Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 357: Desperate Bet

Han Zhen talked about the mind detector lightly, but in fact it is not that simple. It was formed by Han Zhen after all four green cores were broken into pieces, closely connected with each other, and interacted with each other. One of the most intuitive ways to use it is to see through a person’s heart! If this ability can be summarized, it is mind-reading, the ability to read what a person is thinking.

After the emergence of mind-reading, Han Zhen also conducted many experiments and found that under the power of four green cores, it manifested itself in two forms: one is to receive the current thoughts of face-to-face test subjects, and the effective distance , it depends on the size of the output elemental force and the speed of operation. The number of people in the experiment is up to five people at a time; second, it is in direct contact with the body, preferably the head, of the tester. At this time, if the elemental force is operated again, it can The detection ripples formed by Yuanli are directly introduced into the opponent's brain and the opponent's memory is obtained! Depending on the intensity and duration of the ripples, more or less memories are acquired, and this acquisition also has the effect of completely ignoring the so-called heart locks, brain disks, protective liquid tablets and other defensive tools. In other words, in At present, anyone in Han Zhen's known civilization, as long as he is caught, the things in his mind will be undefended to Han Zhen. If he wants to know anything, he can directly read it.

For Han Zhen, who has always been very cautious in doing things, whether in life or in cultivation, this time was no exception. He carefully fumbled and went through nearly ten thousand experiments before gradually letting himself Can skillfully select and delete memories. This is very necessary. Even though humans have been out of the planet for millions of years and have left footprints on countless planets, there are still as many confusions about the eternal research topic of the brain as they are about the universe: Human beings Is there any limit to how well the brain can receive complex information? This issue has been discussed by almost countless countries, and there are a lot of data and conclusions. They all believe that there is a limit. However, the limit has not yet been discovered, so it is impossible to give an accurate number. Regardless of whether there is an answer to this question or what the answer is, Han Zhen, who is cautious, still believes that it is definitely not a good thing to accept the memories of countless people. Nowadays, they can be selectively obtained, which also avoids the most serious problem. At first, I was worried that reading too many memories would affect the purity of my brain, causing possible schizophrenia in my imagination.

In fact, there have long been various lie detectors and brain readers in the universe that are specifically used to extract confessions. They can also find out whether the other party is lying or read out part of the memory. However, these things, especially the readers, are not useful for The damage to the human brain is very great. If you are not careful, the person being read will become an idiot. Moreover, it also has a fatal weakness. As long as the person is prepared, such as the brain disk and the protective liquid tablet placed in the brain by Lauck. , can prevent memories from being stolen, so these things are only applicable to ordinary people and have little effect on real spies.

After Han had Yu Nao, the brain reader made with Yu Nao as the main body was able to pry off some of the protection methods. It was already more advanced than the reader technology known today, and the new object mind detector , its biggest function is the amplification effect, which is completely different from the previous readers; in terms of production, it not only uses the best jade brain products, but is also tailor-made based on the unique characteristics of Han Zhen's mind-reading ability. After Han Zhen had it, he could know the thoughts of about five hundred people at a time, and he could also selectively read the memories of ten people at a close position without touching the person's body; And all of this is based on the fact that the other party has no discomfort or any feeling!

The emergence of mind reading is definitely a perverted cheating behavior! There are no more than five people in the entire Han family who are lucky enough to know that Han Zhen has derived this kind of ability. And what they know is not all the manifestations of Han Zhen's mind-reading skills, but a greatly simplified version. For example, the mind-reading ability must be operated with the help of the mind detector; no one who has practiced the mind-reading method can Detection; the number of people involved in detection has also been reduced, and the effects have also been reduced... No one likes to have their thoughts and thoughts known to others at any time. Even a confidant like Du Guosheng or his wife Sun Jing will definitely be at a loss and trembling in the face of this situation.

It has been determined that no matter how hard they practice, no one else can reach the height of Han Zhen. In other words, only Han Zhen can enjoy the appearance of the four green cores and the process of breaking the pill nine times. Naturally, only Han Zhen can master the art of mind reading. In order to prevent relatives and friends around him from feeling uneasy, worried and awkward, sometimes telling white lies is also the correct way to deal with it.

Lao Du, look at the supplies we have on hand. How long can we last after increasing the number of soldiers? If a war breaks out, how long can it be used? Well, just give us a rough number. Han Zhen asked.

More than 600 planets are now piled with materials obtained by various means. Just sorting them out and placing them in categories will take at least a year. Stacking all the materials in planetary warehouses is a temporary method that cannot last long. A common method in the universe is to find some planets to hollow out, build suitable underground warehouses, and then seal them for storage. This not only places a huge amount, but also reduces the amount of materials. Small waste, but also has hidden effects. This method of excavation has already begun in Taici Territory, and construction has also started at the original Sun Territory. Although Han's current handling capacity is ranked second in Sige, before these underground warehouses are established, they can only do outbreaks. House-like accumulations are displayed on the planet.

In the past few years, the Han family had too many chores and was too messy. Fortunately, Du Guosheng would have a receipt for each batch of supplies when they arrived. After taking some time to tally up, he compared it with the military supplies list before he raised his head and said: My lord, if If we start equipping and reorganizing now, we will only be able to sustain ourselves for seven years; if war breaks out, the wartime status will be maintained for at most half a year!

Seven years?! Half a year!

? Han Zhen frowned. This time was too short, too short to accept. After thinking for a while, he asked: Which supplies are the most lacking?

My lord, it's hard for me to answer your question, because all strategic materials are in short supply. More than 600 essential rare and valuable minerals, even if it does not enter wartime, will be lost within seven or eight years at most. will be exhausted, and only those precious minerals and ordinary minerals with large output can still be used for twenty to thirty years. The wartime state can be guaranteed for half a year, which is still high. If it is a little more intense, it can be used By five months it will be great!”

From the moment he came up with the idea of ​​expanding his military strength, Han Zhen knew that the materials he obtained were not many. Yes, that was correct, not much. Precious and rare minerals are divided into very obvious high and low levels due to the size of their output, and there will also be huge price differences depending on their uses. Good things are not always easy to get! The Han family has gained a lot of momentum in the past few years. It has also taught several fourth-level countries a lesson and received a lot of compensation. However, for rare and precious minerals that are needed and in great demand, the rewards they received are not as generous as imagined. After all, no fourth-level country has been destroyed, and no top-secret material base of any fourth-level country has been snatched away - these places are extremely secretive. Even if they are found, if they really want to take action, those fourth-level countries will also Was forced to fall out of favor.

If it were the Han family in the past, with this huge batch of materials, as long as it develops slowly, it would be enough for a long time. But this time the military expansion has directly expanded to more than 300 million battleships and nearly 400 million transport ships. With this endless scale, repairs and modifications require a large amount of materials; the replenishment of weapons also requires a large amount of materials; the normal wear and tear of each battleship needs to be repaired and replaced immediately; the daily supplies of each battleship need to be replaced immediately. Supplement; During the running-in period during training, it is also a big consumer of energy;…

During the war, a cannon fired brings a thousand taels of gold. The old saying is true. Even with the development of science and technology to this stage, this sentence is equally applicable. If the normal maintenance period is counted as a cost of 1, then once the war starts, the cost will be 10, or even 20 or higher!

Damn it! Seven years is enough! At worst, I will grab it and fight while grabbing it! After Han Zhen cursed, he asked again: Where is the energy? Is the gap big?! There are other ways to get supplies. At worst, if the battleship is damaged, just throw it back and don't rush to repair it. There are satellites in front of it anyway, but the energy is different. This thing can be said to be more important than all strategic supplies put together. Having a gun but no ammunition is even more serious. It can be said that the best response after losing energy is to surrender directly! In times of war, don't even think about grabbing energy while fighting. This is as close as seeking death.

There is no gap in energy supply! Not only can it ensure regular consumption for at least ten years, but it can also ensure that all military forces, including the three satellites, can operate continuously for more than one year! After Du Guosheng answered in the affirmative, he took out a piece of information, And explained: This is the result of taking into account the development intensity of Harvest Star after I strengthened it. If it is carried out on this scale, starting from the next month, there will be a force of 10,000 Qingya warships every ten days. The transportation team arrived at Taici Ling and can obtain...

Harvest Star, without Harvest Star, Han Zhen would definitely be in dire straits. As long as the energy can be guaranteed, it will be enough. One year is enough to kill one or two level four countries. And as long as such a level four country is taken over, not only the energy can be replenished nearby, but also the lack of materials and minerals. Relief is sure to come.

Han Zhen received this detailed information about the enhanced development of Harvest Star. After a closer look, he found that the development of Harvest Star was a typical destructive mining. This was a bit like killing the goose to retrieve the egg. However, Han Zhen didn't say anything. After reading it, Directly sign and agree - it's now time, even if it is destroyed, it will still be valuable; and even if it is destroyed, the reserves of the Harvest Star are enough to supply half of the army's future supplies!

It took several hours to discuss with Du Guosheng some related matters that emerged after the army's restructuring. Han Zhen felt his head was a little numb. He glanced at the message that Ziegler had just delivered and couldn't help but pretend to be angry. Said: I really don't know how that kid Xiao Qi dares to take any guarantee. He built 800 million brand-new Type 4 royal battleships in eight years. Damn it, the wealth that Mr. William left him is too rich! ? I’m so jealous! As for me, even if I want to feed a 300 million battleship, I have to plan carefully. Some of the things I finally got are only enough to last for seven years! No, I have to find an opportunity to make a small sum. .”

The materials needed to manufacture warships are much greater than the investment required to maintain them. And now the Han family is still struggling with maintenance. They have exhausted all the material stocks and can only guarantee the wartime status for half a year. If they really want to let the Han family To build warships by yourself, even if there is a corresponding warship production line, with the current reserves of the Han family, it would be great to be able to build 100 million ships!

This is the essential difference between the established empire and the new upstart. The gap is really not that big!

This message also contained some simple records sent by Ziegler. For example, in peacetime, the West regular army and the local army totaled 150 million. Counting all the private soldiers, the number after statistics is around 300 million; an ordinary fourth-level country like Weixi, for example, maintains a national military strength of around 50 million in peacetime. The family's private soldiers number almost 60 million. But if it is in a war period, especially when the country is in danger, after using the state machinery, any fourth-level country can quickly double or triple the total number of troops. For example, giving Weixi twenty to In thirty years, he can quickly increase his military strength from more than 100 million to 300 million or even 400 million! This situation can be achieved in almost all four-level countries in SIG.

Of course, not all countries in the universe can be so fierce. This is inseparable from the fact that no one has paid attention to Sig for many years, and no powerful external force has ever interfered with the robbery. In this unmolested environment, for tens of thousands of years The materials accumulated over time are naturally extremely rich.

Although they are both in Siger, West is somewhat different from other countries. It is stronger and more powerful, and has extremely strong manufacturing capabilities; and there has been no major turmoil since the founding of the country, and it has been developing steadily and accumulating The amount of supplies is astronomical. This time Ziegler told Han Zhen that he would build 800 million new warships in eight years, which should be possible, but the price would be to spend at least half of the tens of thousands of years of accumulation in a desperate attempt!

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