Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 420 Seeing the Goods

Sir, it might be easier if we are spies, but this should be impossible! The deputy shook his head and said: There will be no more than ten people who can know where we are deployed, except for the master and his subordinates. Apart from me, the other eight people are not only veterans who are loyal to the family, but also cut off contact with the outside world three months before receiving the order... Since they are not them and they are not us, then why? How did the Ke family know this and be so sure! The subordinates believe that either He Fu Ke has also arranged it at that location, but this may be very small; or it has some secret connection with the Chinese country here. From now on What we know about the situation has confirmed that China’s tracking ability cannot be underestimated. If the location can be discovered by others, it is nine times out of ten that it is the reconnaissance force spread out by China; there is another possibility, that is, Hefko already has We have formed a larger alliance and have a larger intelligence network than ours. After noticing signs of our clan’s secret troop mobilization, we followed them and discovered it! My subordinates believe that the most likely possibility is the third one!”

If you want to monopolize it afterwards, you must not choose a sneak attack location that is too far away from your current location, as that would be too variable - which of the forces that came here is easy to deal with? If we really have to concentrate the troops on the periphery, even if we want to make a sneak attack, we won't be able to do it! But I didn't expect that the ambush location would be discovered before the satellite was obtained. Why is it said that the third possibility is the most likely rather than the second? After analysis, you will know: Although China has developed rapidly in recent years, after customizing the control zone, it has also implemented effective measures against many troops that sneaked into it. A blow, but this does not mean that its current technology is higher than the many seventh-level forces that came! And the only ones who can secretly discover their secret arrangements are these hundreds of forces who are also opponents or allies! If you can prevent yourself from making any discoveries and know it so accurately, the scope of investigation that needs to be investigated is very large, which also results in the size of the temporary group being not small...

After thinking about it for a long time, Leiber finally said: Use the entire seven departments to investigate it! And be the first target of attack! As soon as there is any abnormal movement, strike first! The Holly family came over this time, and in addition to the battleship units, they brought The ones who brought the most were intelligence personnel, who brought almost everything they could bring. This situation is the same in every family and every force. Under the general trend of guarding against each other and uniting with each other, although no swords and guns are used, secret battles in the dark are already in full swing.


At eight o'clock on July 1, 55th year of the Chinese calendar, Han Zhen, surrounded by Zhou Jinzhe, Du Guosheng and other Chinese official figures, came to a large meeting that had been arranged long ago. This is China's official external liaison platform. All negotiations will be carried out here, and all negotiations will be customized and coordinated after being connected to the other party from here.

The holographic screen that occupied an entire wall was opened and automatically divided into 194 faces. After using the signal band that was specially sent yesterday, it connected with the incoming forces one by one. Soon, all 194 holographic surfaces were opened, hundreds of avatars were gathered together, and the remote conference room was officially formed.

It started with Zhou Jinzhe's speech. After saying something like Welcome, it's an honor to be here, he also gave a brief introduction to the officials on the Chinese side. The next step was to determine the identities of the envoys one by one. The envoys and deputy envoys, from Which family, which force they come from, etc. all need to be explained clearly. This is a bit time-consuming, but no one stood up to object. After all, this is a normal formality issue, and it is also the best opportunity to understand the opponent and the seller.

Two hours later, Han Zhen stood in the middle of the communicator. After a short speech, he said directly: From today on, every envoy group that comes to participate can come here under the supervision of our personnel. Han Zhen raised his hand and pointed at the undivided holographic screen on the other side. A panoramic view of eight satellites for auction immediately appeared on it. Go directly up to see the actual objects. In terms of number of people, no more than twenty people, and in terms of time, , shall not exceed eight hours, and each envoy group can enter four times. Please remember to strictly follow the instructions of our personnel and do not make any misunderstanding. The most severe punishment will be direct Deprivation of the right to participate,...

After Han Zhen finished speaking, he walked to one side and sat down. Zhou Jinzhe came up to the middle. He turned the camera to face the bottom of the conference room. Sitting here are our technical staff who have a deep understanding of the modified satellite. If you, the envoys, have any questions or do not understand anything, as long as it does not involve our confidentiality, you can get a simple reply here. We will send a dedicated person to deliver the specific contact tool after the meeting. In the past... the total time for visiting and explaining questions was seven days, please make reasonable arrangements, envoys.

The meeting ceremony on the first day of the auction ended in this barely harmonious atmosphere - if you ignore the countless hidden arrows that came and went from the eyes, after that, there were nearly two It’s time for hundreds of forces to start exerting their strength.

Viewing the physical objects before the auction is a necessary process for any auction, and generally speaking, you should be able to see the physical objects very early. However, China is not a professional auction house, and the buyers who come are not qualified buyers. This time the goods are somewhat special, and China has resisted a lot of pressure and only now has it been made public. Of course, it is also necessary to disclose some relevant technical data appropriately, otherwise it would really irritate them, which is not what Han Zhen wants to see now.

All eight satellites are operated and managed by robots. This only occurs in this case. After all, the human population is also very complex. There may not be mutants that can affect ordinary people. Just in case, it is more convenient and safer to use honest robots; the reception staff are all mobilized from the Intelligence Department, and all of them have cultivated their mental skills to a high level and are among the ten thousand masters. Not only can they prevent others from being Exploring can also take advantage of this rare opportunity to obtain it in reverse. Therefore, every time after sending away visitors, they will immediately sort out the many resources in their minds. Some of them can even be captured from the minds of experts brought by the other party. High-end technology that is much needed!

Which parts of the modified satellite have outstanding performance are naturally the focus of the visiting delegation, such as reactors, accelerators, radars, image receiving devices, etc. However, the reception staff are not responsible for answering questions. All questions, It was all pushed to the experts in the conference room.

There are limited photography, limited understanding, and appropriate warnings... The reception staff are always doing reminder work, but the busiest ones are the five hundred expert technicians. All kinds of problems arise from There has been no interruption since the first day of the visit. Even after the visit time has passed and we have left the modified satellite, there are still people using the communicator to ask questions non-stop.

I'm sorry, your question has become our confidentiality. I'm sorry that I can't answer it. Sorry!

Sorry, we can't fulfill your request, sorry!

Sorry, what we are selling is only the modified satellite. I can only answer the questions that arise on the satellite. The internal modification technology is not included in the auction. Sorry!


Although these five hundred people are called technical personnel, they are actually mobilized from the Ministry of Intelligence. Only politically qualified and well-thought-out soldiers who can communicate directly with the envoys can serve as candidates. rest assured. The most common answers they give every day are formulaic language like this, which makes the person asking the question feel aggrieved and extremely itchy.

Seven days passed quickly. Next, Zhou Jinzhe led the team and invited all visitors from 194 companies to a satellite. This was to activate the satellite and allow these forces to have a deeper understanding of the effects of the satellite's transformation.

Speed, firepower, attack accuracy, defense, detection range,... were all displayed one by one. When it was finally returned, a record of all the test processes, along with comparison charts and chip data with efficiency charts, was given. , distributed to every household.

If the satellite is not moving, just observing and solving doubts, it is impossible to know how powerful he is. And after such a move, the impact is that the returning envoy groups will almost explode. From the intelligence of the ANBU who secretly collects information It can be seen from the statistics that in just three days, the frequency of activities of all parties has at least doubled! Some forces have simply used the communication tools provided by China in order to seize some time and gain the upper hand.

In the past three days, more than 90% of the forces have tried to contact Han Zhen, the head of state of China, many times. The topic they always talked about was whether they could buy it privately. Even if the price was high, it would not matter. !

Just a few days after the meeting ceremony, not only Han Zhen could not be found, but Zhou Jinzhe, apart from showing his lower body when turning on the satellite, also quietly hid at other times - now it is known that he purchased it privately, but it was not like this at the time Ah, is it too expensive? Satellites are getting more and more expensive!

It can already be predicted that the auction scene that will officially start next will be extremely popular.

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