Feeling the coolness of the other party's fingertips falling on his forehead, Su Jiuli grabbed it with his backhand and put his face in his palm and rubbed it. After a pause, his gaze wandered over the opposite man, who also let him look at him, letting him rub.

After Su Jiuli hugged the man's slender and strong hands for the third time, he hesitated, and finally yelled softly, "Xiao Bai?"

After Bai Yuting's deep eyes heard these words, the ink inside dispersed a little and nodded, "I'm here."

Su Jiuli moved for a while, staring at those familiar eyes in a daze, pulled the opponent's slender fingers slightly hard, and said, "Da Bai?"

The ink color in Bai Yuting's eyes seemed to be a bit richer, and a deep magnetic voice sounded in Su Jiuli's ear, "It's there."

Su Jiuli suddenly raised his head, and with the help of the opponent's hand, he slammed into Bai Yuting's arms.

Bai Yuting straightened his waist and steadily caught someone rushing over like a small cannonball, but the huge impact caused by the opponent's complete lack of control made his body move slightly.

Su Jiuli hugged the opponent's waist, sat up on her knees, and leaned toward Bai Yuting's handsome face. The distance between the two of them narrowed a little, getting closer and closer.

Su Jiuli approached, Bai Yuting did not hide, just indulging the opponent's behavior.

As the distance between the two shrinks, gradually their lips are only one finger away, and the other's breath has a tendency to converge.

At this time, Su Jiuli released the hand that was holding Bai Yuting's waist, and Bai Yuting's insignificant aroused a little.

Su Jiuli didn't notice, he moved his hands up, hugged Bai Yuting's face from both sides, his face moved up, staring at the deep eyes of the other party.

These eyes changed under the influence of the master. When Dabai and Xiaobai switched, the color of the eyes would be slightly different. Looking at it now, at first glance it looks the same as before, but he sees Da Bai and feels Xiao Bai's existence in it.

With these deep and ink-stained eyes, he let go of his hand, stretched his fingers over, and lightly touched the other's eyelashes, he leaned over and kissed him actively.

Su Jiuli called out in person, "Da Bai."

Bai Yuting answered, "Yes."

Su Jiuli kissed again, "Xiao Bai."

Bai Yuting: "Yes."

Su Jiuli kept changing and shouting for a while, and Bai Yuting just indulged him, shouting and responding once.

Until Su Jiuli finally stopped, he hugged Bai Yuting's neck, leaned his head on his shoulder, looked sideways at his fluffy earlobe, and licked his lips unconsciously, "Then I will be called Dabai or Xiaobai from now on. Okay?"

Bai Yuting changed his posture to make Su Jiuli more comfortable, "As you like."

Su Jiuli blinked his fox eyes. After hearing the answer, he approached his fluffy ears, opened his mouth to the cold earlobe, and gnawed up. He answered vaguely: "Then it depends on my mood to shout."

Bai Yuting's whole body shook, and a warm touch came from his earlobe. The other's small fangs were still gently grinded on it, and the slight tingling was tingling like an electric current. He didn't move, it's just that the muscles of his whole body gradually tightened, and there was a touch of forbearance in his eyes.

At this time, the tip of the opponent's tongue at the earlobe... his eyes suddenly filled with a large amount of ink, he hugged the opponent's waist and tightened, and took a deep breath, "Don't make trouble."

Su Jiuli hadn't eaten enough at this time, so he was willing to stop. He hummed a vague and perfunctory reply to his own plush, while continuing to nibble.

Bai Yuting had no choice but to let Su Jiuli mess with him.

Su Jiuli was finally satisfied, and chuckled lightly when he saw the fluffy with tight muscles. Leaving the other party's red earrings at this time, slowly went down and kissed the other party's slender neck.

Bai Yuting hugged the person's hand tighter, and he saw Su Jiuli's long and narrow fox eyes. At this moment, the tail of the eyes was faintly scarlet, and his eyes were slightly blurred. He was looking at him, as if with Like a hook.

He just felt like he was being struck by something in his heart, it was crisp and itchy, and there was heat rising from the tail of his spine.

When Su Jiuli saw him like this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he leaned on his neck again, and breathed a sigh of relief at the **** Adam's apple.

Bai Yuting's Adam's apple rolled up and down. Seeing Su Jiuli about to move up, he finally couldn't hold it back, and pulled the person back up.

Su Jiuli only felt a whirl of the sky and the earth. He was lying on the bed and raised his eyes to meet those extremely dark and heavy eyes that did not know when they became deep, as if two fires were burning inside, and as if they were invisible. The whirlpool at the bottom wanted to swallow him completely.

Dabai at this moment is undoubtedly very dangerous, but Su Jiuli is not afraid at all, he still feels that the fire is not big enough. The tail behind him stretched out quietly, one wrapped around the opponent's waist, the other leaned into the opponent's clothes, and the other began to quietly unbutton the opponent.

The movements are extremely proficient, all in one go.

Moreover, Su Jiuli took the initiative to hug Bai Yuting's neck and nibble on the Adam's apple.

He hasn't forgotten that he was planning to tear down his fluffy house not long ago.

Now I heard three times in a row what his Fluffy said through Baihuyin, and I was even more active.

Even if it can't be pushed down, it's better to take advantage of it. In particular, he found that he particularly liked the fluffy look of his own provoke that he obviously felt but forbearing.

This body is only eighteen, and his fluffy family always thinks he is small. But he is an adult, isn't he? Calculating the time, the original owner’s birthday was in spring, and now it is almost winter. In other words, he is almost nineteen, and his fluffy family still thinks he is small.

Su Jiuli is full of resentment, is he not young anymore?

Besides, his age inside is the same age as Su Yan, even though he has nine thousand years of spirit that has been nurtured by his family's bones and tails.

Su Jiuli thought of this, his fluffy family was only ninety-nine years old, so he thought he was young?

Thinking of it, is this an old cow eating tender grass?

And it's still the former... the former is the old man.

Su Jiuli thought, amused by herself.

Then he finally stopped, Bai Yuting breathed a sigh of relief, he lowered his head to meet Su Jiuli's eyes, but this time he looked at his own eyes a little weird.

Can it be weird? Because at this time, Su Jiuli looked at him with the eyes of tender grass.

Su Jiuli looked at his "tender grass", thinking about finding a chance to eat it next time when he waited for his brutality in estrus.

But now one thing is very important.

He reached out and touched the position of the white tiger mark on his chest, and the fox's eyes suddenly lit up surprisingly.

His fluffy confession is really...

Obviously, he could tell him in person, but passed the white tiger seal.

Thinking of the fluffy voice from Bai Huyin, his heartbeat speeded up a bit unconsciously, beating bang bang bang.

He looked up at the handsome face in front of him, reached out and hugged him, leaned over and kissed the other party's cheek, while the other party was stunned, and then printed on the thin, beautifully-lined lips.

"I like you too."

It is not only because of the confusion during the estrus period, and not only because he mistakenly thought that he liked the plush that suits him best, but because he really wanted to be together forever, and the hormones attracted each other. The kind of love among lovers.

He fell in love with his plush. That's why he would do such a thing when he knew that Xu Ran coveted his fluffy family. He didn't like others to touch his Dabai, and even, he faintly felt that there was no estrus period in his previous life because he was activated because he liked Dabai.

He is pleased that his fluffy family also likes him. No matter Xiao Bai, Da Bai with amnesia, or Da Bai now, all secretly said the same thing through Bai Hu Yin.

He looked at the rolling look of his furry ink pupils, blinked a fox eye, and in the next second he saw the magnified handsome face, and the breath of the two gradually converged...

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

In the past three months, the Empire Federation and the Zerg were still anxious, and a large number of biological mechas of Grade A and above appeared on the Zerg side. Even ordinary Zerg soldiers wearing this mech have become in contrast. Elite soldiers. This kind of Zerg soldiers who are forcibly piled up by equipment, although they can't beat the soldiers above the Empire and the Federation A mech or above, are very unfriendly to the ordinary soldiers underneath.

So in response to the empire and federation's attack, the Zerg can be considered evenly matched.

Therefore, both the Empire and the Federation have doubts about the large number of Zerg's biological mechas. There are not many biological mechas. A man like Zerg is simply outrageous. Moreover, it has been improved so that the Zerg of low-level physique can also be controlled.

Among the three camps, let alone others, they still understand each other's details. Obviously, Zerg’s biological mechas have different origins, and it seems to have suddenly appeared. Moreover, according to the mecha disintegration research conducted by the captives, no matter the material or the model, it is not the series of biological mechas currently appearing on the interstellar. This is more like a series coming out of thin air. What's even more outrageous is that most of the mecha constituent materials are only in the interstellar realm, and the same material cannot be found.

Su Jiuli looked at the receiver that Meng Lili and his father had made earlier, and the fluctuations appeared again. Unfortunately, it has been three months and the reader has not been developed yet.

At this time, Meng Lili rushed out and said excitedly to Su Jiuli: "It's successful."

Su Jiuli was taken aback, and then became happy, "Really?"

Meng Lili took Su Jiuli into the R&D room, where besides his father Meng Hai, there were several people who were studying together.

Su Jiuli received everyone's attention as soon as he entered. There is no way, Su Jiuli has been supplying frontline mental repair agents in the past few months, just letting the Zerg creature mecha army gritted their teeth. There are not so many high-level Zergs in the Zerg army, and the middle and low-level Zergs are inferior to the high-level Zergs in all aspects. However, if they leapfrog the biological mechas, they naturally need to consume more mental energy and physical energy. In other words, they are almost not lasting and belong The kind of man who wilts after X minutes. So they all rely on short-term explosive power to attack wildly, and the sooner they end the battle, the better. However, with the repair agent provided by Su Jiuli, not only the mental strength but also the physical strength was restored. So the Empire Federation side can't beat the opponents wearing **** costumes, but they can't afford it.

This is also the source of countless red wine glasses that Anny crushed after seeing the battle report.

Obviously they were all planned and succeeded by seeing them, but Su Jiuli happened to appear.

Sure enough, he deserves to be the man in the prophecy of Tianji Chong, who has been doing bad things for him. Because of him, Bai Yuting, who was supposed to be missing, is still there, Xiu'er was supposed to be on his side, and now because he returned to the empire. There are also Yuan Meng and Xu Ran who are the sons of luck, but they are still the same now.

Anni can't wait to go back to the past and wipe out the roots.

However, he still has a way. He looked at the moving receiver next to him, took out the reader, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

At the same time, Su Jiuli took Bai Yuting and An Xiu, both looking at the receiver, waiting for the information to be interpreted after the signal.

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