Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 335 The giant cannon shows its power

The interstellar cannon is naturally the most powerful weapon among interstellar satellites, but when they are fired, they will be fired together with the interstellar main cannon. The cannonballs of the two are similar, but they are also very different. Generally speaking, the beams of light emitted by giant cannons with a diameter of thousands of meters will gradually spread out as the distance increases. Dozens of them gather together. At the same time, the overall impact surface will also expand, and the farther the distance, the larger the impact surface will be after dispersion. But when they are fired together with thousands of main guns, they can mix with the energy pillars of the main guns, complement each other and influence each other, so that the striking surface that finally hits the target not only does not scatter, but also Being able to restrain it can maximize the power of the attack and is also the only way to break through satellite defenses.

Before Han Yu's transformation, he could only compress the entire light beam to about 400 kilometers, but now he saw that it was compressed to 200 kilometers. Even if the firepower of each giant cannon has not increased, the damage caused by this item alone will more than double under the same firepower.

It's so fucking awesome! One layer of the protective shield is damaged, and the second layer is almost the same! I think the strength of the big guy opposite should not exceed 14T now?! Peng Chong excitedly pounded the console hard. A fist. The distance between the two interstellar satellites is actually very far. You must know that they have just entered the attack range. Of course, if you want to use visual inspection, you can't see it. Even if you use an image display instrument, you can only see a rough outline. As for the specifics of the opponent's satellites, It will take some time to find out the situation.

After the first powerful launch, the Dragon God stopped and turned. This fire will be fired seven times in a row. Except for the time required for turning, it can be said that almost no time is wasted. With seven consecutive blasts, you need to get ahead of your opponent and attack the opponent at one point. This will at least reduce the strength of the Meijie's protective shield by half!

This is where Han Yu’s transformation can truly be reflected: the output power has increased, and the kinetic energy has increased. Originally, it could only supply about 100 giant cannons and 4,000 interstellar main guns at most. Now everything has changed at once. ! In this way, what was originally only a maximum of four consecutive shots became seven consecutive shots, and the improvement was not even a little bit. But the increase in numbers is not the most important thing. The real advantage lies in its destructive power under continuous attacks. The satellite's protective shield recovers very quickly after being hit, but once these seven consecutive shots were fired, it was not given time to perform its function - directly breaking the protective shield and consuming most of the energy of the protective shield are two different things. The protective shield The number is limited, and the amount of energy that can be consumed can be replenished!

Keane was dumbfounded now. Originally, he rushed over with full confidence, thinking that he could easily capture the Dragon God, but unexpectedly, before he could fire, the other party made his move first. There was no time to react to the seven consecutive attacks. The speed was too fast, and the dizzy Meijie was unable to change its direction to disperse the blows. In the end, it was all forced to bear it, and it was on the same attack surface - protection. The reason why the shield is damaged is that one place was hit too hard. If it could be turned around and used other places to hit it a few times, it might not be damaged, but it would only lose some energy.

Not long after the smashing, the extremely powerful Jade Brain Center, Han Yu, exerted her high performance, causing the entire appearance of the Meijie opposite to appear on the holographic screen. Some simple data of the Meijie, are also collected. Now even by looking at the holographic screen with the naked eye, one can clearly see that the Meijie originally had twenty-two layers of protective shields, more than the Dragon God, but this first wave of attacks directly killed nine layers. The tenth floor is also in danger!

The Meijie's protection strength is also very high, reaching more than 15T. Now it is missing eight layers. After Han Yu's estimation, the remaining layers are only 8T at most.

What the hell is going on!? You're so far away and you hit so many times!? Keith was shaken by the successive shocks and almost flew up. Fortunately, the stabilization system of the command platform was turned on before, and his whole body was It was firmly fixed on the chair, otherwise it would be like the people in the multiple holographic screens in front of him, being thrown out directly and stuck to the wall.

The ninth floor of the protective cover was directly damaged, and the tenth floor was damaged. The current energy level is 13%, and the estimated replenishment time is 73 minutes; the radar area was slightly damaged, and repairs have begun. It will take 9 minutes to lock the Dragon God, simulated imaging It will take another 15 minutes to form;...the shock damage status of the power zone one is that the energy supply of three reactors is too large and needs immediate repair, and four reactors are slightly damaged, and the output energy is halved;...the power zone two... Each Fang's loss reports were all compiled, and the super computer read them out one by one at the command podium after sorting them out.

Keith was a little confused. Fortunately, his chief of staff reacted quickly. After asking the Meijie to change its direction, he immediately shouted to Keith; Marshal! This is not the time to think about this. Please activate the satellite rotation mode immediately. immediately!

Agree! Keith reacted immediately, his face turned pale, he nodded heavily and said immediately.

The Mejie began to rotate, approaching the Dragon God like a top. The advantage of this is that the impact surface of the satellite will be dispersed; but the disadvantage is that the speed will be slowed down to about half of the previous speed; at the same time, each The energy required for the equipment on the satellite will be greatly increased - just turning on a stabilizer that stabilizes all the instruments and personnel inside the satellite will reduce the supply energy by 30%! The maximum energy output of the satellite's power unit is certain, so it will be reduced in other aspects, which can affect the whole body.

However, compared to using one surface to withstand the blow and having several layers of the shield broken in an instant, this method is the safest and most commonly used in satellite battles. If Keith, the commander of the Meijie, had not underestimated the enemy and believed that he would definitely defeat the Dragon God, he would definitely be able to far exceed his opponent in terms of attack range and firepower, so he would not have suffered such a big loss.

Over the next seven minutes, the two interstellar satellites slowly approached. What confused Keith was that the Dragon God did not enter the rotation mode, which puzzled him. He glanced at his chief of staff, who just frowned and couldn't figure it out. And just before entering the Meijie's attack range, Keith's superbrain sent out the most piercing cry: It was locked by the Dragon God for the second time!

Giant cannons are the most powerful among satellites, and their charging time is also the longest. The Longshen weapon system modified by Han Yu compressed the shortest time for the cannon to charge to 30 minutes. The minimum time that was originally learned in Mengkong was 40 minutes, but it saved a quarter; with Han Yu's personal modification , coupled with her personal dispatching, command and optimization, it also has a unique function, which is to transform the cannon's energy absorption system, allowing the cannon to receive the most energy separated from other areas in a very short period of time. Vast energy! This move is used as the trump card of the giant cannon. It can organize an attack wave in the fastest possible time.

In other words, other cannons do not charge energy first, and all the energy is concentrated in one place, so that the cannon in this place can complete the charge in the shortest time. It took a few minutes to fire seven consecutive shots, a few minutes to adjust after the attack, and a few more minutes to wait. Within 16 minutes, the Dragon God had forty cannons and more than two thousand interstellar masters. Cannon rush can be completed. Two bursts! Get the second wave of attacks before they are about to enter the Meijie's attack range!

The spinning Meijie was in better condition than when it had foolishly rushed over to serve as a target. However, the distance between these two consecutive shots was much closer than before, and the intensity of the blow was correspondingly increased. , very easily tore into pieces the tenth layer of protective shield that had not been replenished after the heavy damage.

Retreat at full speed! Peng Chong ordered immediately after the attack. What a joke, the Dragon God will not keep rushing forward, and then like two idiots, you will punch me and I will kick you. What is a nicer word, chivalry? Isn’t this sick? My cannon can hit farther than you and run faster than you. If I don't use it, wouldn't I be as stupid as you? Stop fighting, stop and fight again. This is a wilderness, and the Dragon God doesn't have to hold anything back.

The speed of the rotating Meijie is really too slow. Even though the turtle shell is much thicker, it can't withstand the two waves of bombardment in an hour or two! You can also cancel the rotation mode, increase the speed, and shorten the distance between the two, but this is worse. It is completely used as a fixed target for others, and hitting a point will be more destructive and the damage will be heavier. Rather than being completely passive and being beaten like this, it's better to rush forward and fight! Although he received so many beatings, Keane still couldn't believe that he was actually restrained by the first striker and was still in such a mess. In the end, the Meijie turned off the energy consumption of all other instruments and facilities. Except for the giant cannon, all others were used on the drive system. Overclocking also increased the top speed by four levels, but this not only affected the energy and The drive system is extremely damaged and cannot last long. If it is not stopped for a long time, the entire system will be scrapped directly.

Keen, who was red-eyed after being beaten, never thought that he could hit the Dragon God by doing this, but the Dragon God's modified protection strength was even more abnormal than that of the Meijie. At the end of the fight, the Dragon God only suffered one layer of protective shield damage, and all twenty-two layers of protective shields on the Meijie were used up.

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