Seeing the three of them like this, Su Jiuli smiled more and more happily with Xu Ran's face, his eyes moved back and forth over the few people, turning them into anger.

Lin Yu: "Why do you look at us like this? I won't be happy with you again."

Wang Qi: "That's right, don't look at it."

Meng Lili: "Unfamiliar."

Lu Yang: "..."

You were not familiar with it, but after Su Jiuli hooked your finger, your body habitually moved there. The muscle memory of the body is recognized, and the brain has not yet reacted, and resolutely resists Su Jiuli, who is wearing Xu Ran's skin, and there is no one.

Forget about Lin Yu, this guy has always been very nervous, and he didn't expect that the other two would be taken crooked like this.

Lu Yang helped his forehead. It's a shame to be with these guys. Would you like to stay away?

Su Jiuli teased his friends while looking at his plush in a good mood.

The long princess and Yuan Jian are standing together, they are receiving the queen.

This was the first time he had seen Yuan Meng's father. He was somewhat similar to Yuan Meng's face, but he was taller and bigger than Yuan Meng. After all, Yuan Meng was only nineteen, and the orcs were still growing at this age, both in human form and in animal form.

Looks like a good match for the princess.

Su Jiuli's eyes fell on the princess again, his narrow fox eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't understand that the harmless people who smiled at the Queen and them at this moment would suddenly act on him behind their backs.

Although he was aware of it, Xu Ran happened to hit him, and he took Xu Ran to replace him.

I don't know when the princess found out that it was not him that she had caught, but what Xu Ran's reaction would be.

Su Jiuli didn't understand why the eldest princess would arrest herself, could it be because of Yuan Meng?

If she didn't agree to Yuan Meng, why did she catch herself? Do you want to be strong?

No way?

Su Jiuli is not stupid. The eldest princess originally fell in love with the original owner when he was a child because he, as the Su family, is very likely to awaken the highly talented wood power in the future. Later, he supported the original proprietor of Yuan Meng's retreat and chose Xu Ran, all because of the wood element ability.

It is even more unreasonable to catch him now. After all, if you offend him, it will be impossible to devote yourself to Yuan Meng in the future, or even tamper with him. In this way, unless you control him, you will lose more than you gain.

Su Jiuli faintly felt that the princess must have caught him for other reasons. As for the reason, he couldn't think of it for a while.

The guild leader princess seemed to perceive his sight and looked over here.

Su Jiuli looked away, the eldest princess glanced at Xu Ran, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, and soon turned her attention back to the three queens.

She thought of Su Jiuli's marriage contract. Although she felt that her mother would not hide it from her, it was hard to tell.

Since this younger brother came back, his mother has been almost responsive to him in order to compensate him. They seemed to conceal something from her, which made her a little unhappy.

She also has a position in the military department, and the recent battles with the Zerg have avoided him perfectly.

She was a little irritable, she always felt whether they knew something.

Seeing that the mother's appearance did not seem to be fake, the expressions of the two younger brothers were quite similar, so she couldn't see anything.

She became more irritable.

She didn't like Bai Yuting's cold and invisible expression. Now that she is well, she has another younger brother, and this expression doubles her.

Bai Yuting noticed that the princess was strange, his expression remained the same. Instead, it was An Xiu, his eyes flashed clearly.

The Chonghuang bloodline has just awakened, is irritable, suspicious, cold-blooded and cruel, and is hostile to other brothers and sisters.

He had no other brothers and sisters of the Emperor’s bloodline, but the eldest princess was different. Not long after she awakened, she met herself, who had the bloodline of the Emperor. It happened that the bloodline of the Emperor was exposed, which provoked her attack in this regard. Sex.

If the blood of the insect emperor has not been forced out, and now the breath of the encounter is exposed, the other party may attack, wanting to fight and swallow him.

The eldest princess is a pure person, unlike him, who has the blood of the white tiger in her body to suppress it, it is difficult to force the blood of the insect emperor on her own.

An Xiu carefully observed the eldest princess, which is why he took the initiative to follow him this time.

The last time he saw the princess, he had found something was wrong.

The eldest princess's bloodline was activated. If he guessed correctly, her body was now ready to alienate.

Just like the orcs, the worm king also has two forms.

The eldest princess's bloodline of the insect emperor will also alienate her. Back then, his body was suppressed by the blood of a white tiger, and he was born in the form of a white tiger, so the blood of the insect king could not affect his animal form.

The princess is different. If left alone, she will soon be alienated into another form-the imperial form of the insect king.

Before, he felt that the eldest princess had just awakened, at least two or three years for the transition, and they could slowly figure out a solution.

right now……

An Xiu looked at her nails. No one could see them there, but he could already see that the nails were extremely hard, comparable to the claws of an orc, and the alienation had begun!

He hadn't expected it to be eroded so quickly by the blood of the insect emperor.

Bai Yuting looked over, An Xiu was still uncomfortable, and still winked at him.

Bai Yuting frowned slightly, and soon returned to normal.

The eldest princess didn't notice, she admired her nails from the corner of her eyes, and then glanced at Anxiu. This younger brother turned out to be an orc who continued the blood of the white tiger. She had been thinking about things for many years, and even the younger brother who had just found him was a white tiger orc, but she was a pure human. Why is it so unfair?

She sneered in her heart, animal-shaped? She will be there soon.

At this time, the eldest princess didn't know her state was known by An Xiu, and she was looking forward to the new form she was about to possess.

Now that Su Jiuli has been sent over, find some time to learn from Uncle Anni.

Thinking of this, a little smile appeared on her face, and she chatted with the queen.

On the other side, Lin Yu looked at Su Jiuli dumbfounded.

When they had a fuss for a while, they were all juggled by Su Jiuli, and after more and more details of Su Jiuli were impacted, they did not consciously get closer and closer to Su Jiuli. But I still don't believe it. Lu Yang next to the stupid couldn't stand it, and directly whispered to Su Jiuli, "Jiuli, I think with their IQ, if we don't click it, they won't be able to recognize it until tomorrow."

Hearing this, recalling everything they had just done, they finally realized that Xu Ran turned out to be Jiuli in front of their emotions!

Thinking of what they did just now, no wonder...

The three guys covered their faces, but Su Jiuli couldn't help laughing.

Did you finally react?

The three of them violently laughed at him and attacked Su Jiuli together.

This place suddenly became lively.

They had a fuss for a while, and then they were reminded by Lu Yang, and then they stopped.

In the end, their topic changed to An Xiu brought by Yi Rong and the Queen, but they were discussing it in their small group.

In terms of disguise, Su Jiuli had no secrets, and said everything he knew. As for An Xiu, he could say that he said it, but he couldn't say that he didn't mention it. They talked happily.


After the banquet, a few people hurriedly slipped away.

Su Jiuli thought that the eldest princess would release Xu Ran when she found out that she had caught the wrong person. However, he did not expect that Xu Ran had not come back and he had disappeared.

When the princess learned about Su Jiuli's return to school, her first reaction was that it was impossible.

Su Jiuli was obviously sent away by him, so how could it be possible that he was still in school.

At this time, the strangeness of the body made her ignore it. She stared at the nails in her hands that could gradually change the length of her nails at will. She felt the rapid alienation in her body and the sensation of power surges. She raised her head and closed her eyes. This feeling was really intoxicating.

Strength, strength, strength!

What she needs is such a huge power.

Not enough, not enough.

Under her inner desire, she even used the wood powers in her body to stimulate the bloodline of the Cult Emperor. The alienation accelerated again. When she opened her eyes, her pupils turned into vertical pupils, and a bloodthirsty cold light flashed.

This situation continued for a few minutes, and the eldest princess recovered.

She clenched her fists, clenched and loosened them.


On the other side, the father and son in the palace are discussing the princess.

An Xiu: "Her state will soon be alienated by visual inspection."

Bai Yuting: "How long is the fastest?"

An Xiu: "Within three days, it's best to take measures as soon as possible. After the alienation starts, with her pure body, the possibility of bleeding is zero."

Emperor: "It's not too late, let her enter the palace."

An Xiu: "Forced extraction is not advisable. I have to let someone develop an inhibitor first. I have a prescription for the preparation of the drug. You can find someone to come over. It will take a day to make it."

The eldest princess entered the palace, and she didn't know what her father suddenly asked for. She walked in the palace, feeling inexplicably anxious. She walked around and passed the clan house of the Baihu clan. Recently, the blood of Chonghuang has been boiling in her body, and her five senses have become more sensitive. She obviously felt the faintly remaining aura of Bai Yuting's animal shape in the clan that she hadn't been to for a long time.

Her brother is usually busy with his feet not touching the ground. What did he do when he went to the clan house? And this breath has been here in the past two days.

The eldest princess did not hesitate too much, she walked in slowly.

After entering, she scanned her gaze again, and finally fell on the genealogy.

She walked over, picked it up and flipped directly to the latest, a pink plum print that occupies half a page fell in her eyes. She was taken aback for a moment, and finally fixed her eyes on the words Su Jiuli in Bai Yuting's spouse column.

The princess came out of the clan with a blue face, and it didn't take long before she ran into someone who came looking for her.

She followed the man and found that she was not in her father's study, but in the medical room of the palace.

She suddenly became vigilant, why did she bring her here?

The eldest princess is not stupid, the blood of the insect emperor in her body is rolling, and the blood seems to be resisting her entry. She realized that it was wrong, turned and left.

Soon the way forward was blocked, her father stood in front of her, "Long'er, it seems that you have noticed it. It's just that the blood of the insect emperor in your body must be removed."

The eldest princess: "Father, I don't know what you are talking about? I suddenly remembered that something was going on at home, so I'm going back now."

How could it be possible to remove the insect emperor's bloodline that she finally got? Give her a few more days, and she will succeed in alienating and get the animal shape and powerful power she has always wanted. No one is allowed to stop her!

Seeing that the pupils of her eyes had turned into vertical pupils because of excitement, the emperor's eyes condensed, and when he lowered his head, he saw her nails grow out and become sharp and reflective.

She has reached this point and can't let her go on like this.

After all, the strength of the eldest princess was invincible, and she was quickly subdued. She watched the pale green liquid pushing her body through the syringe, and the unwilling anger in her eyes turned into hatred.

Su Jiuli turned into a little fox cub and sneaked in to look for his fluffy house. He followed his breath to find this place, just in time to see the gaze that the princess finally fell on his fluffy house.

This obvious malice caused the silvery-white ball of hair to explode and gnawed at the princess.

He wants to bite!

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