Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 313: Rich and Wilderness

After obtaining all the information recorded by Ku Lin on the wilderness, Han Zhen realized that he had been a little optimistic. He also understood that whether it was developing resources in the wilderness star field or developing a connected waterway, it would be a long-term project. .

The navigation time required from the Sun Territory to the territory of the Silver Moon Empire takes a total of about three and a half to four years. Of course, this is the result of not building a channel and calculating the slow sailing of the development ship. If the channel can be connected, and If the passage is a battleship, it can run once in half a year. Don't think this is impossible. After all, it is the first waterway in the wilderness, and it is also an exclusive waterway. Naturally, there will be no blockers or jammers to get in the way.

But the problem is that there are no man-made barriers, but there are many more natural barriers. Building a waterway in the wilderness will not be as simple as it is in the outside world. Even without considering the necessary prerequisites of money, materials, transportation, surveying, etc., just counting the construction time, it will take at least twenty years; and If those necessary prerequisites are taken into account, Han Zhen himself knows that even a hundred years will not be enough! Although the Han family has some money now, they simply cannot keep up with technology and materials. They have no ability or financial resources to support the completion of the project. This is completely different from Ku Lin. After all, he also did the adventure with the support of his aunt. There is no need to worry about confidentiality issues. If he was not caught at that time, he would be able to use this channel to raise funds after returning to China. And what about yourself? Financing is now a no-brainer. If Taici Ling is not covered up, the secret of the channel cannot be announced. Therefore, although Han Zhen already has a complete set of information about the channel, he can only keep it in his hands.

Everyone knows the huge benefits of being in charge of a through-passage channel, especially this kind of channel that has never been successfully attempted and can connect two regions that have almost never had any intersection, is even more popular. The star belt where the Sig Star Field and Silver Moon are located belong to two different galaxies in terms of division. Although the two galaxies are as close as neighbors, the barbarity is a roadblock that prevents Silver Moon from going to the west. To map this area, you need to orbit two half galaxies - the wild shape is like a smashed date core, and the flat sides are where Sig and Silver Moon are - which is almost the same as starting from the end of a complete galaxy. From the north to the far south, it will definitely take a lot of time. Being able to reach it in eight years is considered very good.

If the Wilderness Channel is really opened, the benefits will be countless: as we all know, the farther away the origin of the goods is, the greater the price difference will be. In the past, if you wanted to buy products or materials from Silver Moon, you could only buy them. Go to Mengkong to buy it. Mengkong is already the farthest place that all countries in Siger can go! With the establishment of the waterway, many intermediate links are saved, and the profits are bound to be huge; transportation costs are also a major factor in the increase in product prices. If you want to transport things from Silver Moon to Sige, you don't have to talk about preservation and supplies. The cost, just talking about the miscellaneous fees for the passage of various checkpoints and waterways along the way, is a huge expense. After the connection, any goods will only be paid once; the time has suddenly changed from eight years to half a year, and the funds are moving quickly. Not at all...

Having said so much, if the waterway is not successfully constructed for a day, no benefits will be created for that day. And this is the first problem to be overcome, and there is a second one, which is how to carry out transportation! Although the Wilderness is not ranked among the Jedi, it has never been merciful to the battleships and transport ships that entered its depths. After a trip, it was a stroke of luck that half of the battleships were preserved. So far, apart from the development ships that can sail slowly in the wilderness, only the Han family's best battleship Qingya can wander inside. After discovering the waterway, Han Zhen asked people to take the Qingya battleship there. A detailed test was conducted in the depths, and it turned out that its quality is indeed very good, even better than expected: although it is not enough to use it for exploration, even though it is a top-notch seventh-level battleship, those who ignore the protective cover in the wilderness Death rays and rays pose equally great threats to it. However, as long as it does not run around and encounter irresistible dangers, and as long as it sails strictly according to the detected relatively safe channels, there will generally not be any big problems. But, using the Qingya battleship as a transport ship? This is really quite a luxury! If the quantity was large, Han Zhen might consider it, but the quantity of Qingya he has now is not large!

Han Zhen regretted it a little. How could he have imagined that this situation would occur at that time? I think it is enough for Qingya to keep 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and give away the rest as a matter of personal favor. After all, although Qingya is powerful, maintenance and care are really troublesome. If the damage is serious, you will either have to ask Jenny, or you will have to go to Mengkong to repair it or simply scrap it. They are all beautiful but not easy to use, so they might as well use them. A lower battleship comes in handy. While regretting it, Han Zhen was a little lucky. Fortunately, he was originally planning to send Tian Dun out slowly after the matter was over, and now he could still make amends. The construction of the waterway will not be implemented for the time being, and large-scale development will have to wait until the Dragon God and the purchased high-end development ship come back. However, Han Zhen is not upset, because the information obtained from Kulin has There were too many surprises for him to worry about.

An energy planet with reserves of more than 40 billion after only preliminary exploration is simply a windfall. The Han family's stall is now getting bigger and bigger, and the demand for energy is also increasing linearly. Although they have some reserves over the years, they are too little. Not only did they use them completely when they conquered the Three Kingdoms of Tianton, but they also used all the energy from the Three Kingdoms. Most of the energy blocks in the captured trophies were also used. You know, energy is a real strategic material. Without it, nothing will happen. Without your own source of energy minerals, relying solely on acquisitions is extremely uncomfortable, just like having to worry about being strangled by someone's neck at all times.

Dozens of energy mines from the Three Kingdoms of Tiandun have been received in the shortest time. However, these can only ensure the normal operation of the Han family. The demand is too great, especially the development ships in the Taici leadership, which are a devourr. Bottomless machine of energy blocks. Reserves, we need something else to find a way. Han Zhen originally thought about exchanging all the requirements for energy blocks when he went to Mengkong next time, but now there is no need. With that planet, oh, Han Zhen has named it Ju Neng. Star, as long as the development of the Mega Star is started, not only can the development fleet be replenished nearby, but also a large amount of reserves can be made, so that the Han family will not have to worry about the problem of energy shortage for a long time.

This giant star is not the best in the data. It is at the best among Kulin's discoveries in the past thirteen years. Even if it has reserves, it is not the highest. Its advantages are more reflected in the excellent geographical environment. On top of that, coupled with the fact that it is a natural administrative star, it makes it even more important.

Surprises are constant, and the unparalleled blessings have failed in front of Han Zhen today, which makes him have to think that he is blessed by gods and ancestors: the planet named Harvest Star by Kulin, Han Zhen did not rename it, And it does live up to its name. Records show that this entire planet is made of energy minerals! In the huge volume, the mineral reserves are actually calculated based on more than ten percent of the overall volume. To put it bluntly, if you just dig a few times with a shovel, you will have a half chance of digging out the original stone - record Come on, it's rough stone, not a mine. This is the news that makes Han Zhen even choke. Not only are the mineral reserves so huge that it’s hard to imagine, but what’s even more unbelievable is the quality of the minerals. The best quality can be piled up in mountains, and it’s so high that it can scare people to death!

What Han Zhen lacks most is this kind of formed raw stones, especially high-quality ones. The energy they contain cannot be compared to ordinary refined energy blocks. Whether it is training or formation, they are the most suitable; and the energy blocks refined from these raw stones can attack with several times the energy of ordinary types.

In addition to the Harvest Star, there are at least four planets whose energy reserves are not lower than those of the Giant Star. However, they are not natural administrative stars and will be somewhat troublesome to develop. There are even more resource and mineral stars, including the twelve that Kulin highlighted. It contains 27 rare minerals and 144 precious minerals, all of which are extremely high in reserves... Han Zhen sometimes wonders why there are so many rare resources in the wilderness. If such a planet appears in the outside world, it will be fought over immediately, but in the wilderness, it can actually be gathered together when necessary. A navigable area, what else could it be if it wasn’t the blessing of the ancestors of the Chinese people? !

Small-scale development, or fixed-point development, will be the focus of Taici's work in the next period of time. And because of the special location of these planets, the development work can only be left to Andre's development fleet. Come take charge. In the past, this development fleet was said to be development, but they had never done any development work. Exploration was their specialty. They were a typical example of trying to sell something like a sheep over someone else's head. Now, they have finally been given a correct name.

A total of 20,000 Qingya battleships were allocated to Andre, and the best elites from each department were drawn from the general construction force led by Taici to form a short and capable combined team. They would not only be responsible for building the waterway Fixed the jump point, built the planet, built the factory, and... It's not that I don't want to make the team bigger, that way the speed will be faster, but all the materials, instruments, personnel, etc. have to be transported bit by bit by the development fleet, and it can't be done faster even if I want to.

Three months after Andre returned to Taici, he led the team to set off again.

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