Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 57 Tiancang Five, 100 Years of Complete Domination

Serpent Star Region.

Kuka and his team finally arrived at the battlefield where the Heroic Fleet once was, where some broken warship fragments were still floating.

He had seen the collapse of the star of Alpha Centauri several years ago, which was extremely shocking.

At this time, they had no way of knowing the situation of Proxima Centauri and Centauri.

However, they did not have the courage to go back. If the Purple Thorn Civilization won, they would just fall into a trap.

If the Civilization Federation won, then they would not be able to complete their mission.

So they could only continue to explore here...

Here, they could no longer see the existence of the [wall].

In a series of asteroids, there was only a small gyro-shaped platform with a diameter of only about 5 kilometers.

This platform was not a warship, nor was it a command vehicle. It seemed more like a giant device.

At this time, the interior of the device was empty and there was no sign of life.

"This is a coordinate anchor!"

After exploration, Kuka finally determined the function of this device.


It is constantly releasing a wave to explore the surroundings. This wave is composed of an entangled quantum, and another entangled quantum with it is stored in the anchor. It can detect all objects within a radius of 1 light year without delay.

Although quantum entanglement is truly random, this detection method is not as sophisticated as quantum communication.

It detects changes in quantum measurements. As long as a civilization passes by and observes the transmitted quantum and measures this quantum, it will destroy the quantum entanglement between that quantum and the particles in the anchor, and use this physical property to detect whether there are warships of civilization passing through the area.

This quantum anchor is equivalent to a boundary marker.

After discovering the enemy warship, it will quickly spread the message to the territory, and then continue the subsequent exploration and make continuous reports through light.

It does not seem to have the ability to attack.

It also does not have the function of releasing the [wall].

Kuka led other spaceships and fighters to approach. They did not get too close, and there was still a distance of 3 astronomical units.

But at this time, they found that their spaceships and fighters were out of control.

They flew to the coordinate anchor and began to investigate.

Then a message was transmitted in the direction of the Hundred Eyes Star.

"Could it be?"

Kuka thought of a possibility.


A few months later.

Yan Xia and Ella received the message.

"Coordinate anchor?"

"This indicates that the other party is not a rootless wandering civilization. They are likely to control a star field."

"The range of the coordinate anchor reaches a radius of 0.5 light years, which means that the number of galaxies it controls is not small."

A civilization that spans several or even dozens of galaxies.

In fact, this is easy to understand.

Level 2 civilizations can already utilize all the resources in their own galaxies. If they want to develop, they must expand.

So every Level 2 civilization may control multiple galaxies.

As a civilization that has just entered Level 2, the Purple Thorn civilization is likely to be in such an expansion stage. They pass through the Long Snake Star Field and then reach Proxima.

In other words, their original goal was the civilization in Proxima.

This can also explain why they did not destroy the Proxima civilization immediately afterwards.

After ruling Proxima, its next stop is likely to be the solar system!

If the earth is not destroyed, humans may also encounter the powerful Purple Thorn civilization later.

Ella said on the side: "According to the detection, there is only one nearby star in the direction of the coordinate anchor information transmission, Tiancang V!"

Yan Xia also learned some astronomical knowledge.

Tiancang V is a star that is more like the sun observed by humans. It has 70% of its mass, and the star system is relatively stable. It is less than 12 light years away from the sun. Except for a little heavy metal, which may be only one-third of the solar system, and the existence of a huge debris disk, it is almost impeccable.

One of its planets, Cetus Te, was once included in the category of planets that may have life and as a candidate planet for human habitation.

Cetus Te has 4 to 6 Earth masses, only slightly smaller than Proxima c.

This planet is likely to be the home of the Purple Thorn civilization.

"Send a detection spacecraft to Tiancang V."

Yan Xia decided to explore how much combat power the Purple Thorn civilization has left.

They are about 14 light years away from Tiancang V at this time. According to the maximum speed that their small spacecraft can reach at this time, it only takes 337 years to arrive.

If there are no warships of the expected scale in Tiancang V.

Then Yan Xia's next plan is to counterattack the Purple Thorn Civilization!

This is very likely, because 1,000 10,000-meter-class warships are a huge number for a level 2 civilization.

The Purple Thorn Civilization is likely to leave only a few warships in its territory.

This is a long-term plan.

Only after receiving the results of the exploration in more than 300 years can we judge and decide.

And in these 300 years, they need to redevelop the Civilization Federation.


That's it.

Another 100 years passed.

Yan Xia asked Ella to first gather all the surviving Kates and let them all arrive at the Hundred Eyes Star.

With the current size and development level of the Hundred Eyes Star, it can now accommodate 10 billion intelligent life forms.

The Hundred Eyes Star has regained its prosperity.

Kuka and his Hundred Eyes tribe also returned to the Hundred Eyes Star after spending more than 100 years in the starry sky. They were still a little dazed when they learned that the fleet of the Purple Thorn Civilization was really destroyed.

In the past 100 years, under Yan Xia's deliberate guidance, the three civilized races of the Hundred Eyes, Kate, and humans began to gradually merge. Although they have not yet reached the level of mutual love, the three have gradually become closer.

At the same time, during a period of time, Yan Xia also completed the absolute rule over the Hundred Eyes and Kate tribes.

The Kate tribe was a 1.9-level civilization before, and had the strength to compete with Yan Xia.

So although there was a cultural invasion before, in fact, the two were not essentially subordinate to each other, but a fair cooperation relationship.

After suffering a hundred years of attacks, the current Kate tribe is no longer a 1.9-level civilization, and its overall strength is now weaker than that of the Hundred Eyes.

Yan Xia would naturally not miss this opportunity.

It can even be said that this opportunity was created by him.

With the help of Ella, he had already encountered this result before the Purple Thorn Civilization blocked Proxima Centauri, and formulated a complete development plan.

In 100 years, the Hundred Eyes have recovered to 500 million, and the Kates have recovered to 3.1 billion. The first batch of humans has been destroyed with Proxima C. Now the second batch of humans has just started, with only 20,000 people.

The population began to rise, and Yan Xia also continuously sent spacecraft to collect the scattered resources of Proxima at this time.

In order to create a huge interstellar fleet.

The number of regular fleets has been built to 187 in 100 years, and the initial combat power has been restored.

With the discovery of "strings", Ella also began to use "strings".

Controlling "strings" is equivalent to controlling the foundation of the world, and "strings" can be used to form any elements that do not exist in nature.

Through this, Ella defined that civilizations in the universe have diversified from level 2, showing a hundred flowers blooming.

Any civilization can use "strings" to develop a new path and reach its peak, just like a master creating his own martial arts.

The fusion of different civilizations can extend different technological directions.

Ella's definition of level 2 civilization has further strengthened Yan Xia's determination to develop a civilization federation.

He founded the Civilization Federation, just like the trunk of a tree. Now he will grow branches, connect countless technologies, and form a huge technology tree, so that his future development direction will be broader.

After reaching Level 2 civilization.

He will start the road of civilization conquest like the Purple Thorn civilization.

This will not be too far away. What Yan Xia can see is - within 1,000 years!

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