightly, What else did he say? He wouldn't trade these two enviable skills just for freedom, would he?

He didn't tell me this. He just asked me to stop torturing everyone immediately. Also, he just wanted to talk to you personally about how to solve the security problem of that stable passage.

Han Zhen walked a few steps back and forth in the command room, and after calming down, he said to Zuo Ziteng: Is Mr. Lauke on the battleship you are on now?

Zuo Ziteng was a little confused, but he was just stunned for a moment and quickly answered, Yes, Lord, after I received all the prisoners, I first interrogated the four captains detained on the 409th ship, but Lauke took the initiative and My people contacted me, so I came to the 401 ship.

Okay, don't go into details! Send me the list of prisoners! Han Zhen interrupted him, his eyes lit up, and he immediately returned to normal.

After Han Zhen got the list of specific detention locations, connected to the secret line, and forwarded it to Shen Ao, the commander of the First Guards Corps, he said: The number of manpower guarding ordinary prisoners will be increased five times immediately! Once any abnormality is discovered, directly Strangle! The thirty-three people at the end of the list, immediately isolate them in a single ship and a single room! For them, I need to defend each of them with a hundred robot guards 24 hours a day. Without my order, no one can No contact with them! After completion, send the list directly over! The Guards Corps of tens of thousands of ships has a huge space. In addition, the torture chamber is a must-have for the Guards, and the area will not be too large, so A special area has been set aside on thousands of warships, and then separated into torture rooms and cells, the number of which exceeds 100,000!

Walking to the Jade Brain, he selected and read the content that Andre had previously transferred to the ship's Jade Brain. He turned to Andre and asked, Are there any records of the transportation of these prisoners?

Andre didn't understand what Han Zhen was doing, but he immediately replied: Yes, but at Chief of Staff Reed's place.

I want him to bring it here in person right now.

Reed came to Han Zhen's flagship as quickly as possible, and after transferring all the contents in Zhi's mind to Yu's mind, Han Zhen read it carefully from beginning to end, then raised his head, very abruptly He laughed: Mr. Lauke, have you heard enough? Or have you seen enough? I don't know if I have time now, we can have a good chat!

There was only a fixed plastic chair in the torture room, and a slightly thin man sat there. After hearing Han Zhen's words, his body shook violently, and he suddenly opened his eyes. After some confusion, , and closed his eyes again.

It seems that Mr. Lauke is not so accepting of my proposal, Han Zhen said with a smile to Zuo Ziteng, who was confused, and Andre, who seemed to have thought of something, That's alright, I'll pay a visit in person. Oh, by the way, Mr. Laoke, my surname is Han Zhen, and I am the patriarch of this family. You can just call me Han Zhen, because you have the qualification!

Zuo Ziteng understood after Han Zhen finished speaking, and said in panic: Master, I, I really don't know...

It's none of your business. Mr. Lauke's methods are too clever! Just stay there and I'll come right away! Han Zhen reassured him.

Zuo Ziteng cannot be blamed for this matter. Han Zhen figured out the reason on the way to the airship.

The first is communication. Only when Lauke has access to communication equipment can he eavesdrop!

Communication between warships mainly relies on shipboard communication radar. This is an extremely secure method, especially since the encrypted password changes every once in a while, which makes it difficult for anyone who wants to eavesdrop. Because you don't have access to the bodies of these communication devices at all. A group of important people in the escort are also equipped with communicators so that they can report the situation to Han Zhen anytime and anywhere or issue urgent orders. These communicators are linked to the battleship's communication system and are equally safe. Incomparable. As for Laoke, he could only access these things that were equivalent to shipboard communication terminals by contacting Zuo Ziteng.

Being in contact does not mean that you can eavesdrop. Even the most powerful hacker has nothing to do after getting the communicator. Unless the person who lost the communicator never reported it and allowed the hacker to hide inside the battleship and keep the communicator open to decode, in that case, maybe in a few days, some regular calls could be eavesdropped—— If such a situation really happens, then you deserve to be eavesdropped; if you can do these things, it would be easier for hackers to deal with the battleship's communication radar directly!

It was impossible for Lauke to have access to Zuo Ziteng's communicator. Zuo Ziteng would never make such a mistake no matter how careless he was, so what did he rely on? Han Zhen knew that he relied on mental power! Powerful mental power!

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