Interstellar Industrial Age

Vol 3 Chapter 319: , You're in trouble

"This only shows that you are too weak to even tickle me."

Xie Jin smiled, and then his eyes flashed coldly: "It's time for me."

After Xie Jin's right hand grabbed into the void, a golden whip appeared in Xie Jin's right hand. Xie Jin took the whip and flicked it lightly, and there was a burst of vibration in the void. Where the whip shadow passed, the void continued to break.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Navir's eyes widened again, and a thick white light appeared on his body. The white light condensed an armor on his body. The armor had complicated patterns on it, and it seemed quite extraordinary.

"Slap ~"

Xie Jin smiled slightly, and as soon as the whip in his hand flicked, the whip shadow stretched instantly, and without a slight reaction from Navier, he fell directly on him.

"Boom ~"

With a loud horror, the surrounding voids shattered, and the armor on Navier's body instantly turned into countless white light spots that shattered.

At the same time, the whole person flew back and forth in the void quickly, spitting out bit by bit of blood, the light in his eyes became dim, and the breath on his body suddenly became chaotic and languishing.

"Impossible ~ impossible ~"

"You have just entered the universe, how can you have such a terrible combat power, what is the rule of law you are practicing?"

Neville was beaten up and looked at Xie Jin in disbelief.

He practiced the prose of the light system, which is good at speed and soul. Among the many prosperity of the law, it can only be said that it is more general, similar to other common rules.

However, there are some law connotations that are very powerful, very good at attacking, and the attack power is extremely powerful. Xie Jin in front of him is probably the cultivation of these law connotations.

It was just an attack that smashed his condensed armor and seriously injured myself. As long as there is another attack, I will be completely over.

Thinking of this, white light appeared on his body, and instantly turned into a white light escaping rapidly in the void, the speed was extremely fast, just a blink of an eye flashed from one end of the starry sky to the other.

Escape ~

Without any hesitation, he would die if he didn't run away. If he died, everything would be finished.

The principle of the light system is very good at speed, so he is still confident that he can escape.

"Have you left?"

But his speed is fast, Xie Jin's speed is faster, he came right in front of Navel in a flash, and the whip was thrown in his hand, and an attack was enveloped, and Navel was enveloped in an instant.

"Quick speed ~"

Neville stopped his figure all at once. He knew that he couldn't escape at all. The other party's speed was too much, too much faster than himself, and he immediately caught up with him.

"Did he cultivate the legendary way of space?"

Soon, he thought of a possibility, and then even he himself is unbelievable, the way of space, this is a legendary thing, in the vast kingdom of God, there are countless practitioners, but never heard of who Cultivate the way of this space.

"Except for the way of space, I really can't think of any laws and connotations that can make people so powerful."

"Absolutely the way of space!"

Soon, he was very sure.

While running quickly in his mind, he was also unwilling to die like this. The white light on his body continued to emerge, and once again condensed an armor, and at the same time a pair of huge wings were spread out, wrapping himself firmly in it.

"Bang ~"

His wide wings were directly smashed by this whiplash, and the armor of his body also turned into a little white light. He flew out again, spitting blood in his mouth, and there was a crack on his body, just like a broken porcelain bottle. .

"Haha ~ I was fortunate enough to meet the legendary space path practitioner, and it wouldn't be wrong to die in your hand."

As he flew out, Neville laughed happily.

The whole person seemed to feel a sense of relief. When he actually faced death, he actually felt more at ease.

"Fortunately, I have been tired for so many years."

There was a sigh in Neville's heart. He was a servant of God. He was a warrior of God. He fought for the four sides of God. He could not see his own future, nor the future of the Wing Human Race. Perhaps death was also a good ending.

"I said you shouldn't invade our Xinghan civilization."

Xie Jin smiled, the whip in his hand flicked, and attacked and killed Naville again.

"Haha, you are in great trouble. Once people know that you have cultivated the way of space, there will definitely be countless powerful civilizations, races, and practitioners who come to trouble you. There are too many people who want to steal the way of space. Now. "

Watching Whipling come down, Neville didn't even hide, but just said aloud with joy.

There are too many and too many transmissions about the way of space.

Legend has it that the way of space is the source of all things, and the source of all other laws.

Legend has it that the practitioner who practiced the way of space is the most powerful practitioner. There is no practitioner in the same realm as his opponent, and he can easily kill people by jumping over.

Legend has it that the practitioners who truly stood at the pinnacle of the universe were all masters of the way of space. Each of them possessed extremely powerful powers, more powerful than God.

Legend has it that there are powerful civilizations and races. Practitioners are constantly searching for people who cultivate the way of space in the universe, and want to strip away their way of space, and use this to study the way of space.

In short, there are too many and too many legends about the way of space. He used to think that this is a legend, and even thought that this way of space was fake. Until today, he met Xie Jin, a newcomer The path of space practitioners can easily explode themselves as a veteran of the old universe.

He understood the power of the space and immediately knew that these legends should be true.

"Bang ~"

The whip shadow fell on Neville's body, instantaneously exploded him, turned into powder, and disappeared completely in the void.

"I'm in trouble?"

However, Xavier's words also made Xie Jin unable to keep silent. The way of space and the way of time are undoubtedly the two most powerful roads in this universe. Someone stole it.

Suddenly, Xie Jin suddenly felt that he was under great pressure. Once there are really powerful practitioners, civilizations, and races in the universe coming to the galaxy again, what should he do?

What should Xinghan civilization do?

"The boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead. Leave it alone."

"As long as I can keep getting stronger, I won't be afraid of anyone coming. If I can understand the way of time again and combine space and time."

"Hum ~ I will kill as many as I come."

Soon, Xie Jin came back to his mind and didn't bother with this matter any more. What should come will always come. The most important thing is the strength of Xinghan or his own strength.

As long as you have strong strength, who dares to move you?

At the same time, from Navier's words, it also confirmed that the path of time and space he took is a real avenue, which can lead to the highest road of the universe.

As soon as Navier died, the battle in the realm of silence became without any suspense,

Xie Jin kept flashing in the area of ​​death and silence, and the masters of the winged human races were cleaned up, and the space was successfully blocked.

On the other side, Xinghan's army is constantly carrying out space wave attacks on the Wing Humans 'army. Wave after wave of space fluctuation attacks are constantly harvesting the Wing Humans' army.

The remaining 500 winged human races of the legion couldn't last for too long. Slowly, with the fragmentation of the space, all of them remained in this void forever.

"The army of gods is over ~"

The celestial priest tightly sat down at the back of the town, but Naville had no news. The winged human army was slowly being harvested. Looking at all this, the whole person was down.

He has worked hard for many years, and has worked hard to develop the heavenless religion, to create idols, and to summon the advent of the army. He thought that he could easily spread the glory of God throughout the galaxy.

But who can know that in the galaxy there is still a powerful civilization like the Xinghan civilization, and the powerful winged human army is not their opponent. Even the Lord Neville has no news here, and it is obviously a lot of evil.

The Xinghan civilization is too powerful and terrible.

From the moment Xinghan Civilization appeared in everyone's field of view, it has been incredible how many years have passed since Xinghan Civilization has become so powerful.

"Niantianjiao will now move into underground activities ~"

Without hesitation, he immediately issued such an order.

The Xinghan civilization will soon be able to unify the galaxy, and Tian Tianjiao will be extremely difficult to survive, so he has to move into underground activities again and enter the most secret state.

He is waiting, waiting for the Star-Han civilization to unify the Milky Way, and after starting activities throughout the Milky Way, he still has the opportunity to open this powerful civilization from within the Star-Han civilization.

"Haha ~ won, UU reading we won ~"

Along with the last space wave attack, the last batch of Wing Terran army was cleaned up, and the Xinghan people all started cheering. They successfully won the battle and protected their homeland.

At this moment, everyone is cheering and everyone's face is full of smiles.

In the back garden of the Yellow Palace of the Earth, Qin Yi also breathed a long sigh of relief and won. Although he also sacrificed a lot of people and many people, he still won.

"Qin Yi, Qin Yi, the army of the Galaxy Alliance has entered the realm of silence ~"

Then Qin Yi had not been happy for a long time, and Lin Ye hurried over to find Qin Yi.

"Galaxy Alliance?"

Qin Yi moved his mind and immediately connected to the virtual world. It immediately became clear that the huge force of thousands of regiments of the Galaxy Alliance was preparing to cross the region of dead silence toward the third cantilever where Xinghan was.

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