The newly researched shield is called [Teardrop].

It looks like a teardrop. Strictly speaking, it is not a teardrop, but countless tears.

If a huge Rupert's tear-shaped shield is created, the weakness will be obvious.

Generally speaking, for the starry sky in long-distance combat, it is naturally impossible for energy to accurately hit the "tail", but as long as the enemy releases a group AOE attack, it is difficult to ensure that the dissipated energy will not affect the "tail".

This requires extra energy to protect the tail part, which is obviously not worth the loss.

And miniaturizing all Rupert's tears, making hundreds of millions of small Rupert's tears form a huge shield, and hiding the tail inside will not have this problem.

The energy used is essentially the same, but the control of electromagnetic force needs to be more refined, which is nothing for today's technological level.

Yan Xia took a look at the [Teardrop].

At a glance, he knew what Ella meant by instability.

Electromagnetic force has a characteristic that people who have played with magnets can easily imagine. If you want to make two magnets stick together, you must align the direction, the so-called opposites attract and likes repel.

[Teardrop] also encountered this situation. Generally speaking, this variable can be controlled in the number of hundreds of thousands or millions, but when the number reaches hundreds of millions, there will always be one or two "rebellious sons".

This "rebellious son" is the weakness of [Teardrop].

It may make [Teardrop] easily shattered.

"Is there no solution?" Yan Xia frowned and calculated the current magnetic strength of [Teardrop].

Ella shook her head, and her two ponytails swung.

"There is no perfect solution."

"After the teardrops are created, each small Rupert's tear has a magnetic pole. When the magnetic field is very small, it can be reversed by increasing the energy. However, when the magnetic field is too large, more energy is required to support the change of one or two of them."

"There are now 2.782 billion Rupert's tears structures in the teardrops surrounding the Tiangong, of which there are 3 reverse magnetic points. In simple data, it is necessary to provide 2 times the energy to the energy shield to make the entire structure connected as a whole."

Nothing in the world is perfect, but it can make something close to perfect as long as it can pay for another thing.

2 times the energy consumption is really not worth the loss.

Yan Xia saw on the screen that the 3 reverse points were placed behind the spacecraft, which should be able to avoid the failure of the energy shield caused by the damage of the reverse points as much as possible.

Just when Yan Xia was thinking of a solution.

Suddenly, the face of the virtual Ella changed, and then the twin ponytails spread out, and the body gradually grew, from the original loli to a white-haired queen with a cold face.

"Yan Xia, three reconnaissance ships in the front have lost contact. Through observation by other reconnaissance ships, they should have been destroyed."


How could there be an enemy in this place?

Yan Xia did not think deeply about this problem, but directly issued an order.

"Speculate the direction of attack, and all warships are in a defensive state."

"Find the enemy's coordinates, and immediately let the battleships return fire after confirming the enemy's position, and then speculate the speed of the enemy's spacecraft. If it is slower than ours, then chase it. If it is faster than ours, then use long-range over-range attack methods."

It is very difficult to determine the enemy's position in the starry sky.

Because observing the enemy requires light, sometimes it takes several minutes or even dozens of minutes for the reflected light of the enemy's warships to reach your eyes. When you see it, it means that they are no longer in their original place.

At this time, you need to predict its direction. Even if you use laser weapons, as long as the enemy is in an irregular state of motion, it will be very difficult to hit it.

So generally, interstellar wars are covered by a large amount of laser rain. No matter how clever you are, can you stay dry in the drifting rain?

22 days have passed.

Ella finally confirmed the enemy's traces, and when Yan Xia saw the appearance of the battleship, he was slightly surprised.

Isn't that the battleship of the Civilization Federation?

Whether you look left or right, horizontally or vertically, it is exactly the same as the Civilization Federation, but it is an obsolete battleship at least 1,500 years ago.

"Yan Xia, look!"

Ella sent another video, which captured a picture in the video, and then continuously optimized it, and finally turned it into a mosaic that was not so mosaic.

But at least some outlines can be seen clearly.

Yan Xia thought of this outline instantly.

"Purple Thorn Civilization?"

This is a U-shaped battleship. Yan Xia can't forget the days when he was shrouded in the shadow of this U-shaped battleship. He had to make a decision and lost billions of Kates and Proxima b.

In addition to some of the original Purple Thorn Civilization who resisted stubbornly, some became interstellar pirates and left the Civilization Federation.

In the early days of the war, when the strength of the Civilization Federation was not so strong, the war was actually a win-lose situation, so it is understandable why the Purple Thorn Civilization would have a battleship of the Civilization Federation.

Yan Xia's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Since we have encountered them, let's kill them."

"The warships of the Purple Thorn Civilization are not much slower than ours. Now that we are more than 100 AU away, there is no need to waste time chasing them."

"Ella, kill them with weapons of mass destruction."

Ella nodded.

"No problem. We just happened to have developed a new weapon recently."

"This weapon uses the Hodge conjecture that Yan Xia and Xin talked about."

"Since energy geometry can be split and reorganized as a defensive measure, can it also be used as an offensive measure?"

"There is a piece of information that Yan Xia should have noticed a long time ago."

"The splitting and reorganization of the Möbius ring traps energy in the ring, which can form an isolated system in it. Although it will soon collapse due to entropy increase, it is enough to form a weapon."

Yan Xia saw a 50-meter-diameter and 300-meter-long shell being pushed into the launch port.

The shell was fired in the gravitational ejection barrel, using anti-gravity to eliminate the acceleration effect, allowing it to reach 42% of the speed of light at the moment of launch.

"It is predicted that when the weapon reaches its position, the enemy warship should be at this coordinate, and it is now 137 astronomical units away from us. The weapon needs to fly 142 astronomical units to hit the target, 46.8 hours, and the hit rate is 97.72%."

About 3 days later, Yan Xia saw the image of the weapon hitting the target.

That was an energy diagram, and the power of its explosion covered a range of 2 astronomical units. The shape of its energy was not a Möbius strip, but a three-dimensional Klein bottle structure.

After all, the Möbius strip itself is just a ring, and it can only achieve the new effect in the concept of space. It is impossible to make energy form a ring at the real application level. After all, these energies do not involve space. In three-dimensional space, even if you enter the interior of the Möbius strip, you can run away from both sides without being trapped inside.

It can be seen that the strong magnetic force caused by the explosion sucks the surrounding matter into the three-dimensional Klein bottle structure, and then performs geometric decomposition and reconstruction to close the entrance, making it an isolated space, and the entropy increase of the isolated space causes the outer energy to be unstable, so that the entire space collapses and explodes.

The isolated space here is a space isolated by electromagnetic force, not a space in the concept of space and time.

The current Civilization Federation cannot realize such a space dimension weapon, and can only use energy simulation.

It can be understood as a closed system in thermodynamics, that is, a system with no material exchange with the outside world, but energy exchange. According to the second law of thermodynamics, this closure will have an entropy increase inside.

Energy isolation weapons use the difference in entropy between the inside and outside to create chaos, collapse energy inward, cause explosions and destroy all the internal matter.

It seems terrifying, but precisely because it is an energy simulation, the energy isolation weapon itself is not strong. It can be defended by applying a larger electromagnetic force to stretch it open or directly break it, and it can only bully small shrimps like the remnants of the current Purple Thorn civilization.

More than half a month later.

The reconnaissance ship sent by Yan Xia arrived at that area, only to see that the area was full of warship wreckage, and no one survived.

The main fleet continued to move forward.

The once terrifying existence is now just an ant that can be crushed at will in front of the Civilization Federation.

It didn't even attract Yan Xia's attention.

After half of the journey, Yan Xia also decided to enter a 2,000-year hibernation, waiting for the day to reach the Olive Branch civilization.

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