Su Jiuli walked around the table and found nothing.

He all squatted down and looked under the table carefully, but he still didn't.

Could it be that he remembered it wrong?

Actually only five?

How can it be!

He remembered it very clearly, but he found out five nutrient solutions, plus the original extract in his hand, and exchanged for a total of six. At that time, there were also six of them that were scanned to the school alliance store.

Suddenly disappeared without seeing one. Could it be that someone came in and took it away?

Su Jiuli stood up and walked out of the room. Outside was a courtyard with flowers, plants and grasses, and a wall made of special interstellar materials, more than two meters high. In fact, according to the strength of the students of the First College, coming in effortlessly.

Someone really came in as a thief and took his nutrient solution?

Su Jiuli was puzzled. In the memory of the original owner, almost everyone avoided him. No one else had come in except Lu Tu. Moreover, there is almost nothing of value here, and there has been no such thing as losing things.

Or is the original owner only chasing Yuan and running fast, and didn't pay attention to the thief in the dormitory?

Su Jiuli went out to see if there were any clues outside the yard. When passing by a bush full of soft grass, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be movement.

He paused and walked over slowly.

The staple food of a pet sheep on this sprawling grassland owner. After that pet sheep was sent away, he didn't care about it here. Now it grows very luxuriantly, and the dense one is almost reaching his thigh.

He walked over, turned a corner and reached the corner, his eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw a white dumpling squatting on the grass, with his back facing him, his fluffy tail flicked.

He remembers that cotton grass is not only suitable as food for herbivores, but also suitable for animals to make nests.

This little guy would find a place, and secretly made a nest here when he didn't know it.

He just said, why didn't he see it just now, it turned out to be here.

Seeing that fluffy little tail flicked and flicked, Su Jiuli felt that his hands started to itch, and he walked over gently.

Just when there were three steps left in the white dumpling, the white dumpling suddenly turned around, and the round cat's pupils were full of vigilance. After seeing Su Jiuli, the hair all over his body suddenly exploded.

Su Jiuli's eyes were dyed with joy, and it turned out that Xiao Bai had come out.

Hey, how come Xiaobai looks like a big enemy every time he sees him, and he hasn't done anything excessive to him, he just wants to poke up the fluffy stuff.

Xiaobai looks like this, he has to hurry up, otherwise it will run away soon.

Su Jiuli was thinking this way. What surprised him was that the next moment Bai Tuanzi didn't run away, the little paw in front seemed to fiddle with something, and slowly fell down.

The opportunity is here.

Su Jiuli immediately squatted down and stretched out his claws to the fluffy tail.

Bai Tuanzi noticed his movements, and a pair of cat pupils stared at him firmly. The hair all over his body exploded. The cheerful tail that was originally flung stiffened first, then straightened, and then when Su Jiuli's hand was about to touch him, Pulled away extremely accurately.

Su Jiuli was surprised. He remembered that Xiaobai, a small pet cat of this type, was not good at attacking with his tail.

Xiao Bai's tail fluttered in appearance, and he was quick to catch up with him when he was agile.

You must know that he had eight tails back then. If you fight with tails, it is estimated that no one can beat him. Not only can he fight but he can also be slapped.

It's a pity, now I don't even leave one to him.

In this mood, his eyes when he saw the tail of the white dumplings became hotter and hotter, "Xiao Baibai, don't be so stingy, just let me touch it. I'll just touch it and never do anything else."

Su Jiuli feels like a scumbag who deceives an ignorant girl at this moment, although the object he faces is a fluffy dumpling.

But Bai Tuanzi didn't agree with him. It straightened its tail, the hair on it exploded, and snarled its teeth at him, "Oh!"

Obviously it means rejection.

Su Jiuli looked at its tiny fangs shining in the sun and deliberately misinterpreted, "You agree, right?"

After speaking, continue to reach out to the tail.

The owner of the tail is naturally not easy. The tail is moving, slippery, just to prevent him from catching it. There were several times when Su Jiuli was so extreme that it was almost caught by its tail. Even so, it kept lying on its stomach and did not use its two front paws to attack him. It could only threaten him by hiding and barking teeth.

Su Jiuli was originally a beast. After thinking about it, he knew what his fluffy was protecting.

He suddenly became interested, what is it that makes Xiaobai pay so much attention to?

"Xiao Bai, did you hide something behind my back?"

Bai Tuanzi seemed to move when he heard the words, and his whole body was lowered.

Seeing it like this, Su Jiuli smiled, "What are you hiding, I won't grab it from you. You let me touch it, and I can give it to you as long as I have it. How about it, let me touch it. a bit?"

Bai Tuanzi seemed to be lost in thought. He couldn't control it just now. After reacting, he ran out with the nutrient solution in his mouth. He vaguely knew that this kind of non-questioning thing was wrong. He wanted to return it, but his two paws hugged the nutrient solution tightly.

He could feel the energy in it that attracted him very much, and he couldn't control his instincts at all.

Now this person says something like this, he wants it, just let the other person touch it?

He was lost in thought.

Is it worth it?

Su Jiuli saw that his fluffy fluffy suddenly stopped gnawing, and watched the unconscious shaking at his hand, clearly seduce his own tail. He licked his lips and stretched out his hand slowly.

At this moment, the tail brushed back.

Then, Su Jiuli saw Bai Tuanzi's hind paws lift up and stretched out towards him.

Bai Tuanzi screamed at Su Jiuli, and Su Jiuli weirdly understood its meaning from its voice.

"Xiao Bai, you let me touch your little paw?" Su Jiu asked, looking at the fluffy little paw intently.

Bai Tuanzi nodded extremely coldly, and against a fluffy stupid cat face, it itched Su Jiuli intolerably.

This was the first time that his own fluffy took the initiative to let him slap, the surprise came too fast, and he quickly reached out.

He wants to touch Xiaobai's fluffy little paws, pinch his pads, and then hold the fluffy in his arms to suck!

He just touched the little guy's claws, and the little guy immediately wanted to withdraw it.

No matter where Su Jiuli was willing to let go, one person and one cat began to pull on the spot.

Su Jiuli touched the little claw, and he started to move forward, taking advantage of the little guy's time to dodge, taking the opportunity to touch it up.

Bai Tuanzi froze, then suddenly stretched out his sharp claws, "Oh!"

Su Jiuli quickly released his hand, he stepped back a few steps, and said haha: "Xiao Bai, I didn't mean it."

Xiaobai's murderous look, is it really a tiger's **** that can't be touched?

Although Xiaobai is a cat, a cat that learns how to call a tiger.

Su Jiuli was chased by Xiao Bai and ran out. He went back to get the nutrient solution, risking being caught a few more paws.

There is no way, just in the chaos just now, he received a message from Wisdom Brain.

The person who placed the order in the school alliance urged him to ship the goods.

He is now going to the mailing area of ​​the college.

Other places in StarCraft can allow robots to take the initiative to pick them up, or let their own robots send requests.

However, students are not allowed to bring robots in the college. There is a special mailing area in the college, and you need to go there by yourself.

When Su Jiuli arrived, he happened to ran into Xu Ran. He was holding a box and seemed to be sending something.

Su Jiuli is no stranger to this place in his memory, after all, the original owner often buys things back to give Yuan Meng.

Xu Ran froze for a moment when he saw him, and then his expression was not very good, "Are you still not giving up? What messy things are you planning to give Yuan Meng?"

Su Jiuli originally looked at the scratches on his sleeves and took care of him. Hearing what he said, he raised his head: "Aren't you happy when you use it? How come you turn your face and refuse to recognize people in a blink of an eye?"

Xu Ran was taken aback, he saw the eyes of the people around him starting to look over here, and he said quickly: "Su Jiuli, don't blame me."

Su Jiu chuckled, walked to Xu Ran's side, and whispered: "Is the mecha part I sent easy to use?"

Xu Ran was shocked. Only he and Yuan Meng knew about this. The part was internal and could not be seen at all. How could Su Jiuli know?

He didn't tell the other party, then it was Yuan Meng...

Xu Ran's heart suddenly became a little confused. What did he tell Su Jiuli about this matter?

Xu Ran's expression was a bit embarrassing, Su Jiuli probably knew what he was thinking.

Xu Ran is an illegitimate child brought back by the head of the Xu family. There is also an older brother above Xu Ran, and a younger brother and a younger sister below him.

Among them, the elder brother is an orc, the younger brother is a half-orc, and the younger sister is a pure human. Before he was taken back to Xu's house, he grew up in Margin Star.

He is not favored in Xu's family. Now even if he has a relationship with Yuan Meng, his family's attention, his pocket money has increased a lot, and he is far behind other brothers and sisters. For the average student, these pocket money is more than enough even if he buys some luxury accessories.

It happened that he was in the krypton gold type of mecha, and he wanted to secretly improve the wood type ability, and he also began to learn to make potions. At this stage, he was in the process of upgrading Kryptonium. Although he occasionally sold some basic potions for practice, it was difficult to recover his blood.

This means that Xu Ran at this stage is not much better than him.

Xu Ran suspected Yuan Meng at first, but it was a little impossible to think about it, so naturally he didn't want to admit, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Su Jiu let out a loud voice, "Do you know why I know? I made some small things in that part. I have a proof here. Would you like me to send it out for everyone to see?"

Xu Ran's face was pale, he didn't know whether Su Jiuli was true or not, but he didn't dare to bet.

He found that Su Jiuli gradually got out of his control after the awakening potion incident.

Counting the previous time, he had been squashed in Su Jiuli's hands for the second time.

Xu Ran grabbed Su Jiuli's arm and lowered his voice: "Su Jiuli, what do you want to do?"

Su Jiuli pushed his hand away, his expression was very disgusting.

It's not fluffy, why are you so close to him?

"The 300,000 credits of the A-level mecha parts, I will resell it to you." Su Jiuli raised his hand and sent Guangnao to Xu Ran, with a tick at the corner of his mouth: "Thank you."

One minute later, Su Jiuli was in a good mood and handed the packaged things to the robot. His optical brain balance at the moment was 80050. Xiaobai and Xueer's food expenses are available. The school alliance requires the buyer to sign for the credit to get the account. He was very worried before, after all, there are only two bags of cat food left. And this cat food is very expensive, a bag of 1,000 credits, even if his 5,000 credits arrive, he won't be able to buy much.

He didn't expect to meet Xu Ran here, and he didn't expect Xu Ran to be poorer than he thought, with 300,000 credits in installments. However, watching my balance instantly change from 50 to 80050 feels very good.

Xu Ran gritted his teeth and looked at his balance of 50, and handed the thing in his hand to another robot.

It's okay, it will be back soon. This potion has its own wood energy, which is much better than the primary mental repairs on the market.

He glared at Su Jiuli, then turned and left.

He remembered, Su Jiuli.

Su Jiuli didn't give him any more eyes, he was buying cat food for his fluffy family on the star network.

No matter what, you can't be hungry enough for his cute plush.

At this time, neither Su Jiuli nor Xu Ran who walked out found that the robot put the two packages together, and the recipient and the address on it were exactly the same.

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