Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 431 Storage

After walking out of the teleportation room built in the research institute, and passing through multiple security doors, Han Zhen arrived at a research room where more than 80 people were busy. On the door of the research room, there were several large characters written: Stable and Independent Different Space Research Office. These people are all top experts in the institute. Not only are they all talented, but they have also practiced Tianyuan Mental Technique to an advanced level - if they have not even practiced their Mental Technique well, it is naturally impossible to participate in this activity that absolutely requires high quality. Come from the research of Yuanli.

All researchers are directly taught by Han Zhen, but they are true disciples and disciples. Only by teaching them personally can they improve their abilities the fastest and their loyalty will be higher. Basically, there is no need to worry about them. There will be times of betrayal and betrayal.

People who have practiced Tianyuan Mind Technique have extremely keen senses, but when Han Zhen entered, these people who were concentrating on their own research did not notice it at all, until he took a picture of a person wearing the number plate of the general responsible person. Only after his shoulders fully reacted, all the researchers immediately said hello to Han Zhen.

A Dong, how are you? Is there any progress? Han Zhen pressed his hand and motioned for others to continue research before asking the person in charge. This general manager is not very famous in China, and most people have never heard of Liu Dong at all. But anyone who knows the top secrets of China will be very familiar with him. He was one of the first eight disciples accepted by Han Zhen, and was Shen Ao's junior fellow apprentice at the same time. Because he chose the path of research, naturally, his reputation is incomparable to his publicized seniors like Shen Ao, but his contribution to China is not half less than any of his seniors at the same time.

Master, the other test subjects have not changed much. Only Experiment No. 4 has made some progress. As you can see, this is the 4-139th test conducted yesterday. The effect is nearly one level stronger than the previous ones! Liu Dong answered immediately. Nowadays, no more than ninety people can still call Han Zhen master in private. That is, the first three batches of direct disciples that Han Zhen accepted in the name of master and apprentice can do it. Those after the third batch can be called either teacher or disciple. It's called the principal (using the teaching type of Tianyuan Heart Method, Han Zhen attaches great importance to cultivating direct descendants. Even now, Han Zhen is also the principal of five highest-level schools in China).

Although the research laboratory is called a laboratory, it is not small in scale. Not counting the experimental field, there are no less than twenty laboratories of various types. Han Zhen and Liu Dong came to one of the rooms together. After turning on the video recording of the entire process, Liu Dong showed the actual test object in front of Han Zhen.

It has reached 4 meters! That means it can stabilize about 64 cubic meters. Not bad! Han Zhen praised Liu Dong approvingly and asked, What do you think, under the same quality control and energy ratio? Next, is there any possibility of improvement? If so, how big will it be?

What Han Zhen was playing with was a thick bracelet about eight centimeters wide. The bracelet looked very strange: on the surface, it was covered with sparkling crystals that even the most gorgeous gems did not have as pure and dazzling crystals; but the workmanship of the bracelet , but it is very crude. It looks like a piece of scrap iron that was hammered at high temperatures for a few times before being finalized. Even the hair and debris were not removed! This contrast is very strong, and it feels a bit strange that flowers have to be inserted into cow dung.

Han Zhen doesn't care at all whether it looks good or not. If you want to look good, it's easy to polish it. If you want to cover up the shine, it's easy to cover it up with other objects. What Han Zhen is currently focusing on is the efficacy of this bracelet. , its use can be seen from the new name that was just named: storage bracelet!

Han Zhen has been coveting this thing for a long time, but there were always problems in front of him before. Now with the obsidian, many problems that could not be solved before can be solved. Among the mineral specimens, Han Zhen discovered two more necessary materials for making storage tools that had never been matched before. Not to mention production, Han Zhen became successful because he obtained the oak heart sacred wood passed down by his master, and he also researched and produced many replicas in the following time. The oak heart sacred wood and the storage bracelet have the same characteristics. Commonality, this has been confirmed in Liu Dong's laboratory, and after combining the advantages of the two, the newly named storage bracelet has become more stable in opening up a stable storage space. big!

Although the sacred tree also has storage space, it is very small. In terms of production, the storage bracelet is much simpler. As long as it has a certain shape, it can even be mass-produced. It is possible to produce tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands! This is what Han Zhen is interested in. You must know that before Xiao Hei came back, there were only about 2,000 sacred trees in China. Han Zhen made them one by one with his own hands, as tired as a dog!

Master, there is still a lot of room for improvement. I estimate that under the same quality control and ratio, the storage space can be at least doubled! Liu Dong replied in a very affirmative tone.

How useful are storage bracelets? For top intelligence officers, guard members, assassins who assassinate local bosses, etc., its appearance will undoubtedly become the favorite of these people, and after being used in conjunction with the communication transmission array, it can make people even more difficult to guard against; It can be used to store and transport the most valuable, volatile and chemical objects, and it is also extremely convenient;...

A Dong, as long as the stabilized space can reach one hundred cubic meters, it will be finalized as a first-generation product immediately. Do you understand? After receiving Liu Dong's affirmative answer, Han Zhen patted his shoulder with approval.

The shape of the bracelet is not certain. I just named it a storage bracelet because I got used to it. No, Han Zhen easily changed the appearance of this simple bracelet in front of Liu Dong: after gushing out Yuanli from his hands, he put it Separate from one point, and then gently pull, the originally thick bracelet is stretched into a long strip. As the strength gradually increases, the thickness becomes thinner and thinner, and the crystals on it also change regularly with the shape. Move and dot it densely. When it reached a length of more than one meter, Han Zhen stopped and moved his little finger. A black gelatinous object jumped out of the sacred tree and mixed with the meter-long bracelet. It didn't take long. , covering up all the crystals on the bracelet;... As the little finger kept beating, one thing after another appeared, and they continued to join in the transformation of the bracelet. Finally, it took about five minutes. , a delicate and gorgeous belt appeared in front of the two of them. Han Zhen tried it on his waist and found that the size was just right.

After sending Liu Dong away who was looking dazed, Han Zhen wandered around other laboratories alone. Every research here can be said to be led by Han Zhen himself. However, he is only responsible for the general direction and solving problems. The specific work is still left to the researchers. After all, Han Zhen is only one person. If he can't even do these chores If he still needs to do it himself, then even if he divides it into ten, he still can't finish it, and this research laboratory is just one of the ones Han Zhen captured personally.

After entering three laboratories in a row, Han Zhen walked into the fourth one and stopped here. What is placed in front of you is a hollow door frame-like object with a length and width of five meters and a thickness of nearly one meter. This object is also a storage tool. Obviously it cannot be called a storage bracelet - but if it is a crystal dragon , maybe it can also be called a bracelet, its name is called a storage door!

The storage door is also covered with pure and dazzling crystals. There are more of them and they are bigger. The small ones are as big as a fist. Activating the storage door is much more troublesome than the bracelet. Even Han Zhen needs three seconds to open it. Of course, this is directly related to the fact that the storage door is still an unfinished experiment. Being so big, the storage space in it is naturally much larger than that of a storage bracelet. Although there was no progress in the storage door when I came here this time, in the last recent test, it has been developed to 20 meters. That is a volume of 8,000 cubic meters! And the performance it improves is much greater than that of a storage bracelet! Of course, research and finalization will take much longer and the steps will be much more troublesome.

Whether it is a bracelet or a door, the crystals all over it are not obsidian or top-grade crystals, but are formed by fusing thousands of various types of single substances and then injecting the energy contained in crystals and obsidian. A new substance. This substance also has a new name: a special fusion material for storage facilities, commonly known as a storage stone. It is very similar to all the formation stones in the farthest teleportation array, that is, the ninth level.

There is no doubt about the importance of obsidian, but its real importance is not the composition of obsidian itself, but the alien energy contained in it. This is the same thing as the energy contained in crystals. In many cases, especially in large-scale formations, it is not possible to use obsidian or crystals. They are too fragile, so something more stable and powerful is needed, that is, Storage stone is a high-performance new material to load the energy required for formation.

Teleportation arrays and storage supplies are indeed closely related. They are similar in many places. They both focus on space issues. However, one pursues the speed and safety of jumping and teleportation, while the other pursues the stability of different spaces. There is a difference. It's pretty big.

Han Zhen opened the storage door, and the empty space in the door revealed a wavy passage, in which the standard bodies for experiments were neatly stacked, occupying all 8,000 cubic meters. It is easy to calculate how much a storage door weighs and how much space it occupies. However, eight thousand cubic meters still completely ignores the impact of weight. How much can it hold and how heavy can it be? ! The two are simply incomparable!

If you can put a million of them in the Dragon God, each of which can hold 100,000 cubic meters, how much more supplies can you bring! Looking at the storage door, Han Zhen couldn't help but fall into daydream.

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