Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 422 Clearly marked

Zhou Jinzhe, who was immersed in looking at the ever-increasing list of quotations, suddenly raised his head and looked at one of the 194 people. This person was Lei Bai of the Holly family, and then he reminded: Your Excellency Lei Bai, after seeing your When quoting, I have to doubt your sincerity. Looking at the list information you previously submitted, it seems that there are only ten units but not eleven. In such a situation, you need to submit an application for review to us first. Only then can we negotiate the price here!”

Before the auction begins, each family needs to lay out their bargaining chips in front of China. The most important thing here is of course the satellite. Not only must the number be registered, but the relevant data and performance of each satellite must also be recorded. Record them one by one. The number registered by each force is different. For example, the Holly family only listed ten satellites, but now Leiber has bid eleven satellites. This is absolutely not allowed, so Zhou Jinzhe was very embarrassed in public. I brought it up, and by the way, I also slapped everyone. This kind of thing will definitely become more and more common as the price rises and time prolongs!

There are certain rules for doing anything and any business, but in an auction, if you don't have enough trading chips but bid randomly, you don't care about the rules! Hundreds of pairs of eyes glanced at Lei Bai's face. Although they were separated by a holographic screen, the contempt and contempt in each eye was still extremely strong.

Leiber bit the bullet and laughed, apologized profusely, and immediately used the input device to contact the registration staff below the conference room.

When bidding, increasing the number of satellites is a big deal. Generally speaking, the changes will not be very big. Only the battleship production line and standard customized minerals increase rapidly with the increase of rounds. However, despite this, in the last time, which is the tenth time, When bidding, the number of satellites quoted at the highest price reached fourteen! Coupled with 29 production lines and 350 million standard customized minerals, the first modified satellite will make China extremely profitable! Of course, Zhou Jinzhe would not say who won the auction in the end. After verifying at the registration office that the buyer indeed had enough assets to pay the bill, Zhou Jinzhe ended the auction, and the first satellite was successfully auctioned.

Next comes bartering. After cutting off the communication, a dedicated contact person will contact the buyer and immediately go to the border with the person sent by the buyer. The reception team waiting at the border will follow the contact person and secretly go to the buyer's location outside with the buyer. When going to the base, the first task is to receive all the materials. The auctioned satellite has now been opened, entered China's special navigation channel, and went directly to the border to wait.

Fourteen satellites is not a small number. Fortunately, China had made perfect preparations before. After receiving it in the shortest time, the modified satellite sold at the border was among the troops led by Twenty Satellites. Under the leadership, we came to the agreed upon location and completed the final handover... The whole process was very quick and took eight days in total.

Except for the buyer and the Chinese government, no one will know to which company the modified satellite was sold, nor where the buyer put it, maximizing the sense of mystery, and at the same time, under the banner of protecting the buyer, let The situation where the various forces are at odds with each other has directly surfaced, making it easier for China to fish in troubled waters and protect itself.

What are the current statistics? Han Zhen asked. The success of the first round of auction will definitely dispel the idea of ​​​​many families to watch the wind, and will also expose the power of these families to deploy around the Chinese star field this time - some families have only registered single-digit satellites before. Quantity, now, it’s finally time to show it to China.

So far, 143 have been registered and added, and the number has reached 2,913! Nearly three thousand. Seeing this statistical number, Angman couldn't help but choke. The existence of Anbu ensures that there are basically no omissions in the surveillance area, and the total number of satellites appearing in the surveillance area is only about a thousand, so the extra two thousand should be outside the area, but who dares to say that this is The total number of all hidden? With so many hidden forces saying that they are here to make friends and build relations with China, would anyone believe it? !

After the transaction price of the first round of auction comes out, it is conceivable that the transaction price of the next round will most likely exceed 14 satellites! In this way, as long as the number of levels does not reach this number and people who want to get a share of the pie will increase their registration, Han Zhen will not be surprised by this, but these 2913 are just what they are willing to expose. How many of them are there that have not been put on the table yet but are watching covetously in the dark? Thinking of this, Han Zhen always feels uncomfortable.

After adjusting himself, Han Zhen looked at Youli, who hurriedly said: Hundreds of families have secretly broken through the shielding defense lines arranged by us and started secret contact. The most active ones are... I have sent the ANBU to The reports have been compiled and updated at all times.”

This kind of thing is certain. Suddenly disrupting the previously arranged groups and coalitions will keep them busy for a while at most, but there is always a way to unite again. However, China's goal has been achieved. After all, for China cannot be truly tough on these families and forces that come here, and it is always impossible to prevent all of them from secretly connecting with each other, but compared to blatant alliances, both in terms of effect and threat, they are more powerful. Much smaller!

Han Zhen looked at the information compiled by You Xia. It was very clear and he could clearly understand the connection between the parties. Very good. We must keep up our efforts and cannot relax in any way.

Ten days later, the second round of auctions began. After repeated pricing and bidding, the final transaction amount actually exceeded twenty satellites. The battleship production line and standard customized minerals also at least doubled. This time, it was also faintly revealed. The trend of alliance has been revealed: It has not been a short time since China issued the auction news. After each company established its own base, the general situation of each other will also be understood. 21 satellites and huge amounts of materials, no matter where they are. For a family or force, it is not small, and there are only a few that can have this ability. But even if these families can swallow it in one go, their remaining strength will hardly guarantee the safety of the return trip; the auction During the process, suggestive and coordinating eyes kept flying around the conference room. Everyone who could sit here was not a fool, and they had more or less seen some clues;...

This delivery took a little longer, and the third round didn't begin until fifteen days later.

Plans can never keep up with the changes. As the competition becomes more and more fierce, the prices become higher and higher, and gradually break the custom-made single-family auction model in China: at the beginning of the fourth round, several families took the lead to China is putting pressure on China to allow multiple companies to join forces to compete! After China compromised and backed down, the last few bids in the auction formed a good show in which at least five coalition forces surfaced and the confrontation increased!

Zhou Jinzhe's quotation behavior has also changed due to the change in form. He uses the various intelligences he has at his disposal to do his best to provoke people. At this time, the price is secondary. Secretly intensifying the already incompatible conflict is his main job!

The seventh quotation: 26 satellites, 71 production lines, 830 million... Zhou Jinzhe's melodious voice sounded. He did not focus on the quotation, but raised his head and glanced at each one as if walking. Looking at several envoys on the opposite side, after many times, everyone discovered a pattern: as long as this guy is not staring, he is the one who bids! How many people are not scanned means that these people are from the same group! Although he cannot name his name, it does not affect Zhou Jinzhe's performance of the main task, and the effect is better. As long as he deliberately omits the person who is supposed to be a member of the group, or deliberately stares at the messenger outside the group for a few more times, waiting for a quote. After that, the secret cannons of suspicion and anger will unite and bombard these people's heads, making them tremble with fear!

As the number of auction rounds increases, the waiting time also increases. The explanation given by China is: because the place where the buyer placed the items is too far away, it takes time to mobilize. And everyone knows that the result of the joint auction is that more time is needed to mobilize supplies and satellites! However, this mobilization took a little longer, and the fourth round took a full 34 days.

Because some forces saw that China had compromised on the auction, they went to extreme lengths and made requests to resume external communications and contact the troops outside the star field. China rejected this without any discussion and harsh words. ; However, the request to restore communications in the auction area and open the shielding defense line was agreed to a limited extent: the shielding defense line will not be opened, which can at least prevent the mobilization of large-scale troops, but it is OK to restore internal communications. Anyway, the coalition has already It's inevitable, it doesn't make much difference whether you have it or not.

The fifth round, the sixth round,...the further back, the more intense the competition, confrontation, and overweighting. It seemed that it didn't matter whether or not something was shot at this time, and everyone was already involved in a battle of wills!

In this lively atmosphere of overt and covert fighting, it took more than half a year for the eight-round auction to officially end. Ignoring the many forces who wanted to negotiate with China for private purchases, he politely and resolutely sent everyone away. The 24 satellites sold privately were also sent out of the border together during the final round of delivery! After that, the entire territory was locked down, and the Chinese Star Territory was announced on the public channel to be on alert. Any force or force that enters without the consent of China will be severely counterattacked by China.

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