Su Jiuli glanced behind him, and a group of mutant animals followed him, all kinds of things.

It's just that their size is too much different from that before the end of the world, each one swells in a circle, and some even doubles or triples.

Yes, it is the end of the world, and it has been almost ten years since the beginning of the end of the world.

After the end of the world, not only animals have changed, but even humans have also partially stimulated various abilities.

But there are more ordinary people, and now the zombies are evolving more and more, and the damage to the supernatural beings is too great. Major bases have researched the transplantation of mutant animal genes and even parts of their limbs to humans. At present, ordinary people have not succeeded, but A precedent for the success of a supernatural person.

He stopped and said to the animals behind him: "Don't follow me. By the way, you will go out less in the future. It's too dangerous outside."

Here is an endless forest, not only mutated animals, but also mutated plants. Human beings only dare to move on the periphery, not going deep at all.

He is an exception.

Because he is not human.

Su Jiuli belongs to the Qingqiu nine-tailed fox family. He has been on the Kunlun Tianshan Mountains and has never set foot in the human world. He thought he would always grow to nine tails in Kunlun. However, in the first five years of the end of the world, he who was complete with eight tails suddenly realized the opportunity for him to grow nine tails-the experience of entering the world.

Qingqiu nine-tailed clan in this era of the end of the law, although the clansmen are much less, after Daji, no nine-tailed clan has appeared in their clan.

In their generation, there are two people with good qualifications and they are expected to hit Nine Tails, one is him and the other is Su Yan.

They are divided into two categories due to their attributes, Meihu and Qinghu. Charm Fox is suitable for absorbing Yang Qi after entering the world, and Qinghu is suitable for traditional cultivation methods.

He has the attributes of water and wood, has a charming bone inside, and belongs to the charm fox. Su Yan's golden fire attribute belongs to Qinghu. Their relationship is considered to be the best among the few tribes.

However, he was not interested in absorbing Yang Qi by entering the world, so he stayed in Kunlun to cultivate until Bawei. Su Yan went down the mountain and joined the world after growing three tails.

Speaking of which, when he was at a loss, Su Yan led him into the world. After all, Su Yanzai has been in the WTO for a long time, and he mixed well. At first, he was raised by the other party.

Only after joining the WTO did he know that there are so many fun and delicious things in the human world. Food, games, and novels quickly impacted him. In just five years, he became a fox proficient in eating, drinking and playing.

He even learned to cook, especially his favorite chicken, which he has studied for a long time.

He was simply reluctant to think about Shu, and it was not until the end of the world that he completely ended his happy days.

After entering the world, he couldn't use his abilities too much. He pretended to be an ordinary superpower and mixed up until now.

Not long ago, he suddenly felt that his ninth tail seemed to be growing, and quickly looked for opportunities to leave the base.

Every time their Qingqiu clan had a tail, they had to go through Thunder Tribulation. When he had the eighth tail, the one that was chopped was called a miserable one. This is still a hundred years ago, so is his ninth tail growing too fast?

For their kind of race, the tail will take longer as they go backwards. His ninth tail counts the time since he entered the WTO. It has only been fifteen years since he entered the world. Now Thunder Tribulation is about to appear.

He had never seen the Naga Nine Tails of the tribe, and had no experience.

However, there are really Kyuubi tribesmen, and it is not his turn now. After all, suppressed by the heavens, only one of the various monsters and beasts in each world, the top bloodline, can exist.

In other words, if he succeeded in crossing the Tribulation today, then he would be the only fox with nine tails in the world.

Other foxes want to become Kyuubi unless he disappears.

Moreover, it is said that the ninth tail of their clan is their second life. It is definitely not easy for a nine-tailed fox to disappear.

Su Jiuli felt the burning sensation coming from the tail of the spine, raised his head to look at the sky and quickly gathered to Jieyun, regardless of the mutant animals behind him, he suddenly lifted his breath and left here.

This forest is not good, and the scope of the thunder tribulation is not small. It is no accident that he has ninety-nine and eighty-one sky thunders. He is looking for a barren place to cross the tribulation.

Su Jiuli ran all the way, and Jie Yun followed him and grew bigger and bigger. He did not notice that a group of people also followed Jie Yun. When they discovered that the robbery cloud had condensed above the middle of the forest, they stopped.

"Boss, shall we go yet?"

The man called the boss stared at Jie Yun, with a trace of greed and unwillingness in his eyes, "Wait a minute, it depends on the situation, there is still time."

The man who spoke was his confidant, and it was clear in his heart to see his eyes. The person in the base who had the ability of the alien beast was the opponent of their boss recently, and the opponent was obviously much stronger now. I heard that the other party's Fusion is a monster, and the robbery cloud they are chasing is also a monster. They received news that it would take several days for this monster to cross the robbery, and they could take the opportunity to sneak attack.

As long as this monster beast is hunted, their group will be strengthened by that time.

Besides, they have secret weapons.

Su Jiuli found a deserted place, and as soon as he stood still, the first thunder struck down.

He quickly changed back to his original shape, and a huge white fox as big as a small hill appeared, with eight fluffy tails moving in the wind.

The fox looked up to the sky and roared, his two fluffy ears trembled, and a thunder struck him from his head.

The fox scratched his forehead with his tail, not taking it seriously.

The power of the first robbery thunder has always been very small, and the more powerful it goes to the back, there is no need to be afraid of it now.

Su Jiuli looked down at her white and fluffy hair, the fox's eyes were bright, and she looked at the eight wagging fluffy tails behind her, she was even more happy.

He hasn't changed back to the original for a long time.

He stretched out two fox paws, hugged one of his tails, and rubbed them against the plush fox's face. The long and narrow beast pupils flashed in a blur.

Sure enough, he is still the best-looking fox in the world, and the touch of this coat color is simply not too good.

That's right, Su Jiuli is a fluff control, or a fluff control that he can't even let go of.

Not only that, before he joined the WTO, he was afraid of the fluffy on Kunlun, but he couldn't resist. After he joined the world, all of them rushed forward and shed tears of joy that they were almost bald.

Well, finally sent away this terrible big devil.

In fact, Su Jiuli just saw those strange beasts, and there were many fluffy ones that made him feel unbearable. He didn't stretch out his claws to them because he couldn't stop once he got up, and now that he is being stared at by Jie Lei, once he gets his breath, he will be treated equally by Jie Lei.

So he had no choice but to bear it.

Now, he can finally rest assured that he rubs himself and pushes himself.

As a result, Lei Jie hacked down one by one, but the big white fox underneath changed tails one after another, and the fox's face showed a strangely comfortable and intoxicated look.

Su Jiuli experienced eight or eight thunder tribulations when he was in Bawei, and now the sky thunder was like a tickle to him in the previous stage. So he took this opportunity to slap himself, because when the power of Thunder Tribulation goes up, he is afraid that he will be chopped into coke. After his eight-tailed robbery, he raised it for several years before he came back.

He felt distressed when he thought that his shiny hair would soon become what it was before.

Of course, it is also possible that he could not survive this thunder robbery, and it is even more important to slap yourself, in case it is the last time.

Su Jiuli is free to follow the path of cultivation, and always let the flow go.

He was quite calm every time he faced Thunder Tribulation, and he was no exception now.

Two days have passed, and Su Jiuli feels a little painful as he watched his hair being chopped into scorched black.

He also had pain in his body, and the later Thunder Tribulation finally began to show its power.

Su Jiuli's face gradually became solemn, and he concentrated on dealing with the thunder robbery.

The other group of people watched from a distance, and Su Jiuli couldn't notice that there was something specially made by a mysterious person to cover their breath.

Another day passed, this was the third day, and the last sky thunder was still brewing. The big white fox was exhausted now, covered in blood, a black and red mass, and looked dying.

Su Jiuli's slender beast pupils suddenly brightened, and he looked back at the spine tail, where the last tail slowly grew out.

"It's now!"

A group of people rushed up, Su Jiuli turned his head, his eyes flashed with cold light.

After reaching a certain distance, the leader took out a gun and shot Su Jiuli with a bang.

Su Jiuli used his tail to block it, but it was just a ball of light. It passed through the tail and hit the root of his new tail at a very fast speed.

Su Jiuli's slender beast pupils widened, and he watched his half-grown ninth tail be cut off before it could grow hair.

When the tail fell to the ground, Su Jiuli's eyes flashed with pain.

A truncated tail means that the crossing of the catastrophe has failed, and that there is only one way to cross the catastrophe.

He raised his head to look at Thunder Tribulation, whose pressure has increased several times in an instant, with the potential to destroy the world.

The big fox snarled up to the sky and rushed towards these people. He cultivates as he pleases, but he has always been revenge.

If these people destroy him through the robbery, then they will also take their lives to pay it back.

A group of people was shocked, and soon drowned in the thunder...

Su Jiuli recovered his human form, holding the unformed tail, and sighed, "It's a pity."

As long as he waits a few more seconds, after the tail grows, he will be able to survive the catastrophe with one more life.

Time is also fate.

He didn't have too much sadness, but suddenly wanted to eat chicken and wanted to slap the fluffy again.

But he doesn't have a good place in his body, so he can't help it. Fortunately, he had a foresight just now and was very enjoyable.

Su Jiuli's figure gradually became transparent. He touched his tail and suddenly said, "No hair, so ugly."

This was something he couldn't bear to control the fluff.

He did not notice that his tail moved slightly, and his figure gradually disappeared...

Nine years later.

The place where the Thunder Tribulation was smashed into ruins in a radius of ten miles back then has now grown a lush forest.

A young man flees here, and in the accident, he finds something that looks like a tail.

Su Jiuli only felt a sharp pain in his brain for a while, and then he didn't have any strength all over, and he felt pain everywhere.

This level of pain in the past is absolutely trivial to him who has experienced many thunder tribulations.

Now he can stand it mentally, but he seems to exceed the limit physically?

What's the matter, he is a magnificent nine-tailed fox. If it weren't for the final trick, he would have grown nine-tailed, and his body could not be so weak.


By the way, Su Jiuli remembered that he was crossing the catastrophe, because he was conspired to fail, and his soul was lost in the end. How could he still feel the pain?

Something's wrong!

He opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was sealed in a huge transparent confined space, and he could see everything outside. There are a lot of metal instruments, which look like laboratories.

He remembered that those who had conspired against him were looking for powerful monsters or alien beasts, trying to merge their genes and limbs to become stronger. Could it be that he did not die in the end and was caught and thrown into the laboratory?

He wanted to stretch his hand to break through this space, and found that he had no strength at all, and he couldn't even lift his hand.

He is too weak, weaker than ever.

Did someone in the lab injected him something?

Su Jiuli considered his situation. He had to know that the gene or limbs of beasts needed to be taken for the fusion experiment. If he stayed any longer, he might be dismembered.

Must find a way to get out.

Su Jiuli, who was in deep thought, did not notice. From the outside, it was the treatment device that trapped him. The value of the panel had been changing, and the doctor in charge of him was automatically notified to come over because of the patient's waking up.

Su Jiuli heard footsteps, and someone was approaching him.

He began to concentrate, and at the moment that the instrument was turned on, he exhausted all his strength and jumped up to accurately capture the throat of the incoming person.

One move to lock the throat!

He didn't see the faint contempt in the eyes of the man in the white lab coat. His actions were gradually replaced by surprise, "Let go!"

Su Jiuli: "Be safe, or I will break your neck."

The man snorted, "Twist it, you are a weak chicken like you, ten of them add up to twist my neck."

Su Jiuli, a fox born with excellent talents, has ever been described as a waste of firewood and a weak chicken?

He was furious and twisted with his hand.

The scene that was supposed to be **** enough to hit the code, but nothing happened.

At this time, there was a noise outside, and soon a tall man walked in, "Su Jiuli, you can wake up after taking the black market awakening medicine. It is really fateful."

Su Jiuli looked at the person's face, and his brain suddenly buzzed, as if something had exploded.

He fell straight back.

"Su Jiuli, don't pretend, according to the agreement, our marriage contract must be annulled."

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