Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 413 Joint Mining

Whether a country is strong or not, the amount of various material reserves is also an extremely important aspect. This includes not only the reserves of rare minerals, but also basic minerals and conventional minerals, etc., which are also the standard for measuring the strength of a country. This is easy to understand. No matter how strong the country’s technology and industrial power are, it will be in vain without minerals.

China currently has more than 200 million level-7 warships and more than 20 interstellar satellites. In terms of its own positioning, it has automatically regarded itself as a level-6 country. This is a mentality, the mentality of a strong country.

Needless to say, China is a sixth-level country in terms of military force, and it does have qualifications; geographically, although the Chinese Star Territory is very small, this is without counting the Wild Star Territory. If the Wild Star Territory is included, If we also add in the high seas control areas that have been pushed outwards in recent years, it is definitely no smaller than any level six country; in terms of technology, it does not count the unique technology developed by China itself, only looking at the current mechanical technology The level of civilization has also reached the average level of level six countries.

Such development achievements in science and technology can be achieved firstly through years of accumulation, such as the gains from neighboring countries and the gains made by Meng Kong and his party. By the way, there are also what Han Yu and Sun Jing did along the way when the original Dragon God returned. Everything is not in vain. Although most of them are the scientific research results of fourth- and fifth-level countries, with such a large number, there are always good things that can be used. This has an immeasurable effect on the development of China's own science and technology; secondly, Damn Lauke, this guy is really a treasure, otherwise Han Zhen would not have given up such huge benefits in exchange for him. Getting him is equivalent to opening a door to level six technology, not to mention he has countless innovations; The third is to purchase it through the Mailer family in Silver Moon. Everything in this world has a price. As long as the starting price can be paid, someone will sell it. When Han Zhen agreed to sell Mailer a satellite, Mailer also relaxed the technical restrictions - although the technical restrictions are management It is extremely strict, but it also depends on who is selling and who is buying. Even if Silver Moon’s supervision department wants to intervene, it must have a way to get in; lastly, the people who give gifts are among these. There has been a constant stream of traffic in the past few years. Not to mention that the good relations with China will come up with some good things that attract people's attention from time to time. Even the two cleaning armies have gained a lot in the past few years. Since you want to be in China Star The secret bases built outside the territory brought not bad technology, and there were certainly no shortage of scientific and technological personnel who came, and these were all accepted by China.

Although China has reached the standards of a sixth-level country in these aspects, there are still considerable gaps in many other places. Therefore, it can only be said that it has the mentality of a sixth-level country. These gaps are mainly reflected in industrial strength, reserves, etc. aspects.

By purchasing and supplementing with captured trophies, China can quickly develop its own industry, but this is not a long-term solution. The final way is to build on China's own science and technology. Let’s start China’s own industrial system! Take the production of warships as an example. Most of the warship production lines today are purchased or captured finished products. Therefore, the growth of production lines and production quantity cannot be increased rapidly, because even the production lines rely on imports. , as long as this channel is cut off, everything will definitely stop; improving imported production lines to comply with Chinese technology has also been tried, but the results of the experiments will always lead to performance conflicts, poor quality, and even incompatible facilities. Various more or less problems - every independent country has its own set of scientific and technological systems and characteristics. This has been established after countless years of development. It cannot be achieved by just trying to make it compatible or improve it. ; Although we have developed our own production lines that fully comply with China's scientific and technological system, and have manufactured a very small part of them, the quality and performance are much worse than those purchased or even modified. The warships produced are also ranked as the lowest among all warships produced, both in terms of performance and quality. This is a bit like the relationship between a weak national industry and high-end enterprises with foreign investment.

It is necessary to build your own production line, but this takes time. Debugging and improvement require a lot of time, and the same goes for integration and finalization. The road to national industry is built out of thin air on a blank basis, which cannot be achieved overnight.

In terms of reserves, the gap with those real sixth-level powers is not small. If it were the previous fourth- and fifth-level positioning, then China's reserves would be sufficient and would appear to be very rich: it would make huge profits by taking advantage of the convenience of connecting waterways; it would carry out large-scale development of the wilderness, especially the use of mineral planting. After developing the means of mining, China's reserves have been doubling every year, and a steady stream of materials has been transported to the huge storage star for refining and storage, laying a solid foundation for the continued growth of national power. But if you want to be positioned at the sixth level, at this time when the situation is getting more and more serious, this little thing seems to be too little.

In the 30th year of the Chinese calendar, Han Zhen had expanded the mining industry to the depths of the wilderness and officially started large-scale reclamation of a thousand mineral stars. The mineral stars here are not as barren as in the Taici Territory, and they have been specially selected. The rich amount of minerals on any one of these planets is more than ten times that of the planets in the Taici Territory; a large amount of production will also lead to Due to the lack of transportation means, in order to ensure operation, seventh-level warships are used here temporarily. Fortunately, the cleaning army has gained a lot in recent years. Han Zhen just approved 30 million warships at once some time ago to specifically support the people here. work; the Agricultural Star Tree Research Institute also supported this large-scale operation with relevant technologies. New star tree seeds and seedlings were delivered as soon as they were cultivated, ensuring that the most minerals could be obtained in the shortest time.

Less than a hundred light years away from the experimental site for studying the teleportation array, there is also a planet with the same highest level of confidentiality as the teleportation experimental site. After Han Zhen stayed at the teleportation array experimental site for a month, he came here to change his mind.

Any place that is classified as the highest level of confidentiality has no less than five security zones. When the battleship flying out of the Dragon God approaches the innermost security zone of the planet, you can see that there are no longer security guards. It was a battleship, but three huge, white creatures flew out quickly from the meteorite area of ​​the planet. When they got closer and closer to the battleship, you could clearly see through the image display that they were not only dazzlingly white, but also white. The whole body is still exuding a crystal color, which is extremely beautiful.

This is the crystal dragon, or the holy dragon lineage among the crystal dragons, but Han Zhen has just cultivated an excellent dragon breed that can fully adapt to the external environment of ferocious beasts. Their attack power, protection strength, speed... are no worse than those of the Holy Dragons among the Molongs currently staying in the buffer zone. In appearance, they are much smaller and more graceful in appearance, at least not as good as the Molongs. As ferocious as the dragon (Xiao Hei's artistic attainments were rated as negative because of the appearance of the dragon), well, the biggest difference is in the color. For them, color is not certain. Han Zhen is It would be a very simple matter to improve their colors to black or brown, but because most of the ferocious beasts in the ferocious beast population are brown or black, Han Zhen didn't want people to think about it, so he tried to cover his ears. It turned into a nobler white that he liked to see. As for whether white was more vulnerable to attacks or used as a shining target, Han Zhen had not considered this issue.

The crystal dragon's animal sense sensed Han Zhen's aura, and immediately sent out ripples of pleasure. After it dispersed, it escorted Han Zhen into the planet's atmosphere, and then immediately turned around and hid in the meteorite area. The control of Jinglong is stricter than that of Molong, and there is absolutely no possibility of mutation and rebellion. This also makes Han Zhen feel relieved to improve their IQ. This is why they can still be used in combat power evaluation after being much smaller in size. The reason why Buluo Mo Shenglong was at a disadvantage.

The planet this experimental site belongs to is covered by secret numb star tree plants. What is most seen on the surface is not soil and sea water, but layers of blocks that are formed after the star trees die automatically, distributed up and down. Residual shell objects. The thickness of this star tree remnant is impressive. It was left over from countless generations. The thinnest part is no less than 400 meters!

The battleship found an exposed rock surface and stopped. Surrounding it were the remnants of star trees that were as high as a thousand meters and wrapped like a basin. On these remnants of mountain peaks, there are no less than fifty cave entrances, large and small. After Han Zhen walked out of the battleship, five crystal earth dragons crawled out from the cave entrance next to the battleship, about a hundred meters tall. Up and down, the body is thick and short, and the back is deeply concave. What is placed inside is a man-made product, a fixed and quite large villa-type building!

Not many people came down with Han Zhen, only Sun Jing, Han Yu who had perfected the entity, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. Han Zhen used his spiritual consciousness and left one of the five. After Han Zhen and the others entered Behind the villa on its back, Jingdilong crawled up extremely smoothly but extremely quickly, entering one of the largest caves on the ground.

Here, on this planet, is the Crystal Dragon headquarters where Han Zhen developed and cultivated the Crystal Dragon. Why he chose this place is because Han Zhen still needs to conduct another important experiment: how to combine mining with dragon mining to create a win-win situation and create a more productive mining method!

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