Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 349 The overall situation has been decided

Years of living in near seclusion have not made these elders rest on their laurels, nor have their minds become rigid. Choosing the Han family is actually a gamble, gambling with the lives of the entire family and everyone in the family, and if they win, they will develop. An excellent opportunity. If you fail, you will lose absolutely nothing. This gamble is not a big one. Fortunately, they won the bet in the end.

The help of the William family to the Han family has been very great in recent years, but this is not all for the William family. Now the situation has become clear. It is time to show off all the strength that has been reserved for thousands of years. , which made the relationship of the alliance stronger, and the proposal to support the Han family was passed unanimously at the plenary meeting of the Presbyterian Council. Because the movement of the whole clan involves all aspects, many things require a plan. Just as these plans were being customized, another piece of information was passed from the capital to King William XIV.

This is unreasonable! You dare to build a supply base in front of my house. You really don't know whether you will live or die! William was very angry after seeing the information sent by Kong Lingdong. After thinking about it, he felt a little happy. This is not because someone brought a pillow if he wanted to sleep. Well, just when I was about to make a big move, this good opportunity came to me at the right time. Naturally, I didn't take advantage of it, and I saved myself a lot of trouble. After returning to the plenary meeting, William took it out directly.

The elders didn't even do much research, thinking that this problem was easy to solve, and that the family could use it as a starting point when it came to counterattack. The candidate for the nominal commander-in-chief also appeared immediately, and all the elders looked at Ziegler in unison.

West's prince Ziegler has truly grown up over the years and possesses all the qualities that an emperor should have. Especially his personal relationship with Han Zhen, the leader of the Han clan, has won the favor and support of all the elders. , it can be said that his popularity is even higher than that of his father who is about to become the great elder. It's time for him to train in the army. Although there is no requirement for the emperor to have military ability, he will not be directly commanded this time. There will naturally be people below to help him take care of it. The role of the commander-in-chief is more to boost morale, improve reputation after the war, and lay a good foundation for the future transfer of military power.

With the decision of the Presbyterian Council, just a few days after William and his son returned to the capital, the whole family took action and began to gather large quantities of warship supplies. William also met with eight other powerful families. A few days later, these eight This family has also started to move - being able to advance and retreat with the William family itself shows that they are William's core supporters. This is just hanging their heads on their belts.

When the Dragon God showed great power at the seven lines of defense, and when the Dragon God forced the coalition forces to gather to respond, the West Royal Fleet Group, with Ziegler as the commander-in-chief, also began to take action, and within a year , swept 14 supply bases outside the capital area, wiped out nearly 100 million coalition forces, and when they discovered that all the seventh-level mobile fleets had left, they directly began to attack the territories of the seven powerful families that had rebelled! The strength of William Wright and other families who broke out the small universe is simply not comparable to that of the seven powerful families. Without Jenny to support them, the royal fleet moved in with overwhelming force. By the time the Dragon God and the coalition forces were at the entrance to the wilderness, At the moment of the confrontation, two families had already disappeared from the territory of West.

4.3 million level 7 battleships such as Qing Ya Blue Sting, 3 million level 6 battleships of various types, 80 million level 4 battleships, and nearly 90 million battleships assembled by Jenny from all over. , at the entrance to the wilderness, where the Sun Territory was originally located, they entered into a confrontation with the Han family. Hundreds of planets in the Sun Territory have become storage stars for temporary storage of supplies, including the Earth. However, Jenny and others did not treat the Earth in any special way, nor did they take any drastic measures, because they believed it was unnecessary. , and I don’t believe that the Han family will compromise because of a mere so-called mother star. On the contrary, if they directly explode the earth, it will leave both sides with no room for maneuver.

The confrontation did not last long. After the coalition sent envoys to the Han family to make a nonsense statement, the attack on the Han family's wild base began. The advantage of the coalition lies in the large number of warships, and the human sea tactics are very threatening; and the Han family occupies an excellent geographical location. While using the geographical advantage to reduce the opponent's strength, they can also fight and retreat at the same time. Of course, they can also There is the sharpest weapon, the Dragon God! In a narrow entrance passage and in local operations where supply support can be obtained at any time, the power that the Dragon God can exert can be doubled.

The battle was extremely fierce from the beginning. Eight entrances were attacked by the coalition forces at the same time. Han's fourth-class warships were completely used as cannon fodder. At the front, the mobile fleet was the main force of the attack, following behind. Under countless artillery fire from the coalition forces, the fleet outside consumed a large amount of cannon fodder and had to enter the entrance passage to fight and retreat. The only one that could withstand it was the Dragon God, but it could only defend one entrance. It was dying. After holding on for more than ten hours, when they found that the coalition forces had dispatched half of their mobile forces, the Dragon God retracted and entered the entrance passage.

Fight, retreat, resupply and then attack. The Han family adhered to this policy and fought fiercely with the coalition forces in the eight entrance passages. Fortunately, the Dragon God attracted more than half of the mobile force of the seventh-level battleships. , so that the other seven places can compete equally. After shrinking into the passage, after walking through the small section of the entrance, the inside gradually opened up. This is the main battlefield. Only now does the geographical advantage really come into play. Sneak attacks, harassment, strong attacks, cutting off, and luring the enemy in. , launch an ambush... The Han family has already laid out a large number of ambushes here, and even used the special disasters of the Dead Land to lay many traps. Anyway, they have dedicated all the available means here, waiting for the invading coalition forces to enter. The urn tasted.

The distance was more than ten light years, and the longest distance was only more than twenty light years. It delayed the coalition forces for nearly half a year. While the Han family suffered great losses, it also won several times the coalition forces' own casualties. .

As if overnight, the Han army disappeared from five of the eight passages and moved to the battle stars on both sides of the other three passages. After gathering, they formed two new strong defense lines! The only passage without a defense line is where the Dragon God is located. With the support of the battle stars, it is enough to withstand the opponent's attack.

The coalition forces also understood that the main resistance came from the Dragon God, and it would not be difficult to capture the rest of it, so they mobilized their troops and set up a battle formation at the location of the Battle Star and the Dragon God. At this moment, an interstellar satellite larger than the Dragon God suddenly appeared from behind the passage. People who knew a lot about interstellar satellites quickly recognized that this was the Meijie, entering the wild star field. There are more than four years of Meijie! Just when the coalition forces were rejoicing at its appearance, the next move of the Meijie made everyone in the coalition forces, who originally thought they had a powerful assistant, suddenly go into the abyss of their hearts: after the Meijie approached, it and the Dragon God each occupied the same position. On one side of the battle star, the two accelerated and circled at the same time, rushing towards the two wings of the coalition battle formation!

The Meijie had been repaired more than a year ago, but it took time to reach the entrance, resupply, and debugging, so it was a little slow. But even so, it won't take so long. The main reason is that Han Zhen wants it to come slower. After the Mejie was repaired, the entire satellite drove to the Jayne, and all the personnel used the instruments they carried to start supporting the repair of the Jayne. Fortunately, the war finally caught up.

From one satellite to two, the added strength is not one plus one equals two. With care and support, it will be far greater than two. That's why the Dragon God was unwilling to let the three satellites be reunited that day. Such considerations. The battle formation's previous intended opponent was one satellite and millions of battleships, but this time it suddenly became two satellites, and the attack angle changed, which suddenly caused chaos in the battle formation.

What really made them completely confused was that another satellite came out from the place where the Meijie appeared before. It was also much larger than the Dragon God. Jayne! The coalition personnel who recognized it shouted in pain. Come out, no one expects it to be a friendly force this time, the Meijie's lessons learned from the past are there!

It was really exciting now. The Longshan and the Meijie outflanked each other, tore them apart and then merged together, and then together they tore the battle formation from the middle toward the front. The Jayne, which was coming over, happened to come over to join together, and the three satellites were pinned. Distribution, the big hole was suddenly opened into a chasm, and split into fighting blocks. Only satellites with thick skin and flesh can complete such a spectacular scene. The three satellites are like three anteaters that have entered the ant nest. With a roll of their tongues, a large area was cleansed in an instant.

It took half a year for the coalition forces to capture the battle star position, but it only took the Han family a month to drive the remaining coalition forces out of the wilderness. Meijie and Jayne were not as fast as the Dragon God, but because they were fighting and chasing, the Dragon God was the only one to attack, so in the end, the three satellites came out of the wilderness together. Once they came out, they were overwhelmed by the large number of buildings. When we arrived at the supply base at the door, it was easy to fight, and the door was completely cleared. Going out with the satellite were one million type III royal battleships and three million ordinary battleships at the battle star. Their role was to receive the prisoners and carry out the finishing work.

The Dragon God was guarding the other seven entrances and exits, while the Meijie and the Jayne each chose one to enter and thoroughly clean the inside - the overall situation was decided, and all that was left was just some cleaning work.

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